BrahmaVidya - A Unique Yoga System

Brahmavidya ( literally means the "Divine Knowledge") is a unique Yoga system of spiritual breathing exercises and meditation. Diligent practice of Brahmavidya will give you guaranteed health and success. Brahmavidya teaches you laws of life and breathing exercises to achieve better health. It is a Science of Life teaching human beings the spiritual laws of life. These spiritual laws operate in human life through breath and thought. With the technique of breathing exercises you will precisely gain what you want in life. Brahmavidya is flexible enough to allow all the age groups above 10 to practice it. All the Breathing Exercises are easy to learn and practice it on daily basis.

Brahmavidya is taught and propagated by Brahmavidya Sadhak Sangh (India) which is a service-oriented organisation formed in 1997 to spread the knowledge of the unique methods of Brahmavidya. It is duly registered with the Government of India as a Charitable Trust. The Vision, Mission and the Objective of the Sangh are:

VISION: Physical, Mental and Spiritual development of the entire human race.

MISSION: To promote, to preach and to teach the unique system of Brahmavidya.

All the teachers, volunteers and students work for the Sangh in spirit of Service without any remuneration. The donation collected for various courses is used by the Sangh for promoting Brahmavidya. The course is taught by dedicated, selfless teachers and they are very inexpensive (at a very minimal price, almost free). There are various levels of courses. The basic is the first step to this wonderful world of spiritual science.

For more details please visit their website 

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