Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts


Ho-o-ponopono is an ancient Hawaiian practice of forgiveness and reconciliation. Ho-o-ponopono is a Hawaiian word that means 
  • Correction
  • Mental cleansing 
  • To put things in order or place 
Traditional Hawaiian healers have been practicing traditional Ho-o-ponopono  for members of the community.  However modern versions are performed within the family by a family elder, or by the individual alone. Hawaiians believe that the sins of the father will fall upon the children. If a child is sick, the parents are suspected of quarreling or misconduct. In addition to sickness, social disorder could cause sterility of land or other disasters. Harmony could be restored only by confession and apology.

In 1976 Morrnah Simeona, regarded as a healing priest adapted the traditional Ho-o-ponopono of family mutual forgiveness to the social realities of the modern day. So this practice can be followed to solve a general problem  outside the family and can also be done individually as a psycho-spiritual self-help rather than group process. 

Ho-o-ponopono is about looking within ourselves for debts, errors or blocks in our subconscious mind that replay as problems, judgments, putdowns and all kinds of other problems. It is believed that when we say sorry it is taking 100% responsibility for whatever is going on in our lives. Chanting mantras and asking for forgiveness is the way where we are accepting that the problem is within us. We pray to the Almighty to convert our  unpleasant memory, debt, block, problem to nothing. When the Divine converts the block or memory to nothing, we return back to our original state, which is Zero or clarity. Only in the clarity state we can get inspiration and whatever is perfect for us. When we will look inside of ourselves, only then we be able to solve the world's problem.

When we do  Ho-o-ponopono, we ask the Divine to remove the faults from our subconscious mind and soul. When we bring peace to us, only then we will be able to bring peace in the world. We need to work on the way we perceive people all around us on a daily basis.  Ho-o-ponopono corrects, restores and maintains good relationships among family members and with their gods or God by getting to the causes and sources of trouble. Usually the most senior member of the family conducts it. He or she gathers the family together. If the family is unable to work through a problem, they turn to a respected outsider.

The process begins with prayer. A statement of the problem is made, and the transgression discussed. Family members are expected to work problems through and cooperate, not "hold fast to the fault". One or more periods of silence may be taken for reflection on the entanglement of emotions and injuries. Everyone's feelings are acknowledged. Then confession, repentance and forgiveness take place. Everyone releases each other, letting go. They cut off the past , and together they close the event with a ceremonial feast which is  symbolic of the release.

Learn Ho-o-ponopono from a reliable source in your locality. You can also learn it online through courses offered by Ho-o-ponopono practitioners. It is simple and easy to learn. Do try Ho-o-ponopono and see positive changes in your and your family's life.

10 Safe & Useful Ayurvedic Tablets to Replace Allopathic Pills (Instant Relief)

Fit Tuber is a YouTube channel by Vivek Mittal wherein he shares wonderful tips and solutions on health, fitness and general well being. 

Allopathic medicines, as we all know, cause various side effects whereas Ayurveda is a natural healing system and doesn't cause side-effects. In this video, Vivek shares with you 10 Ayurvedic Alternatives to the most commonly used Modern Medicines. For this video, he went through various classical ayurvedic scriptures and also consulted Ayurvedic practitioners and even modern medical doctors to bring across the most authentic information to you. While selecting the Ayurvedic pills, his main criteria has been how common  the issue is faced in day to day life, how straightforward its Ayurvedic solution is and of course the medicine should be safe for all body types. 
  1. When we are down with sore throat, cold or cough, we often look for instant relief with Vicks, Strepsils or Cofsil tablets. Next time try the natural Ayurvedic Alternative - Kanth Sudharak Vati
  2. Stomach ache issues? Do you often face bloating in the stomach due to gas? Here is an effective Ayurvedic tablet to try- Gandhak Raj Vati
  3. Do you suffer from diarrhoea time and often? Do keep this safe and natural ayurvedic Churan/tablet handy with you - Bilwadi Churan (powder form) or  Bilwadi Vati (tablet form).
  4. Suffering from fever? Instead of using the regular crocin or paracetamol tablets, try this classical ayurvedic tablet.- Mahasudarshan Ghanvati
  5. Headaches have become quite normal. Instead of Saridon, try this Ayurvedic tablet which is especially formulated to get rid of headaches- Shirshuladi Vati 
  6. Do you suffer from constipation? Here are a few very effective ayurvedic tablets and oils for faster results. - Triphala Guggul or Castor Oil.
  7. Do you suffer from excessive sneezing, headache or often cold and cough due to sinus problem? This Ayurvedic tablet is what you should opt for - Laxmi Vilas Ras 
  8. Do you suffer from acidity? Instead of the regular Gelusil antacid, try Ayurveda's this classical herbal mineral medicine.- Kamdhudha Ras.
  9. When you suffer from blocked nose, cold or congestion in the chest area, instead of using the usual Vicks VapoRub, try this Ayurvedic oil like concoction. Amritdhara or Divyadhara ( manufactured by Patanjali Company) 
  10. If you often suffer from body pains, nerve pains or muscle pain, you should have this Ayurvedic tablet handy with you- Vatganjankush Ras
Here is the video wherein Vivek shares all details:

Detoxify Yourself with Triphala

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian medical science which is based on herbs and plants based remedies. It has no side-effects if followed under an expert Ayurvedic physician. It has many general formulations that can be consumed by people on need basis.

One such remedy is Triphala. Triphala means "three fruits" in Sanskrit. It has following three fruits:
  1. Amla- Indian Gooseberry - (Emblica officinalis)
  2. Bibhitaki - (Terminalia bellirica)
  3. Haritaki -  (Terminalia chebula)
The above three constituents are dried, powdered and mixed in equal proportion to make Triphala powder.

Triphala is highly beneficial and safe in keeping your colon clean. Every night, before sleeping, consume 1 to 3 teaspoons of Triphala powder with a glass of warm water. This will help reduce constipation, abdominal pain and flatulence and improve the frequency and consistency of bowel movements. Also it will  reduce intestinal inflammation and repair intestinal damage. Triphala is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women and should not be administered to children.

Ayurveda uses Triphala powder to support healthy respiratory, cardiovascular, urinary, reproductive, and nervous systems. Triphala has also been shown to be a powerful antioxidant, protecting cells from the damaging effects of free radicals. 

Daily consumption of Triphala powder aids in removing plaque from blood vessels. Its anti-inflammatory activities lower the strain on blood vessels, ensuring smooth blood flow and circulation. 

Triphala powder promotes healthy eating habits and cravings by supplying the body with the full spectrum of natural tastes. By promoting healthy absorption and assimilation of nutrients, Triphala keeps the body feeling properly nourished and balanced.

Today's fast paced life causes various digestion and elimination issues. Consumption of junk food clogs your digestive system and fills your body with toxins. Triphala powder will help you to deal with this problem by gently cleansing your system. 

It is important to remember that modification of lifestyle and food habits is very important for sustained health. Triphala will help you detoxify your system. So don't think you can eat anything you like and let Triphala take care of the problems. Your health is your own responsibility more than anyone else's. 

Triphala should not be taken by pregnant and lactating women. Also people with diarrhoea, dysentery problems too should avoid consuming Triphala.

By and large, Triphala is a safe remedy for detoxification. It is not expensive and easily available. Try giving it a shot and see the benefits.

Dr. V Mohan - Diabetologist

Diabetes - Jupiter Knowledge

Dr. V. Mohan is an Indian diabetologist. He is the Chairman and Chief of Diabetology at Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre, which is an IDF Centre of Excellence in Diabetes Care. 

Dr. Mohan has been delivering care to patients with diabetes across the country via its centres and tele-medicine. He has trained thousands of diabetologists in India and other developing countries. He is ranked amongst the top 2% of scientists in the world and the top scientist in India in the field of Endocrinology & Metabolism as per Stanford University Global Ranking.

Mohan completed his undergraduate (MBBS) and postgraduate medical education (MD, General Medicine) from Madras Medical College, Chennai, India. He was awarded a PhD and later a Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) by thesis for his research on diabetes.

Mohan’s activities cover a wide range of clinical services, training and education, rural diabetes services and charity, research and public education and activities on diabetes.

Mohan and his late wife Rema Mohan subsequently established their own diabetes centres under the name of "Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre". He and his colleagues currently oversees a chain of 50 diabetes centres across 8 states of India and have over 560,000 registered diabetes patients at these centres.

Mohan has started several training courses for diabetes. This includes a two-year Fellowship in Diabetology for medical doctors with an undergraduate degree and a one-year Post Doctoral Fellowship in Diabetology for those with a post-graduate degree in Internal Medicine. 

He and his colleagues screened a population of over 50,000 people in 42 villages  in Tamil Nadu in south India and provided free diabetes treatment to hundreds of patients through this service. He also provides free treatment to a large number of diabetic patients along with the Sri Sathya Sai Organization, Tamil Nadu through 3 free diabetic clinics. Mohan is a follower of Sathya Sai Baba and a member of Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust.

Mohan has received several awards, including the Padma Shri National Award by the Government of India for his accomplishments in the field of diabetology.

Dr. V Mohan has Youtube channel dedicated to Diabetes care and tips for health.

Here are few videos of his channel. Watch these videos and get valuable information towards healthy life.

What is Access Bars ?

Access Conciousness is a alternative medicine organization that was founded in 1995 by Gary M. Douglas. It purports many non-specific benefits such as wakefulness and weight loss that can be gained through their special head massages, electromagnetic activation of chakra-like "bar points". They offer many books, video and physical classes, memberships and accessories. According to its founders, it is now practised in 173 countries by more than 10,000 trained facilitators. Though only a fraction of those are in India, the numbers are growing rapidly, mostly women.

Access Consciousness – informally called just ‘Access’ – is a kind of new-age thought movement originating in the US, the aim of which is “to create a world of consciousness and oneness, where everything exists and nothing is judged”. Part of the process is Access Bars (or just ‘Bars’), a kind of non-invasive energy healing modality that uses a set of 32 points on the head which, when lightly touched, are said to “stimulate positive change in the brain, release physical and mental blocks stored in the body, and help facilitate greater ease in all different areas of life,” according to the founders.

These points contain all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, and considerations you have stored. This is an opportunity for you to let go of everything! Benefits of Access Bars are numerous. Hundreds of thousands of people have used Access Bars to change many aspects of their body and their life, including sleep, health and weight, money, relationships, anxiety, stress, and so much more.

Access Bars can feel like hitting the delete button on your computer’s cluttered hard drive. Things like negative thought patterns, or that endless mental chatter keeping you awake at night, can be released and make space for the calm you’ve been seeking.

Having your ‘Bars run’ (receiving a session) is relaxing and peaceful; imagine the after-effects of a great massage or walk in nature. At best, you can feel a sense of total ease, unlike anything else, that starts to change your whole life.

Click on the link below which is the official website of Access Bars

Dr. Hansa Yogendra - Director of The Yoga Institute in Mumbai

Dr. Hansa Yogendra (born 1947) is an Indian yoga guru, author and researcher and TV personality. She is director of The Yoga Institute in Mumbai, founded by her father-in-law Shri Yogendra. She holds a degree in Law from the Government Law College, Mumbai. She received a PhD. from The Open International University for Complementary Medicines in February 2018.
She hosts a YouTube Channel called The Yoga Institute. The link is given below.

There are many wonderful videos on wellness and general life which are short and simple. Dr. Hansa herself presents the contents. One can watch these videos in leisure time and gain valuable information and tips to lead a happy and healthy life.

Below are certain topics covered in her channel.
  1. How to detox your intestine (colon) through natural home remedies? 
  2. Simple home remedies to prevent hair loss 
  3. Yoga to Cure Sinusitis Problems
  4. Yoga & You: How to stop negative thinking
  5. Mistakes to avoid while drinking water 
  6. Pranayamas to relieve acidity
  7. Simple home remedies to prevent hair loss
  8. 5 Best Mudra's for Total Wellness
  9. The Right Position to Sleep Peacefully at Night
  10. Best Tips to Get Rid of Piles Permanently 
There are many other topics on various problems that are covered beautifully by Dr.Hansa. Do visit the channel and enrich your life with right knowledge and its application.

Green Tara Mantra

Mantra Chanting brings immense spiritual and physical benefits. Mantra is basically a series of words which helps release certain powers within you on chanting the same as per the prescribed process. It can help you attain your spiritual goal and also can be used for physical, mental and emotional health purposes. Mantras originated in the Vedic tradition of India, becoming an essential part of the Hindu tradition and a customary practice within Buddhism, Sikhism, and Jainism. Its literal translation would be "instrument of thought". 

Here I specifically recommend chanting of Green Tara Mantra as practiced by Buddhists. During the Corona pandemic, His Holiness the Dalai Lama — when asked for spiritual advice on the pandemic — suggested that chanting the Green Tara mantra could be helpful.

Tara is a female Buddha. She is the Goddess of compassion and the Mother of liberation. She manifests Her various energies as per Her colors. Green is the universal color of healing, regeneration, and growth. It is also the color of vibrant energy and activity. Green Tara therefore manifests healing energy, vibrancy, playfulness and activity.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama mentioned this about Tara:

"There's a true feminist movement in Buddhism that relates to the Goddess Tara…She vowed, 'I've developed bodhicitta as a woman. For all my lifetimes along the path I vow to be born as a woman, and in my final lifetime when I attain Buddhahood, then, too, I will be a woman."

Heal and rejuvenate yourself by chanting the Green Tara Mantra. 

The Mantra is " Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha".  

It means “I prostrate to the Liberator, Mother of all the Victorious Ones.” 

By chanting the Green Tara Mantra, we invoke Tara's power and grace to  protect us from danger, fear and bring within us compassion and selflessness. 

Guidelines for chanting Green Tara Mantra:
  1. Have a bath and wear clean washed clothes
  2. Make an altar with a picture or statue of Green Tara
  3. Light an oil lamp and incense to the Mother. Offer Her some fresh flowers.
  4. Sit in front of the altar on a mat. Don't wear shoes.
  5. Silently say a small prayer to Green Tara for blessing you
  6. Start chanting the Green Tara Mantra. You can do soft chanting or do it mentally.
  7. Chant at least 108 times. You can choose to chant more if you wish. But do it in multiples of 108.
  8. Do the above process at least once a day. You can do it 3 times a day too ( morning, afternoon and evening).
  9. Ideally do the mantra chanting everyday at fixed time
  10. Chant with devotion in your heart. Mechanical chanting should be avoided
  11. Surrender yourself to Green Tara and seek refuge in Her
Eventually, after some days you will start seeing the benefits. You will become calmer, happier and stronger than before. Do not stop the practice after you get benefits. Keep following it to sustain the benefits and blessings of Green Tara.

VYASA - The Magnificient Yoga Institution in India

There are many Yoga institutions all over the world. Often people get confused in selecting a good one to learn and practice Yoga. We bring to you information on VYASA which is a very credible and wonderful Yoga institution based at Bangalore, India. If you are interested in learning Yoga or want treatment of diseases or health problems through Yoga, then you must read the below details.

Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana or VYASA is a registered charitable institution (1986) working for making Yoga as a socially relevant Science. Based on the teachings of Swami Vivekananda the four streams of Yoga with unity in their diversity, the key essence of Indian culture, applications of Yoga to bring health, harmony, peace the world over are now spread across the globe in nearly 30 countries.

The mission of VYASA is to combine the best of the East (Yoga and Spiritual lore) with that of the West (modern scientific research). 

Taking into the performance of this Institution in conducting Short Term and Long Term Courses on Yoga S-VYASA is named as a Deemed to be University in India. S-VYASA, the acronym of Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana is a unique Yoga University translating the vision and teachings of Swami Vivekananda to action through academic higher education programs. It is also the First ISO 2001:2008 Certified Yoga University.

S-VYASA is dedicated towards Yoga Research and Yoga Therapy. It has successfully published 284 research papers which have all been indexed in PubMed/Medline. S-VYASA has carried itself as a Centre of Advanced Research (CAR) in Yoga and Neurophysiology accredited by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR).

S-VYASA is also supported by one-of-its-kind Yoga Therapy Research health Home with a 250-bed inpatient treatment facility called Arogyadhama run by VYASA. This is essentially envisioned to prevent and treat modern non curable diseases, long-term rehabilitation and to promote Positive Health.

S-VYASA now has 114 PhDs, 51 MScs and over 410 students in various branches. It has so far produced 25 PhDs and 21 MDs from our University. S-VYASA and VYASA have their campus 30 Kms away from the center of Bangalore. The campus is called Prashanti Kutiram, the Abode of Peace. Lying in the lap of nature amidst greenery, the campus lies sprawling over 100 acres. The campus is about 14 Kms from the bountiful Bannerughatta National Park.

S-VYASA has an exhaustive Yoga Library with a good collection of 15000 books, videos and books. the digital library has a few thousand on-line journals. S-VYASA has, over the years, standardized such Advanced Yoga techniques as CM (Cyclic Meditation), PET (Pranic Energisation Technique), MSRT (Mind Sound Resonance Technique), MEMT (Mastering the Emotions Technique), MIRT (Mind Imagery Technique), VISAK (Vijnana Sadhana Kausala) and ANAMS (Anandamrita Sincana).

VYASA is efficiently run by two Yoga luminaries namely Dr. H Nagendra who was a scientist at NASA, USA and Dr.(Mrs) Nagratna who has done M.D in Allopathy.  They are siblings and are totally devoted to the cause of serving humanity. 

All your Yoga related requirements will be fulfilled at VYASA.

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9 Delicious Vegan-Friendly Dinners

Vegan food is the new age mantra for physical and mental health. It is not at all difficult to switch to vegan diet as there are too many delicious and healthy vegan recipes available on the net. Below video gives 9 delicious vegan-friendly dinners. Try these out and see for yourself how easy it is to become vegan forever !

A Beautiful Mind (2001 film)

How many of you have heard about Game theory ? I am sure very few know about it. Game theory has a wide range of applications, including psychology, evolutionary biology, war, politics, economics, and business. Despite its many advances, game theory is still a young and developing science. John Forbes Nash Jr. (June 13, 1928 – May 23, 2015) was an American mathematician who made fundamental contributions to game theory. John Nash is the only person to be awarded both the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences and the Abel Prize.

So most of you will wonder how is this relevant to you ? Well, you may not realize this but your life is influenced heavily by the concepts of Game Theory. John Nash, has therefore made a significant contribution to your daily life. If you want to know about John Nash, then simply watch the movie made in the year 2001, A Beautiful Mind. This movie grossed over $313 million worldwide and won four Academy Awards.

In 1947, John Nash arrives at Princeton University for studying mathematics. He meets fellow math and science graduate students. Determined to publish his own original idea, Nash is inspired when he and his classmates discuss how to approach a group of women at a bar. Nash argues that a cooperative approach would lead to better chances of success, and develops a new concept of governing dynamics. He publishes an article on his theory, earning him an appointment at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). 

In 1953, Nash is invited to the Pentagon to crack encrypted enemy telecommunications, which he manages to decipher mentally. Bored with his regular duties at MIT, including teaching, he is recruited by the mysterious William Parcher of the United States Department of Defense with a classified assignment: to look for hidden patterns in magazines and newspapers to thwart a Soviet plot. Nash becomes increasingly obsessive in his search for these patterns, delivering his results to a secret mailbox, and comes to believe he is being followed.

One of his students, Alicia Larde, asks him to dinner, and they fall in love. On a return visit to Princeton, Nash runs into Charles and his niece, Marcee. With Charles' encouragement, he proposes to Alicia and they marry. Nash fears for his life after surviving a shootout between Parcher and Soviet agents, and learns Alicia is pregnant, but Parcher forces him to continue his assignment. While delivering a guest lecture at Harvard University, Nash tries to flee from people he thinks are Soviet agents, led by psychiatrist Dr. Rosen, but is forcibly sedated and committed to a psychiatric facility.

Dr. Rosen tells Alicia that Nash has schizophrenia and that Charles, Marcee, and Parcher exist only in his imagination. Alicia backs up the doctor, telling Nash that no "William Parcher" is in the Defense Department and takes out the unopened documents he delivered to the secret mailbox. Nash is given a course of insulin shock therapy and eventually released. Frustrated with the side effects of his antipsychotic medication, he secretly stops taking it and starts seeing Parcher and Charles again.

In 1956, Alicia discovers Nash has resumed his "assignment" in a shed near their home. Realizing he has relapsed, Alicia rushes to the house to find Nash had left their infant son in the running bathtub, believing "Charles" was watching the baby. Alicia calls Dr. Rosen, but Nash accidentally knocks her and the baby to the ground, believing he's fighting Parcher. As Alicia flees with the baby, Nash stops her car and tells her he realizes that "Marcee" isn't real because she doesn't age, finally accepting that Parcher and other figures are hallucinations. Against Dr. Rosen's advice, Nash chooses not to restart his medication, believing he can deal with his symptoms himself, and Alicia decides to stay and support him.

Nash returns to Princeton, approaching his old rival Hansen, now head of the mathematics department, who allows him to work out of the library and audit classes. Over the next two decades, Nash learns to ignore his hallucinations and, by the late 1970s, is allowed to teach again. In 1994, Nash wins the Nobel Prize for his revolutionary work on game theory, and is honored by his fellow professors. At the ceremony, he dedicates the prize to his wife.

The movie is a marvel to watch as it depicts the life of a great mathematician struggling with his mental health and still managing to sustain his genius talent. There are moments where you feel that John Nash must simply wind up and retire permanently to live a peaceful life with his family. His problems due to schizophrenia are so immense that you feel sorry for him and his family. His wife stands by him determinedly and ultimately John Nash comes out of his mental illness. With some support from his colleague, he slowly crawls back to normal life and sees super success. He is awarded the Nobel Prize in the end. It is almost unbelievable to see him come out as winner in spite of the severe mental illness. The movie gives us hope and reassurance that nothing is impossible to achieve if one is determined for it.  The other dimension of the movie is that it shows you the world of research, academics in big universities and how professionals work in such areas. Focus and dedication is required to succeed in the field of research.

This movie is meant for family view and I encourage it to show it to your school and college going children.

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Quinoa - The Super Food-grain

If you are always wondering which is the best food-grain to consume everyday, then you should read this article. The answer is Quinoa. It is a very popular health food. It is high in protein and gluten-free. The protein of Quinoa has sufficient amounts of all nine essential amino acids. It is also high in fiber, magnesium, B vitamins, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin E and various beneficial antioxidants.

Quinoa is the native crop of South America. Quinoa is actually a pseudo-cereal. This means it is prepared and eaten as a whole grain, but is actually a part of grass. There are over 120 different varieties of quinoa. Basically there are 3 types of colours in quinoa namely white, red and black. All the three differ in taste. White quinoa becomes fluffy after cooking while red and black quinoa do not change shape after cooking. They differ in chewiness, sweetness and crunchiness too. 

Quinoa has a high fibre content. This is very good for your digestive system and keeps your gut healthy. Those having problem with gluten can safely consume quinoa as it is gluten-free. Quinoa contains all the essential amino acids that you need, making it an excellent protein source for vegetarians and vegans. Quinoa has a low glycemic index and therefore it is very good for diabetics.  Quinoa has shown to reduce blood sugar, insulin and triglyceride levels.

Antioxidants are substances that fight free radicals and prevent aging and many diseases. Quinoa is loaded with anti-oxidants which makes it a great food to reverse aging and stay fit. Quinoa has high fibre content and low glycemic index. This makes it suitable for people who want to lose weight. 

Quinoa can be easily made a part of your daily diet. You can simply boil quinoa and eat it just like boiled rice. You can make salad and various other recipes. The dishes made from quinoa are tasty just like any other food-grain. Once you start consuming quinoa, you will realise how healthy it is as you will feel much more energetic and lighter.

6 Healthy Vegan Recipes For Weight Loss

Being vegan is not a fad. It is a necessity for good health, happy mind and the environment. There are millions of vegan recipes which will provide you fantastic taste and fabulous health. Here is a video of 6 healthy vegan recipes for weight loss. I am sure you will try at least one of them and thank me !!!

Click here for video of 6 Healthy Vegan Recipes For Weight Loss

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Oil Pulling for Dental Health

Oil Pulling is a simple and wonderful technique for maintaining the health of your teeth and gums. It has been practiced in India since ancient times and has gained considerable acceptance across the world for its huge benefits achieved in a simple way. Anyone can practice oil pulling technique. There is no age restriction whatsoever and the method is extremely simple.

Your mouth contains various bacteria. Your teeth too are coated with bacteria. While some are harmful, others are beneficial or neutral. The teeth are covered with a thin layer called plaque. Having some plaque on your teeth is perfectly normal, but if it gets out of hand, it can cause various problems, including bad breath, gum inflammation, gingivitis and cavities. You may brush your teeth twice a day. You may also use mouthwash frequently. But this is not enough to wash away or remove the bacteria. So what should you do ?

Simple ! Put a tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth, then swish it around for 15–20 minutes. Just swish oil around the mouth, using it like a mouthwash. That's it ! This is called oil pulling. After 15-20 minutes of doing this, spit out the oil and then rinse your mouth with water. You will immediately start feeling improvement in your dental health. Follow this simple practice everyday and say permanent good-bye to bad breath. This is because bad breath is caused by smell of chemicals and gases produced by bacteria in your mouth. Oil pulling destroys these bacteria and so the root cause of your problem gets eliminated.

Do oil pulling in addition to brushing your teeth. It is also believed that oil pulling purifies your body too as the swishing oil leeches out toxins from it. This is another added benefit of oil pulling. Always use extra virgin coconut oil for oil pulling as the taste and quality of this oil is most suitable for the purpose. Other oils may be used only if this is not available.

Practice oil pulling and watch yourself becoming free from bad breath, gum disease and dental cavities.

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Reversing Diabetes in 21 Days (Book) by Dr.Nandita Shah

Diabetes is a global health disaster. The silent killer completely destroys the health and life of a diabetic patient and significantly affects the lives of the patient's family too. While there are many allopathic medicines and insulin prescribed for the management of this disease, it has been unable to restore the normal living style of the patient.

Here is a book "Reversing Diabetes in 21 Days" by Dr.Nandita Shah.  It is a twenty-one-day challenge to get on the path of reversing diabetes! Sounds unbelievable? It's true. Based on her revolutionary diabetes reversal programme, Dr Nandita Shah, renowned homeopath , elaborately breaks down the real cause of diabetes using scientific evidence and intelligently outlines a routine that will not just prevent the disease but also reverse it. By addressing the cause of insulin resistance and lack of insulin, Reversing Diabetes in 21 Days provides a fresh and practical perspective on how to cure diabetes. This book carefully takes into account the Indian context, customs, tastes and thought processes to tailor the best possible step-by-step guide that an average Indian can follow.

Interspersed with testimonials, stories and real-life experiences of past participants, this book will show you that type 2 diabetes and many cases of type 1 diabetes are indeed reversible!

Dr Nandita Shah is the founder of Sanctuary for Health and Reconnection to Animals and Nature (SHARAN) and has thirty-six years of experience in treating patients. She started her career as a homeopath in Mumbai and was a part of the Sankaran group of homeopaths. As a homeopath, she prescribed the minimum number of medications. She taught advanced-level homeopathy internationally and was invited for seminars and international conferences in the US, Europe, South America and the Middle East.

Key features of the book

  • Breaks down the real cause of diabetes

  • Uses scientific evidence to outline a diabetic prevention routine

  • Provides a practical perspective to cure diabetes

  • Contains testimonials and real-life experiences of past participants

  • Describes an easy to do 21-day challenge to prevent diabetes

Even if you are not a diabetic, it is highly recommended you read this book and adopt the best practices for healthy living. You can buy this book online from Amazon, Flipkart and other shopping sites.

Let There Be Light (1946 film)

Let There Be Light (1946) is a documentary film directed by American filmmaker John Huston (1906–1987). It was not released until the 1980's as its release was suppressed by US government earlier. 

So what was it that the US government didn't want the public to know ? Strangely, it is nothing that should have been secretive at all. The film is about the post war trauma that soldiers underwent after World War II.

The film begins with an introduction, stating that 20 percent of wartime casualties are of a psychiatric nature. After the war, soldiers were transported to hospital to be treated for mental conditions brought about by war. They were suffering from various nervous conditions such as psychoneurosis, battle neurosis, conversion disorder, amnesia, severe stammering, and anxiety states. 

Various treatment methods are employed to cure them. Treatments depicted include narcosynthesis, hypnosis, group psychotherapy, music therapy, and work therapy. 

One soldier who had amnesia, is hypnotized to remember the trauma of the Japanese bombings on Okinawa and his life before then. Another is given an intravenous injection of sodium amytal to induce a hypnotic state, curing him of his mental inability to walk. The treatments are followed by classes  and group therapy sessions. These sessions are designed to reintegrate patients back into civilian life.

Therapists make a point of reassuring the patients that there is nothing to be ashamed of for receiving treatment for their mental conditions, and that civilians subjected to the same stresses would develop the same conditions. The film ends with a number of the featured patients participating in a ceremony in which they are discharged, not just from the hospital, but from military service, and returned to civilian life.

The film is NOT enacted. All the scenes in the film are REAL and ACTUAL. The doctors, soldiers, patients, hospitals are all real and their treatment process has been captured on camera is REAL

A great takeaway from the film is how the mind is more powerful than the body. Most of our physical and mental problems are created by us through our mind. Seemingly, the problems are real for us. But actually, all the problems are self created by mind. The stark reality in the film displays this truth clearly and in a very easily understandable way.

The movie is available on YouTube as well as Netflix. It is a "must watch" movie for all, especially the urban population who face lot of mental stress in daily life.

You Can Heal Your Life (Book)

You Can Heal Your Life is a best seller, self-help book by Louise L. Hay. This book has transformed the lives of millions of people. It offers profound insight into the relationship between the mind and the body. It explores the way that limiting thoughts and ideas control and constrict us and teaches us a powerful key to understanding the roots of our physical diseases and discomforts.This practical self-help guide will change the way you think forever!

The key premise of the book is that because the mind and body are connected, illnesses of the body somehow have their root causes in emotional and spiritual aspects of the mind and its beliefs and thought processes. While modern medicine concerns itself with eliminating symptoms of disease in the body, using tools such as chemotherapy and other pharmaceutical drugs and various surgical techniques, Hay's approach is to identify and work to resolve what she perceives as the mental root causes of disease. Hay believes that the causes of "dis-ease" include stress and unhealthy thought patterns and beliefs about oneself, and postulates that the most fundamental way to affect positive change in the body is to change the way we think, using tools such as "mirror work" and affirmations. At the end of the book, a separate section lists numerous illnesses and various emotional thought patterns that Hay believes causes them.

The key message in the book is: "If we are willing to do the mental work, almost anything can be healed." The author has a great deal of experience and firsthand information to share about healing, including how she cured herself after being diagnosed with cancer. The author explains in her own words " I believe that everyone, myself included, is responsible for everything in our lives, the best and the worst. Every thought we think is creating our future. Each one of us creates our experiences by our thoughts and our feelings. The thoughts we think and the words we speak create our experiences."

Purchase your own copy from Amazon or your nearest book store. This book will help you a great deal in understanding life and ways to manage it. 

Fight Pollution with Indoor Plants

Your home and office are breeding houses of pollution. You may not be aware of it. Outward cleanliness may fool you to believe that your home/office is perfectly clean and healthy place to work. There are many types of pollutants in your home/office environment . Indoor air pollution is a very real and dangerous thing because indoor air is far more concentrated with pollutants than outdoor air.  City people spend about 90% of their lives indoors. Polluted indoor air creates a dangerous situation for them. Following is a list of indoor pollutants:

  • Solvents and chemicals due to perfumes, hair sprays, furniture polish, glues, air fresheners, moth repellents, wood preservatives, and many other products used in the house. They cause damage to ear, nose and throat.

  • Tobacco smoke which is harmful for active as well as passive smokers. It is bad for eyes, ears, nose, lungs and throat.

  • Pesticides used within home/office premises can cause allergies and other physical disorders.

  • Biological pollutants such as pollen from plants, mite, hair from pets, fungi, parasites, and some bacteria. Most of them are allergens and can cause asthma, hay fever, and other allergic diseases.

  • Formaldehyde which is a gas that comes mainly from carpets, particle boards, and insulation foam. It causes irritation to the eyes and nose and may cause allergies in some people.

  •  Asbestos (used in roof material)  causes cancer.

  •  Radon which is a gas that is emitted naturally by the soil. Due to modern houses having poor ventilation, it is confined inside the house causing harm to the dwellers.

A very simple and natural way to fight indoor pollution is to place healthy indoor plants in your home/office. Following is a list of indoor plants that can be used. They are easy to maintain, inexpensive and help to fight indoor pollution.

  1. Snake Plant: Snake plants have also been shown to filter out nasty chemicals, like benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene, and toluene, so you can breathe easy having this in your home. 

  2. Pothos: Pothos filters benzene, formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene.

  3. Dracaena: It removes benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and xylene.

  4. ZZ Plant: Low maintenance plant. Capable of removing significant amounts of xylene, toluene, benzene and ethylbenzene from the air.

  5. Spider Plant:  It is a strong air purifier, removing both formaldehyde and xylene. It is a pet friendly plant.

  6. Rubber Tree: It removes carbon dioxide from home/office. 

  7. Bird’s Nest Fern: It removes formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene. It is a pet friendly plant.

  8. Peace Lily: It produces oxygen at night and also removes ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene. 

  9. Philodendron Green: It removes formaldehyde and requires low maintenance.

  10. Aloe Vera:  it purifies air and removes formaldehyde. 

Please take care when selecting the above plants for your home/office if you have pets. Out of the above list, only 2 plants viz. Spider plant and Bird's Nest Fern are pet friendly. (We do not recommend to plant Cactus for indoors as the thorns may harm you accidentally. Moreover the occult energies associated with Cactus requires certain caution in using Cactus as indoors plant.)

Besides fighting pollution, the indoor plants enhance the beauty of the place. Plants bring Nature indoors and are therefore very soothing for mental and emotional health too. You will always feel happier and calmer amidst green plants. This will directly raise your happiness quotient and increase productivity of employees. So visit your nearest plant nursery or directly order online on Amazon to buy your favorite indoor plants.

6 Vegan Lunch Recipes

Here is a video that gives 6 simple recipes to make delicious and healthy vegan lunch. You will surely enjoy to make it as much as you like its taste.

Here is the list of 6 meals

  1. Crunchy Thai Salad

  2. Whole Roasted Cauliflower

  3. Buddha Bowl Meal Prep

  4. One-Pot Mexican Quinoa

  5. Chickpea Salad Sandwich

  6. Easy Vegan Pasta Salad

Click here for Recipe link

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Calcium Citrate Malate

If you are over 30 years old,  then please read this article. After the age of 30, calcium levels start depleting slowly from your body due to many factors such as less physical activity, lack of Vitamin D, wrong food habits and slower metabolism. Not necessarily everyone will face this issue. But it is highly probable. That is why most people after 45 years of age, start having backaches, joint pains. These pains do not start in one single day. Calcium is essential for maintaining body health. Your body needs it every day not just to keep your bones and teeth strong over your lifetime, but to ensure proper functioning of muscles and nerves. Calcium helps to maintain normal bone density and development. Over the years after 30, your body starts losing precious calcium and eventually the symptoms start showing in later years. A visit to your doctor will make you test your Vitamin D and Calcium levels. If found insufficient, you will be given supplements. Note that deficiency of Vitamin D causes loss of calcium too. Often the calcium supplement doctors prescribe is Calcium Carbonate. So even you start taking this regularly over a long period, you will still find the calcium level is not rising sufficiently. Why ? Simply because you are taking the wrong calcium supplement. The correct calcium supplement is Calcium Citrate Malate (CCM). 

CCM effectively promotes the consolidation and maintenance of bone mass. When dissolved, CCM releases calcium ions and a calcium citrate complex. Calcium ions are absorbed directly into intestinal cells, and the citrate complex enters the body. In conjunction with vitamin D, CCM decreases bone fracture risk in the elderly, slows the rate of bone loss in old age, and is of benefit to the health and well-being of postmenopausal women. CCM can be consumed with or without food and delivers a significant nutritional benefit to individuals of all ages. The chemistry of CCM makes it a particularly beneficial calcium source for the elderly and those on medications that decrease gastric acid secretion. CCM is also recognized as a calcium source that does not increase the risk of kidney stones, and in fact it protects against stone-forming potential. The versatile nature of CCM makes it a convenient and practical calcium salt for use in moist foods and beverages. Check with your doctor on whether you need above and take CCM supplement accordingly.

Eat Mung Beans for Good Health

Mung bean is a variety of lentils and consumed widely in India and South Asia. Mung beans are consumed in many forms such as sprouted, boiled, lightly cooked, pancake, dry snack, fried, salads, nuggets, soup etc. Mung beans are one of the best and lightest form of vegan protein. It is the healthiest form of lentil as it is gets digested easily. Hence even sick and elderly can consume it to fulfill their protein requirements. They have been cultivated since ancient times in India. These beans have a slightly sweet taste and can be purchased in most stores across the world.

Mung beans can be easily added to your diet in dishes like curries, salads and soups. They have slightly sweet taste and to cook them, simply boil the beans until tender — about 20–30 minutes. They can be also steamed in a pressure cooker for approximately five minutes. Mung beans can also be enjoyed sprouted, both raw and cooked. The sprouted beans are best enjoyed in stir-fry meals and curries.

Mung beans are high in important vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber. Sprouted mung beans contain fewer calories but have more antioxidants and amino acids. Mung beans are a good source of antioxidants, which may reduce your risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers. They contain antioxidants that may protect against free radical damage that occurs during heat stroke. Mung bean antioxidants may lower “bad” LDL cholesterol. They are a good source of potassium, magnesium and fiber, which have been linked to lower blood pressure levels in adults with and without high blood pressure. Mung beans contain soluble fiber and resistant starch, which can promote digestive health. The carbs in mung beans are also less likely to cause flatulence than those of other legumes. They are high in fiber and protein and contain antioxidants that may lower blood sugar levels and help insulin work more effectively. Mung beans are high in folate, iron and protein, all of which women need more of during pregnancy. Avoid raw mung bean sprouts when you’re pregnant, as they may contain harmful bacteria. Mung beans are versatile and easy to add to your diet. The beans are often boiled or steamed, while sprouts are commonly enjoyed either raw or cooked in stir-fry meals.

It is very easy to incorporate mung beans in your daily food intake. Switch to this wonderful gift of Nature and see the healthy effects yourself.