Showing posts with label Society. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Society. Show all posts

What is Deep State ?

Deep State is a parallel government or a powerful group that controls the nation in spite of not being officially in power. Deep State exert influence and control over the officially government of the country to fulfil its goals and serve its purpose. Deep state refers more to a hidden organization seeking to manipulate the public state. It is an alleged secret network of especially nonelected government officials and sometimes private entities (as in the financial services and defense industries) operating extralegally to influence and enact government policy. The power of the deep state comes from experience, knowledge, relationships, insight, craft, special skills, traditions, and shared values. Together, these purported attributes make nameless bureaucrats into a super-government that is accountable to no one. That is a scary prospect. The term "deep state" gained popularity in some circles during the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election in opposition to mainstream Republican and Democratic candidates.

The modern concept of a deep state is associated with Turkey where a secret network of military officers and their civilian allies trying to preserve their secular ideology. 

You may often wonder how is this possible i.e. how come people outside the government can exercise their power like this ? Shockingly this is true in almost all nations. Though Pakistan has an elected government headed by the Prime Minister, it is actually the Army that controls the governance of Pakistan. Till date, no prime minister of Pakistan has yet served their full five year term.

The Congress Party led by Nehru-Gandhi dynasty remained in power for almost all terms of Indian government till 2014. The last two terms came under Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) from 2014 onwards. However BJP found it very difficult to run the government in spite of full majority as the parallel bureaucracy, local bodies, students organizations, judicial lobbies, education boards and universities were entirely controlled by Congress Party. It has taken lot of time and efforts for BJP to handle this control by Congress.

In the USA,  since 1963, the deep state has enabled a  hybrid association of government elements and parts of top-level industry and finance that is effectively able to govern the United States without reference to the consent of the governed as expressed through the formal political process. Donald Trump administration has accused the Intelligence agencies such as the CIA to thwart its policy goals.

In UK, the deep state is controlled by the Civil Service of the nation. The Prime Minister has mentioned how the Civil Service controls the government. They genuinely see themselves as the true guardians of the national interest, and think that their job is simply to wear the elected politicians down and wait them out. 

Deep State is seen in all nations. One has to see and analyze carefully how these powers control the functioning of the nation and accordingly take decisions related to business, commerce or trade accordingly.

Connect your Children with Mother Nature

Humanity is going through existential crisis. Rapid industrialization and fast paced lifestyle is leading mankind to various perils associated with physical, mental and emotional health. The fundamental reason for this is disconnection of man with Mother Nature. Have you ever thought that Mother Nature needs no connection with you. Actually, you are part of Mother Nature Herself !

You forget the simple fact that you are not machines but living, thinking and feeling entities of the great wonderful power whom you call Mother Nature. So when do you start losing connection with Her ? It begins right from your childhood when you start going to school. You start schooling to gain education. Unfortunately, modern education system simply cuts you off from Nature from your very first day of school. Nature Herself is powerful teacher. Once a child starts to understand the language of Nature, it will automatically begin to love Nature and develop into a wonderful and complete human being.

Do not repeat this mistake with your children. Spare some time with your children everyday and take them outdoors in the open under the sky. Let children directly perceive Nature. Show and explain various aspects of the five aspects of Nature as follows:

  1. Sky: Show various colours of sky at various times of days and seasons.
  2. Water: Show them snow, rain, rivers, streams, wells, ponds, sea
  3. Earth: Show them various types of sand, colors of sand, varieties of sand 
  4. Air: Make them experience humid, chill, warm, hot air
  5. Fire: Show sunrise, sunset and noon time sun. Show them horizon and various colors of sun.
Flowers: Who cannot love flowers ! Children too are instantly attracted to flowers. Flowers are the most beautiful essence of plants. Introduce various types of flowers to children. Take them to flower nurseries and bouquet shops. Discuss various flowers with them in terms of colour, fragrance, season and occasions to use them. This way children will understand how to handle flowers with love and appreciation. Tell them about Bach Flower Remedies which is about healing therapy with the help of flowers. Whenever you receive a bouquet of flowers, involve your child to put the flowers in vase with water and other suitable ingredients to make them last for many days. This hands on activity will encourage the child to respect flowers. Also show how flowers can be dried and preserved and used to make various items like potpourri, decorative items, art pieces.

Trees: Most of us take trees for granted without acknowledging their contribution in our life. Trees provide us with wood, fruits, flowers and most importantly oxygen. Show children various types of trees and find opportunities to take part in tree plantation drives.

Fruits/Vegetables: Fruits and vegetables are integral part of our diet. Children should be not only introduced to various types of fruits and vegetables but also be taught to grow them in their backyard. This way, they will understand how much efforts go towards growing them and bringing them to the dining table. They will never disrespect food and will always thank Mother Nature during their meal times. This attitude will go a long way in solving the hunger problem globally.

Animals/ Birds/Insects/Butterflies: We often entertain children with stories and animation movies that have animals, birds and butterflies. While that is okay for children to enjoy, it is more important to show them the real world of animals and birds. Teach children to love and respect the plant and animal kingdom. When you interact with a pet such as a cat or a dog, the emotional connect with animal makes you aware of the individuality and existence of animals at your level of life itself. The child will surely become more empathetic towards animals and birds. Take them to the woods and forest and show them beehives and various butterflies. Explain how they are important in pollination of flowers which finally end up as fruits and vegetables. The bees and butterflies are the ones who play an important role in providing us food. Various birds help us in many ways. Crows function as natural scavengers while eagles eat away rodents and snakes.

Remember, all children are unique. They have their own mindsets and perception ability. You are not providing information to them. You are just introducing various aspect of Nature to these little thinking wizards ! Once they see all the different aspects of Nature, it is enough to arouse their curiosity and interest. It is impossible to keep away a child from Nature once he feels connected with Her.

Portfolio Living

A lot of people in the age group between 40 and 70 years, start finding their jobs monotonous and boring. They start feeling stagnant and at the same time don't want to quit their jobs to start something new of their own. They feel confused and uncertain about their happiness, job security and job. This situation has given rise to a solution called "Portfolio Living".

There comes a point where every professional in his job starts feeling extremely lost and frustrated. He wants happiness and pleasure along with the job. He wants to explore certain areas of his personal life which is not possible while doing his job. Moreover, today's economy doesn't guarantee you a permanent and secured job either ! After toiling day and night for 15 years for your company, what if suddenly you are fired ! It could be due to new management, company's tight financial situation or global recession. It could be anything. The bottom line is, you will be left nowhere. So DON'T ever rely on your job no matter how permanent it may seem !

So what should you do ? Simply get out of the job scene and become an entrepreneur, self-employed or a freelancer. Today is the world of Gig economy i.e. companies want to hire temporary workers and don't want permanent employees. You are not confined to one skill. You can play multiple roles and live a fulfilling life. Let's take an example. Peter works as a Project Manager in a IT company. He finds his creative talent such as music and writing is never utilized in his job. Peter is multi talented like most of us. Peter chose to quit his job and took Project Management assignments as a freelancer only for 6 months of a year. The remaining six months, Peter spends his time working as a script writer for a movie production house. He also works as musician as a part of band in a pub on weekend evenings. Peter has never felt living such a fulfilling life before ! Nowadays he is also learning Yoga and helping students from poor families by teaching them. Peter has found new joy in singing and dancing in devotional sessions at Hare Krishna (ISKCON) temple near his home. Peter feels his music has found the best usage possible in these devotional sessions. In other words, Peter has started "Portfolio Living". Perhaps next year, he will also dabble into photography too.

We all humans have so many interests and talents. Just confining ourselves to one job is doing injustice to ourselves. We can't let our jobs go foolishly and pursue our interests. But today's times, will force you to find a balanced path where you work for a living and at the same time enjoy doing things that you like. Remember, it is not about just pursuing happiness. It is about discovering a dimension bout our own self and manifesting the potential talent and possibility lying unexpressed within us.

Human beings cannot work like machines and robots. Their intellectual, emotional and spiritual parts also have to be expressed freely and completely. Portfolio Living is the only way that they can do this. 


Ho-o-ponopono is an ancient Hawaiian practice of forgiveness and reconciliation. Ho-o-ponopono is a Hawaiian word that means 
  • Correction
  • Mental cleansing 
  • To put things in order or place 
Traditional Hawaiian healers have been practicing traditional Ho-o-ponopono  for members of the community.  However modern versions are performed within the family by a family elder, or by the individual alone. Hawaiians believe that the sins of the father will fall upon the children. If a child is sick, the parents are suspected of quarreling or misconduct. In addition to sickness, social disorder could cause sterility of land or other disasters. Harmony could be restored only by confession and apology.

In 1976 Morrnah Simeona, regarded as a healing priest adapted the traditional Ho-o-ponopono of family mutual forgiveness to the social realities of the modern day. So this practice can be followed to solve a general problem  outside the family and can also be done individually as a psycho-spiritual self-help rather than group process. 

Ho-o-ponopono is about looking within ourselves for debts, errors or blocks in our subconscious mind that replay as problems, judgments, putdowns and all kinds of other problems. It is believed that when we say sorry it is taking 100% responsibility for whatever is going on in our lives. Chanting mantras and asking for forgiveness is the way where we are accepting that the problem is within us. We pray to the Almighty to convert our  unpleasant memory, debt, block, problem to nothing. When the Divine converts the block or memory to nothing, we return back to our original state, which is Zero or clarity. Only in the clarity state we can get inspiration and whatever is perfect for us. When we will look inside of ourselves, only then we be able to solve the world's problem.

When we do  Ho-o-ponopono, we ask the Divine to remove the faults from our subconscious mind and soul. When we bring peace to us, only then we will be able to bring peace in the world. We need to work on the way we perceive people all around us on a daily basis.  Ho-o-ponopono corrects, restores and maintains good relationships among family members and with their gods or God by getting to the causes and sources of trouble. Usually the most senior member of the family conducts it. He or she gathers the family together. If the family is unable to work through a problem, they turn to a respected outsider.

The process begins with prayer. A statement of the problem is made, and the transgression discussed. Family members are expected to work problems through and cooperate, not "hold fast to the fault". One or more periods of silence may be taken for reflection on the entanglement of emotions and injuries. Everyone's feelings are acknowledged. Then confession, repentance and forgiveness take place. Everyone releases each other, letting go. They cut off the past , and together they close the event with a ceremonial feast which is  symbolic of the release.

Learn Ho-o-ponopono from a reliable source in your locality. You can also learn it online through courses offered by Ho-o-ponopono practitioners. It is simple and easy to learn. Do try Ho-o-ponopono and see positive changes in your and your family's life.

Silo (Mario Luis Rodríguez Cobos)

Silo - Jupiter Knowledge

Silo is the pseudonym of Mario Luis Rodríguez Cobos. He was born in 1938 near Mendoza, located between Argentina and Chile. He was an Argentine writer and founder of the Humanist Movement. An active speaker, he wrote books, short stories, articles and studies related to politics, society, psychology, spirituality and other topics. Although he described himself simply as a writer, many see him as a thinker and philosopher, based on the diversity of issues about which he has written.

Silo was born into a middle-class family in  Argentina. He undertook primary and secondary education with the Maristas Brotherhood, achieving excellent grades, while practising gymnastic. He was involved in various youth organizations and lead a very active social and intellectual life. He carried out special studies, in languages including French and Italian, and philosophy. He also published articles in cultural magazines.

Silo studied law and at the university he began to organize research groups on human beings and their existential and social problems.

Silo travelled around Argentina, South America and Europe and undertook various jobs. By 1960 he began to present his proposals, while still forming study groups in Argentina and Chile. With members of these groups he organized a public talk, which was initially banned by the military government but later was permitted in the mountains, away from the centres of population. 

On 4 May 1969, Silo spoke to some two hundred people gathered in the high Andes mountains near Mount Aconcagua, and gave his first public exposition of the ideas, that in time, would form the basis of the Humanist Movement. In this talk, known as "The Healing of Suffering", he explained themes such as the overcoming of pain and suffering, the meaning of life, violence, desire and pleasure.

Silo married Ana Luisa Cremaschi, whom he knew from his youth, and had two sons, Alejandro and Federico, with whom he lived in his hometown.

In 1972 he published The Inner Look and created the current of thought now known as New Humanism. He founded the Humanist Movement, an organized group that sought to translate this thought into practice. It can be said that this thinking encompasses the whole of human existence, not only social but also personal.

Since the eighties, and under his orientation, the Humanist Movement began a period of expansion in the world with the creation of organisms and fronts of action as follows: 
  • The Humanist Party with a presence in more than 30 countries
  • The Community for Human Development (a cultural association) 
  • Convergence of Cultures (a civil association) 
  • World Without Wars (an anti-armament association) 
  • The World Centre of Humanist Studies.
During 1981 he was invited to express his proposals in various public rallies in European and Asian cities, visiting Madrid, Rome, Barcelona, and later Mumbai (India) and Colombo (Sri Lanka), before returning to Paris, and later San Francisco (California) and Mexico City. He explained with particular force the position of nonviolence, manifested in the overcoming of suffering, the human treatment of others and the attitude of not searching for those to blame. Aspects of these talks relevant to his thought were published in the book "Silo Speaks".

In early 2002, Silo announced his retirement from the Humanist Movement, after being its driving force for 32 years. In mid-2002 he launched Silo's Message understood as a book, an experience and a path.

During the first decade of the 21st century he returned to speak at Punta de Vacas on several occasions with proposals of reconciliation, access to the profound and the sacred of human being, accepting invitations to speak about his Message and going to various places.

He died at his home on 16 September 2010, after suffering for more than a year with renal disease.

I recommend all of you to read his works. All of his works are available online for free on his official website .

Intellectuals, highly educated people, businessmen, corporate professionals will find his writings deeply appealing and thought provoking. Readers will surely feel their minds transformed after reading his books. Silo just doesn't deal with all matters in theory. There are tools that can be used to transform the individual and the society to achieve meaningful purpose of existence and establish harmony in body, mind and spirit. Silo never propagated any religion. His concepts are universal based on the theme of humanism. Explore his writings available for free on

Who are the Naxalites ?

Naxalites - Jupiter Knowledge

The term Naxal comes from the village Naxalbari in West Bengal where the Naxalbari uprising of 1967 occurred. People who are engaged in the insurgency are called Naxals or Naxalite. The movement itself is referred to as Naxalism. Naxalism is largely active in tribal and rural areas of India which are remote and under-developed.

In May 1967, a movement was initiated in West Bengal to adopt armed struggle to redistribute land to the landless. The leaders of this movement were members of CPI-M (Communist Party of India- Maoist) which  had joined a coalition government in West Bengal. Before being part of coalition government, the members believed in militant confiscation of land. However after joining hands with the West Bengal Government, some members did not approve of the armed uprising. This disagreement within the party soon culminated with the Naxalbari Uprising on May 1967, and a group of dissidents revolted.

On 25 May 1967 in Naxalbari, a tribal (Adivasi) who had been given land by the courts under the tenancy laws was attacked by the landlord's men. In retaliation, tribals started forcefully capturing back their lands. When a police team arrived, they were ambushed by a group of tribals  and a police inspector was killed in a hail of arrows. This event encouraged many Santhal tribals and other poor people to join the movement and to start attacking local landlords. After seventy-two days of revolt, the CPI (M) coalition government suppressed this incident. Subsequently, In November 1967, this group organised the All India Coordination Committee of Communist Revolutionaries (AICCCR).

The Chinese leader, Mao Zedong became ideological inspiration for the Naxalbari movement, leading to the Naxalite belief that Indian peasants and lower class tribals must overthrow the government of the upper classes by force. A large number of urban elites were also attracted to the ideology inspired from opinions of communist leaders and theorists such as Mao Zedong, Karl Marx, and Vladimir Lenin. Using People's courts, similar to those established by Mao, Naxalites try opponents and execute them with axes or knives, beat, or permanently exile them.

Around 1971 the Naxalites gained a strong presence among the radical sections of the student movement in Calcutta. Students left school to join the Naxalites. Naxals declared that revolutionary warfare was to take place not only in the rural areas as before, but now everywhere and spontaneously. A dictum was set that Naxalites should assassinate individual "class enemies" (such as landlords, businessmen, university teachers, police officers, politicians of the right and left) and others. The West Bengal police fought back to stop the Naxalites.

The early 1970s saw the spread of Naxalism to almost every state in India, except Western India. During the 1970s, the movement was fragmented into disputing factions. By 1980, it was estimated that around 30 Naxalite groups were active, with a combined membership of 30,000. In 1985 Naxalite insurgents began ambushing police. The governments of Andhra Pradesh and Orissa managed to quell down the rebels with a variety of counterinsurgency measures. Along with taking the help of the Greyhounds, the states established special laws that enabled police to capture and detain Naxalite cadres, fighters and presumed supporters. By the early 2000s, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana have seen very minimal Naxal presence.

On 6 April 2010, the Maoists ambushed and killed 76 paramilitary personnel. On 25 May 2013, the Maoists ambushed a convoy of the Indian National Congress and killed 27 people including many big leaders of the Indian National Congress. On 3 April 2021, twenty-two Indian soldiers were killed in a Maoist ambush in Chhattisgarh state of India.

In September 2009, an all-out offensive was launched by the Government of India's paramilitary forces and the state's police forces against the Naxalites. It was termed by the Indian media as the "Operation Green Hunt". Since the start of the operation: 2,266 Maoist militants have been killed, 10,181 have been arrested and 9,714 have surrendered. In 2020, Naxal activity began to increase once again in Telangana and other areas. By July 2021, the number of districts affected by Naxalism came down significantly as compared to the year 2009.

According to Naxalites, Indian Government took away the homelands of tribal populations just like the British colonial way and made them squatters in their own motherland. Their lands were acquired for infrastructure, industries, irrigation while the original inhabitants struggled for water, electricity, healthcare. The Naxalites recruit people who have a revolutionary personality with qualities like selflessness and the ability to self-sacrifice. Primarily students and youth are recruited. The organisation selected the youth because these students represented the educated section of Indian society. These recruits would be crucial in the duty of spreading the communist teachings of Mao Zedong. In order to expand their base, the movement relied on these students to spread communist philosophy to the uneducated rural and working class communities. Naxalites believe it is necessary to recruit students and youth who were able to integrate themselves with the peasantry and working classes, and by living and working in similar conditions to these lower-class communities. This will enable the recruits to carry the communist teachings of Mao Zedong to villages and urban centers.

Eventually the Naxal movement has turned into a completely anti-India movement wherein the controls of the movement are with enemy nations of India such as China. Under the garb of working for rights and upliftment of poor, lowly, underprivileged and minorities, the Naxalites are leaving no stone unturned to create chaos and disunity in India. They have quietly taken over many important bureaucratic, educational, political positions mainly in government organizations solely to run their agenda. Many prominent TV Channels, newspapers, journalists, writers, poets, painters, actors, film makers, NGOs are working as a part of the Naxalite movement. They do not do this openly. They portray themselves as messiahs of the poor and underprivileged. The fact is they get paid handsomely by their foreign masters such as China and other anti India fronts. A very noticeable point about them is they constantly deride Hinduism. They pick up Hindu festivals and rituals to target them as anti-women, caste based bias, regressive, inhuman, cruel to animals, bad for environment or bad for children. They will never speak against any wrong practice of Abrahamic religions such as Islam or Christianity. Rather they will speak in favour of all wrong things practiced by them. This bias is to make Hindus feel inferior and alienate them from their culture and nation eventually. This will make them easy target to recruit them into the Naxalite movement and destroy India eventually.

Be it Indian or any other national, one should strongly oppose the Naxalite movement as it is not just against India and Hinduism but against humanity and civilization as well.

A good way of knowing and understanding this movement is watching the movie "Buddha in a Traffic Jam" made in the year 2016 by Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri, the make of the famous movie "The Kashmir Files".

Note: Above information largely condensed from Wikipedia

Indigo Children

There is a lot of talk on the "Indigo Children".  We often see, hear and read in media about Indigo or Star children who are special and are doing something for the betterment of the world. To the rationalists, this is pure hoax. But there is big number of believers in the truth of Indigo Children. It is up to your choice and belief to accept or reject the concept of Indigo Children.

An indigo child is especially born in the world for awakening humans spiritually and aid the evolution of world. Indigo children are freethinkers and they can easily see the truth of human conditions. They find it very difficult to live as per norms of mainstream society. This causes them to be often misunderstood, rejected, or misdiagnosed and medicated. They are highly intuitive and have special gifts like ability to see and communicate with spiritual beings. They are primarily responsible for exposing truth and deception. It is easy for indigo children  to see through the illusions, half-truths, and falsehood rife in society.  Unfortunately their parents and teachers find them overly inquisitive, headstrong, and even obnoxious children. It is in the DNA of an indigo child to expose truth.

The world fails to understand them and they are often  misdiagnosed with behavioral issues  and other mood disorders. Their questioning mind and free thinking abilities become bothersome for their schools and society. Some are given medication by doctors which sadly numbs their active minds. This is entirely wrong. The indigo child is simply not understood by the mundane world. 

Parents who feel their child is different should consider assessing him to know if he is an indigo child. Parents of indigo children should help their child through below tips:
  • Help them stay grounded and encourage them to practice mindful breathing
  • Enroll them for yoga and meditation class
  • Teach them to practice emotional acceptance
  • Gradually help them understand the spiritual awakening process 
  • Encourage their creative talent and let them express their visionary ideas.
  • Make the child regularly spend time in nature to unwind and regain balance.
Remember that Indigo Children are special people who are highly developed souls. They will do their work and accomplish the mission they are born for. All you can do is give unconditional support to them and thus collaborate towards betterment of world.

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Are You a Fringe Dweller ?

Don't get startled with the term "Fringe Dweller" !!! It is not about people living like discarded lot from the main society.  The term Fringe Dweller was first coined by Stuart Wilde.

Stuart Wilde (24 September 1946 – 1 May 2013) was a British writer, lecturer, teacher, humorist, essayist, scriptwriter, lyricist, and music producer. He was well known for his works on New Age, self-empowerment, and spirituality. He wrote many books such as The Taos Quintet: Miracles, The Force, Affirmations, The Quickening, and The Trick to Money is Having Some. He has aptly described as to who are Fringe Dwellers. 

"Fringe Dwellers are people who don't fit the norm. I say they are not hippy revolutionaries living rough, or social weirdoes; the ones I speak of are ordinary people, you can't tell them apart from others. It's their minds that are different. They don't relate to the rules and regulations of the status quo, the rhythms of a tick-tock life leaves them uninspired and listless. "  ~Stuart Wilde

Fringe Dwellers are aligned to the energy of the universe, and their pulses beat in time with Mother Earth.  A Fringe Dweller feels that he is on the wrong planet ! He doesn't lead his life from his head. He leads his life from his heart.  He feels separate himself from the main society. Yet he feels strongly connected with all the entities in the world. For Fringe Dweller, possessing money or wealth is insignificant. For him,  only that much money is important that is required to live. It is very difficult for a Fringe Dweller to fit into any system. He will always challenge the norms of the system and strive to make sense out of it. In this endeavor, he helps upgrading the system.  For a Fringe Dweller, the entire Universe is a concoction of various types of energies.

If you wonder whether you are a Fringe Dweller or not then check for these signs. If you are having these characteristics, then in all likelihood, you are indeed a Fringe Dweller !
  1. Since childhood stage itself, you started feeling that you are different from others. 
  2. You strongly empathize with the pain of others.
  3. You always know within that there is something more to this world and life.
  4. You find the normal routine of life boring and questionable.
  5. You always think creatively and out of the box.
  6. You love spending time alone with your own self.
  7. You repeatedly find lot of coincidences happening in your life.
  8. You have a strong appetite towards learning and knowing various spiritual teachings.
  9. You find it extremely difficult to fit into a normal job routine.

Education and The Significance of Life (Book)

J.Krishnamurti (11 May 1895 – 17 February 1986) was a philosopher, speaker and writer. His interests included psychological revolution, the nature of mind, meditation, inquiry, human relationships, and bringing about radical change in society. He stressed the need for a revolution in the psyche of every human being and emphasized that such revolution cannot be brought about by any external entity, be it religious, political, or social.

All human beings seem to have similar nature – we want to find security and have a good time with as less effort as possible. We try to do this by earning more money, by becoming important persons and building other forms of security around ourselves. Current education system is built around the achievement of these goals. The right kind of education should offer individual freedom, letting love and goodness bloom. As parents and teachers, it is our responsibility to think differently from the traditional beliefs. “A true educator is concerned with right living, right education and right means of livelihood”. There should be a spirit of freedom and intelligence in a child’s studies. The students should be encouraged to ask questions rather than accept readymade formulas and conclusions. The right kind of education begins with the educator. If the educator is not free from his own patterns of thought, he cannot teach that to children. In the pursuit of losing the self, people take to art, drink, follow religious doctrines. When we try to do things to escape ourselves, we become addicted to them. The right kind of education should help the individual to face his problems rather than look for escape, eliminate conflict and then the individual can see his way to being creative.

Krishnamurti's  books are widely read by people all over the world. One of his great works is the book "Education and the Significance of Life". This book is about education, its significance to life and how education can help one find the significance of life. In this series of lectures, Krishnamurti explores and explains various aspects that influence education, and are influenced by education in turn. In the initial chapters, Krishnamurti presents a case for urgently thinking about education and its significance for life. He talks about how the current approach to education is superficial and does not address deeper questions about life. In the next few chapters, he dwells on the question of what the right kind of education is, asking the readers to question their ideas and explore their own thoughts. He states clearly that there is no one right method for providing the right kind of education. He lays out how the right kind of educators, parents and schools can bring about such an education of children. In the later chapters, he speaks about sex, marriage, art and creativity, how we relate to these ideas and how our relationship with these ideas creates conflict in us. He emphasizes that an educator should have clarity regarding sex, marriage, art and creativity so that he can help the children see them for what they are and understand how to relate to them, without getting conflicted about or addicted to them.

It is strongly recommended that parents, educators, teachers, counselors read this  wonderful book and help making the world a better place.

A Beautiful Mind (2001 film)

How many of you have heard about Game theory ? I am sure very few know about it. Game theory has a wide range of applications, including psychology, evolutionary biology, war, politics, economics, and business. Despite its many advances, game theory is still a young and developing science. John Forbes Nash Jr. (June 13, 1928 – May 23, 2015) was an American mathematician who made fundamental contributions to game theory. John Nash is the only person to be awarded both the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences and the Abel Prize.

So most of you will wonder how is this relevant to you ? Well, you may not realize this but your life is influenced heavily by the concepts of Game Theory. John Nash, has therefore made a significant contribution to your daily life. If you want to know about John Nash, then simply watch the movie made in the year 2001, A Beautiful Mind. This movie grossed over $313 million worldwide and won four Academy Awards.

In 1947, John Nash arrives at Princeton University for studying mathematics. He meets fellow math and science graduate students. Determined to publish his own original idea, Nash is inspired when he and his classmates discuss how to approach a group of women at a bar. Nash argues that a cooperative approach would lead to better chances of success, and develops a new concept of governing dynamics. He publishes an article on his theory, earning him an appointment at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). 

In 1953, Nash is invited to the Pentagon to crack encrypted enemy telecommunications, which he manages to decipher mentally. Bored with his regular duties at MIT, including teaching, he is recruited by the mysterious William Parcher of the United States Department of Defense with a classified assignment: to look for hidden patterns in magazines and newspapers to thwart a Soviet plot. Nash becomes increasingly obsessive in his search for these patterns, delivering his results to a secret mailbox, and comes to believe he is being followed.

One of his students, Alicia Larde, asks him to dinner, and they fall in love. On a return visit to Princeton, Nash runs into Charles and his niece, Marcee. With Charles' encouragement, he proposes to Alicia and they marry. Nash fears for his life after surviving a shootout between Parcher and Soviet agents, and learns Alicia is pregnant, but Parcher forces him to continue his assignment. While delivering a guest lecture at Harvard University, Nash tries to flee from people he thinks are Soviet agents, led by psychiatrist Dr. Rosen, but is forcibly sedated and committed to a psychiatric facility.

Dr. Rosen tells Alicia that Nash has schizophrenia and that Charles, Marcee, and Parcher exist only in his imagination. Alicia backs up the doctor, telling Nash that no "William Parcher" is in the Defense Department and takes out the unopened documents he delivered to the secret mailbox. Nash is given a course of insulin shock therapy and eventually released. Frustrated with the side effects of his antipsychotic medication, he secretly stops taking it and starts seeing Parcher and Charles again.

In 1956, Alicia discovers Nash has resumed his "assignment" in a shed near their home. Realizing he has relapsed, Alicia rushes to the house to find Nash had left their infant son in the running bathtub, believing "Charles" was watching the baby. Alicia calls Dr. Rosen, but Nash accidentally knocks her and the baby to the ground, believing he's fighting Parcher. As Alicia flees with the baby, Nash stops her car and tells her he realizes that "Marcee" isn't real because she doesn't age, finally accepting that Parcher and other figures are hallucinations. Against Dr. Rosen's advice, Nash chooses not to restart his medication, believing he can deal with his symptoms himself, and Alicia decides to stay and support him.

Nash returns to Princeton, approaching his old rival Hansen, now head of the mathematics department, who allows him to work out of the library and audit classes. Over the next two decades, Nash learns to ignore his hallucinations and, by the late 1970s, is allowed to teach again. In 1994, Nash wins the Nobel Prize for his revolutionary work on game theory, and is honored by his fellow professors. At the ceremony, he dedicates the prize to his wife.

The movie is a marvel to watch as it depicts the life of a great mathematician struggling with his mental health and still managing to sustain his genius talent. There are moments where you feel that John Nash must simply wind up and retire permanently to live a peaceful life with his family. His problems due to schizophrenia are so immense that you feel sorry for him and his family. His wife stands by him determinedly and ultimately John Nash comes out of his mental illness. With some support from his colleague, he slowly crawls back to normal life and sees super success. He is awarded the Nobel Prize in the end. It is almost unbelievable to see him come out as winner in spite of the severe mental illness. The movie gives us hope and reassurance that nothing is impossible to achieve if one is determined for it.  The other dimension of the movie is that it shows you the world of research, academics in big universities and how professionals work in such areas. Focus and dedication is required to succeed in the field of research.

This movie is meant for family view and I encourage it to show it to your school and college going children.

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Who are the Theosophists ?

Theosophy is a spiritual concept that was formed in 1875 in New York, USA. It was founded by Helena Blavatsky who was a Russian and two Americans, Henry Olcott and William Quan Judge. It draws its teachings from Blavatsky's writings and incorporates concepts of Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism and Christianity. The term "theosophy" comes from the Greek  word "theosophia", which  which means Divine Wisdom. In Theosophy, there is a belief that there exists an ancient and secretive brotherhood of saints known as the Masters. These Masters have supernatural powers and they are behind the formation of the modern Theosophical movement. They are attempting to revive knowledge of an ancient religion once found across the world and which will again come to eclipse the existing world religions. The most prominent Masters to appear in Theosophical literature are Kuthumi and Morya, with whom Blavatsky claimed to be in contact. Theosophy preaches the existence of a single, divine Absolute. Theosophy teaches that the purpose of human life is spiritual emancipation. It claims that the human soul undergoes reincarnation after death as per Law of Karma. It promotes values of universal brotherhood and social improvement. Theosophy played a significant role in bringing knowledge of South Asian religions to Western countries, as well as in encouraging cultural pride in various South Asian nations.

The Theosophical Society was formed by Blavatsky and Olcott to give an organisational impetus to Theosophy. According to Blavatsky's teachings, many of the world's religions have their origins in a universal ancient religion, a "secret doctrine" that was known to Plato and early Hindu sages and which continues to underpin the center of every religion. Theosophy tended to emphasize the importance of ancient texts over the popular ritual and custom found within various religious traditions. Blavatsky taught that Lord Maitreya would come to Earth as a messianic figure. Her ideas on this were expanded upon by two famous Theosophists, Annie Besant and Leadbeater. They claimed that Maitreya had previously incarnated onto the Earth as Krishna, a figure from Hindu mythology. Besant and Leadbeater claimed that Maitreya would again come to Earth by manifesting through an Indian boy named Jiddu Krishnamurti. They did find this boy and trained him as per principles of Theosophy. But eventually, Jiddu Krishnamurti separated himself from The Theosophical Society and went on to become a famous spiritual philosopher.  

In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the Theosophical Society appealed above all to an elite, educated, middle and upper-middle-class people. In India, it played an important role in the Indian independence movement and in the Buddhist revival. The Indian independence leader Mahatma Gandhi developed much of his interest in Hindu culture after being given a copy of the Bhagavad Gita by two Theosophists. Annie Besant gave full  support for Indian home rule. She also supported home rule for Scotland, Wales, and Ireland.

Prominent scientists who had belonged to the Theosophical Society included the inventor Thomas Edison, the biologist Alfred Russel Wallace, and the chemist William Crookes. Also many writers, artists, painters were drawn towards Theosophy. A considerable amount of literature has been produced on the subject of Theosophy and the Theosophical Society. While many people look upon Theosophy and its works with doubt and credibility, we cannot deny the immense contribution Theosophy has given in influencing great people towards developing a better and humane world. Those interested in knowing more about Theosophy should read following books:

  1.  The Secret Doctrine by Helena Blavatsky

  2. The Key to Theosophy by Helena Blavatsky

  3. The Ocean of Theosophy by William Quan Judge

  4. To Light a Thousand Lamps by Grace F. Knoche

  5. Exploring Theosophy, Published by The Theosophical Society

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What is Soft Power ?

John is a 8 years old boy. Being a single child, he is the centre of attention of his parents. His mother Sally is concerned about the multiple demands John makes everyday. She knows that directly telling him about his wrong demands won't work. So she devises a strategy. She buys a pack of CDs of movies which convey how bad or unacceptable is the habit of constantly seeking new things for self gratification.  The movies show what is the right way to live and how to value people and material things in life. Sally actually watched the movies together with John. After some days, she started seeing change in John's behaviour. He has become less demanding and asks only for what is really required. So what did Sally do ? She used soft power. Instead of being strict and forcing John to change his behaviour, she actually influenced his way of thinking through enjoyable movies. This worked well both for John and Sally. Sally in a relaxed way managed to change John's behaviour while John too had a smooth and conflict-free transition of his mindset.

So what do you think if any country instead of waging a war against other country, wins it by changing the mindset of that country ? Yes, this is a nice way of winning a nation without any warfare, killing, violence or destruction.  This is using "Soft Power" to win the country instead of the "Hard Power". In politics, soft power is the ability to attract and co-opt, rather than coerce. It involves shaping the preferences of others through appeal and attraction.

It was in 1990 that Joseph Nye first introduced and explained this concept in his book. Soft power  works on the principle that "the best propaganda is not propaganda". In today's world of social media, one can easily build up a narrative and bias minds of masses to incline in the desired direction. Soft power can be wielded not just by countries but also by actors, NGOs or international institutions. With dish TV, internet, OTT and social media, there are so many narratives being propagated through movies, web series, documentaries,  Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter.

A politician now doesn't directly tell people to vote for him. He rather uses narratives on social media to influence their minds such that they automatically start identifying him as the best leader for whom they should vote. One will often find Christian missionaries using soft power to convert people to Christianity. The missionaries go on expounding the virtues of Jesus as the ultimate saviour of humanity and also dole out many goodies to the poor masses.  Eventually they manage to bring many people to the fold of Christianity. An increase in Christian population directly means more control over them by the European nations through the institution of Church.

America successfully raised its brand value by selling the " The Great American Dream" to the world. It resulted in large influx of talented people from all over the world to America. Such a pool of talented people contributed exponentially towards the progress of America. Do you think America could have forcefully brought these people to America and made to work for them ? Never. The United States can dominate others, but it has also excelled in projecting soft power, with the help of its companies, foundations, universities, churches, and other institutions of civil society; U.S. culture, ideals, and values have been extraordinarily important in helping Washington attract partners and supporters.

The three pillars of soft power are: political values, culture, and foreign policy. Influencing nations through these areas will surely have a transforming effect on the nation's basic thought and ideals. This doesn't mean that hard power is not important at all. Hard power has  its own role too. But it is a costly affair. It is much easier and economical to use soft  power.  In fact a combination of hard and soft power should be used as "smart power". 

Soft power is based on the ability to alter the preferences of others. In the business world, leaders know that leadership is not just a matter of issuing commands, but also involves leading by example and attracting others to do what you want. Similarly when policy is being made for community, it should be made sufficiently friendly and attractive that a community wants to help the policy formulators to achieve shared objectives.

Political leaders are beginning to understand that the hard power is not much effective every time. They are relying more  on their own ability to develop intangible assets such as an attractive personality, culture, political values and institutions, and policies that are seen as legitimate or having moral authority. If a leader represents values that others want to follow, it will cost less to lead.

All said and done, soft power too has its own limitations. For example, it is impossible to change the mindsets of vast population in the Islamic world who believe in the supremacy of their own faith. Terrorist outfits are the result of such extremist thought process. In this scenario, exercising hard power is the better option.

Soft power has always been a key element of leadership.  Great leaders have always understood that attractiveness springs from credibility and legitimacy. Power is not exercised through arms and ammunition. The most evil dictators have relied on attraction equally as fear. Leadership and power are inseparable. Leaders have to make crucial choices about the types of power that they use. Leaders simply cannot ignore or devalue the significance of soft power.

Unconditional Positive Regard

If you are from Europe and have not visited China ever, your first interaction with Chinese people might make you feel uncomfortable with them. It is not because you are superior or they are inferior. It is due to the fact that you have certain conditioning of your mind about your own society. Meeting people who do not belong to your society, will cause you to look at them in a different way. We all have such kind of conditioning of our minds and we don't accept people as they are. Here is a concept of human psychology called as
 Unconditional positive regard. It is the basic acceptance and support of a person regardless of what the person says or does. An individual has within him vast resources for self-understanding, for altering his self-concept, attitudes, and self-directed behavior. Unconditional positive regard is essential for healthy development and has a therapeutic component. By showing a person unconditional positive regard and acceptance, you are  providing the best possible conditions for the person to interact with you. The main factor in unconditional positive regard is the ability to isolate behaviors from the person who displays them. It is a profound relief to drop our pretenses, confess our worst feelings, and discover that we are still accepted. In a good marriage, a close family, or an intimate friendship, we are free to be spontaneous  and we stop fearing the loss of others' esteem. In deeper and more meaningful relationships it is possible to show unconditional positive regard to another individual. Unconditional positive regard bridges the short-term relationships and deeper long-term personal relationships. When you have unconditional positive regard for someone, nothing they can do could give you a reason to stop seeing them as inherently human and inherently lovable. It does not mean that you accept each and every action taken by the person, but that you accept who they are at a level much deeper than surface behavior. Those who do not receive such regard from their parents at a young age are more likely to have low self-worth and less likely to reach their full potential with regards to personal development.

Unconditional positive regard is used by psychologists, social workers, therapists, parents, teachers, coaches and mentors. The unconditionally accepting therapist will show the client that he is still accepted and valued, even when he makes mistakes. Social workers will often work with clients who are at a low point in their lives. A social worker who accepts this about their clients will find that their clients are more open to discussion and more apt to accept themselves as they are, believe that positive change is possible, and commit to making such changes. Parents showing unconditional positive regard for their children help them meet two essential needs: experiencing positive regard from others and a positive sense of self-worth. When you adopt an unconditional positive attitude toward your child, you allow him to be free to try new things, make mistakes, and be spontaneous. It can be difficult to be unconditionally positive and accepting when your child has displeased or disappointed you, but this is when it is most important.  Teachers use this concept through respecting the child by offering them choices, abiding by their decisions, and explaining the reasoning behind their own decisions. They help the child to achieve competence by encouraging them to be independent and offer diverse opportunities to be challenged and to be successful.

Last but not the least, the best thing for your own self is summarized by Brian Tracy as follows:

“The greatest gift that you can give to others is the gift of unconditional love and acceptance.”

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Upcycling is the process of converting  old and unused items into new and usable products. For example, when you convert your old jeans pants into a shopping bag, you are upcycling. It is very important that you need to do upcycling of various items in your home or office so that you can save money, environment and efforts. Moreover the satisfaction of creatively making an upcycled product is deeply fulfilling. Imagine you have an old coffee mug which you want to dispose off. If you throw it away in waste basket, it will end up in a dump-yard and ultimately pollute the environment for hundreds of years. But a simple creative idea will transform it into a a cactus plant pot or a pen stand or flower vase and continue to provide utility for many years.  Recycling is different from upcycling. In recycling, the unwanted product is destroyed and the material is used to make something else. This process too causes load on environment. But when you upcycle, there is hardly any impact on the environment. There are many methods and techniques of upcycling. Please search on the net and you will be surprised to know how easy it is to upcycle almost everything you feel useless. You can also set up your own business by making and selling upcycled items. Also encourage your children to upcycle their used or unwanted items instead of buying new ones. This will make them more creative, thrifty, responsible and imaginative. Following links give various ideas for upcycling.

Who are the US Marines ?

The US Marines (United States Marine Corps), is a branch of the United States Armed Forces responsible for conducting expeditionary and amphibious operations with the US Navy and Air Force. It traces its roots to the American Revolutionary War and was formed by a resolution on 10 November 1775. 

US Marines undergo training that makes them almost like a super hero in capability. The spirit of the dare-devil that gets instilled in them is every man's dream. Being a Marine is like challenging normal human limits and discovering how powerful you are as a human being and through this power, how you can help the world by bringing peace and order.

The Marine Corps is one of the most elite fighting forces in the world. The Marine Corps' mission is unique among the services. Marines serve on U.S. Navy ships, protect naval bases, guard U.S. embassies, and provide an ever-ready quick strike force to protect U.S. interests anywhere in the world. To perform the many duties of the Marine Corps, approximately 174,000 officers and enlisted Marines fly planes and helicopters; operate radar equipment; drive armored vehicles; gather intelligence; survey and map territory; maintain and repair radios, computers, jeeps, trucks, tanks, and aircraft; and perform hundreds of other challenging jobs.

The three primary areas of responsibility for the Marine Corps are:
  1. Seizure or defense of advanced naval bases and other land operations to support naval campaigns

  2. Development of tactics, technique, and equipment used by amphibious landing forces in coordination with the Army and Air Force

  3. Such other duties as the President or Department of Defense may direct.

 The Marine Corps fulfills a critical military role as an amphibious warfare force. It can rapidly deploy a combined-arms task force to almost anywhere in the world within days.

Their major achievements so far are as below:

  1. They played a small role in the  American Civil War (1861–1865) with their prominent task as blockade duty.

  2. During World War I Marines served as a part of the American Expeditionary Force. 

  3. In World War II , they performed a central role in the Pacific War, along with the U.S. Army. They took the lead in a massive campaign of amphibious warfare, advancing from island to island.

  4. The Korean War (1950–1953)  saw the Corps expand from 75,000 regulars to a force of 261,000 Marines, mostly reservists. 30,544 Marines were killed or wounded during the war and 42 were awarded the Medal of Honor.

  5. The Marine Corps served in the Vietnam War taking part in such battles as the Battle of Hue and the Battle of Khe Sanh in 1968.

  6. Following the attacks on 11 September 2001, President George W. Bush announced the Global War on Terrorism. Since then, the Marine Corps, alongside the other military services, has engaged in global operations around the world in support of that mission. Throughout the Global War on Terrorism, the U.S. Marines have supported operations in Africa to counter Islamic extremism and piracy in the Red Sea. 

  7. Marines and other American forces began staging in Pakistan and Uzbekistan on the border of Afghanistan as early as October 2001 in preparation for Operation Enduring Freedom.

  8. U.S. Marines served in the Iraq War, along with its sister services.

The Marine Corps is the America's 911 force. Thousands of Marines are always deployed aboard naval amphibious ships ready to respond to an international crises. This ability to mobilize quickly has allowed the Marines to become the United States' ready-reaction force. The Marines also consider themselves to be a self-sustaining force bringing with it to battle its own air power, artillery and logistics support. Of course, Marines have to travel on Navy vessels in order to to get to its destination.

Marines also are proud to say that 'every Marine is a rifleman.' In other words, regardless if you are in the infantry, the air wing or a computer technician, you will given the proper training so that, if need be, you can perform as an infantryman if called upon. Although the Marine Corps says that "every Marine is a rifleman," infantry units comprise no more than 15% of the service's total force. You will be able to work in one of 35 career fields which offer over 300 different jobs.  The Marine Corps accepts prior-service people. Some specialty fields available to you:

  • Aircraft Defense

  • Aircraft Maintenance

  • Armor

  • Broadcasting

  • Combat Engineer

  • Communications

  • Computer Operator/Technician

  • Electronics

  • Intelligence

  • Supply

Only US citizens can join the US Marines. All Marines have to undergo a training in 13 week Boot Camp. Recruit training is rigorous, demanding, and challenging. The overall goal of recruit training is to instill in the recruits the military skills, knowledge, discipline, pride and self-confidence necessary to be a United States Marine.

In the first several days at the recruit depot, a recruit is assigned to a platoon, receives a basic issue of uniforms and equipment, is given an additional physical, and takes further assignment classification tests. Each platoon is led by a team of three Marine drill instructors. A typical training day for recruits begins with reveille at 0500 (5:00 a.m.), continues with drill, physical training, and several classes in weapons and conduct, and ends with taps at 2100 (9:00 p.m.).

Let There Be Light (1946 film)

Let There Be Light (1946) is a documentary film directed by American filmmaker John Huston (1906–1987). It was not released until the 1980's as its release was suppressed by US government earlier. 

So what was it that the US government didn't want the public to know ? Strangely, it is nothing that should have been secretive at all. The film is about the post war trauma that soldiers underwent after World War II.

The film begins with an introduction, stating that 20 percent of wartime casualties are of a psychiatric nature. After the war, soldiers were transported to hospital to be treated for mental conditions brought about by war. They were suffering from various nervous conditions such as psychoneurosis, battle neurosis, conversion disorder, amnesia, severe stammering, and anxiety states. 

Various treatment methods are employed to cure them. Treatments depicted include narcosynthesis, hypnosis, group psychotherapy, music therapy, and work therapy. 

One soldier who had amnesia, is hypnotized to remember the trauma of the Japanese bombings on Okinawa and his life before then. Another is given an intravenous injection of sodium amytal to induce a hypnotic state, curing him of his mental inability to walk. The treatments are followed by classes  and group therapy sessions. These sessions are designed to reintegrate patients back into civilian life.

Therapists make a point of reassuring the patients that there is nothing to be ashamed of for receiving treatment for their mental conditions, and that civilians subjected to the same stresses would develop the same conditions. The film ends with a number of the featured patients participating in a ceremony in which they are discharged, not just from the hospital, but from military service, and returned to civilian life.

The film is NOT enacted. All the scenes in the film are REAL and ACTUAL. The doctors, soldiers, patients, hospitals are all real and their treatment process has been captured on camera is REAL

A great takeaway from the film is how the mind is more powerful than the body. Most of our physical and mental problems are created by us through our mind. Seemingly, the problems are real for us. But actually, all the problems are self created by mind. The stark reality in the film displays this truth clearly and in a very easily understandable way.

The movie is available on YouTube as well as Netflix. It is a "must watch" movie for all, especially the urban population who face lot of mental stress in daily life.

The Big Five Personality Traits

We all humans have unique personalities. Personality is due to certain traits that are manifested to a higher or a lesser extent. Many psychologists believe that there are 5 basic dimensions of personality. These are  often referred to as the "Big 5" personality traits. Following are the 5 traits:

  1. Extroversion: It is  characterized by excitability, sociability, talkativeness, assertiveness, and high amounts of emotional expressiveness. People who are high in extroversion are outgoing and tend to gain energy in social situations. Being around other people helps them feel energized and excited. People who are low in extroversion (or introverted) tend to be more reserved and have less energy to expend in social settings. Social events can feel draining and introverts often require a period of solitude and quiet in order to "recharge."

  2. Agreeableness: It includes trust, altruism, kindness, affection, and other pro-social behaviors. People who are high in agreeableness tend to be more cooperative while those low in this trait tend to be more competitive and sometimes even manipulative.

  3. Openness: It includes imagination and insight. People who are high in this trait also tend to have a broad range of interests. They are curious about the world and other people and eager to learn new things and enjoy new experiences. People who are high in this trait tend to be more adventurous and creative. People low in this trait are often much more traditional and may struggle with abstract thinking.

  4. Conscientiousness: It includes high levels of thoughtfulness, good impulse control, and goal-directed behaviors. Highly conscientious people tend to be organized and mindful of details. They plan ahead, think about how their behavior affects others, and are mindful of deadlines.

  5. Neuroticism: It is characterized by sadness, moodiness, and emotional instability. Individuals who are high in this trait tend to experience mood swings, anxiety, irritability, and sadness. Those low in this trait tend to be more stable and emotionally resilient.

To easily remember the 5 traits you can remember OCEAN (openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism) or CANOE (conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness, and extroversion).

The 5 personality dimensions are universal and they also have biological origins. Research suggests that both biological and environmental influences play a role in shaping our personalities. Both nature and nurture play a role in the development of each of the five personality factors. Behavior involves an interaction between a person's underlying personality and situational variables. The situation that a person finds himself or herself plays a major role in how the person reacts. However, in most cases, people offer responses that are consistent with their underlying personality traits. Personality is complex and varied and each person may display behaviors across several of these dimensions.

Application of these 5 traits in various areas are as below:

Education : Conscientiousness and agreeableness have a positive relationship with all types of learning style. Agreeableness has a positive effect on psychological well being. Individuals high in neurotic tendencies are less likely to display hopeful tendencies and are negatively associated with well-being. Openness has been linked to learning styles that often lead to academic success and higher grades. Conscientiousness has consistently emerged as a stable predictor of success in exam performance, largely because conscientious students experience fewer study delays. Students with high levels of conscientiousness develop focused learning strategies and appear to be more disciplined and achievement-oriented.

Work Success: Organizations, and interviewers assess individuals based on the Big Five personality traits. Individuals who are considered leaders typically exhibit lower amounts of neurotic traits, maintain higher levels of openness (envisioning success), balanced levels of conscientiousness (well-organized), and balanced levels of extroversion (outgoing, but not excessive).Professional burnout is linked with neuroticism, while extroversion is linked with enduring positive work experience. When it comes to making money, research has suggested that those who are high in agreeableness (especially men) are not as successful in accumulating income. Agreeableness is negatively related to salary. Conscientiousness of a supervisor is positively associated with an employee's perception of abusive supervision while those with low agreeableness and high neuroticism are traits more related to abusive supervision.

Health: Neuroticism is used to understand the physical and mental health of the individual. High degree of neuroticism significantly predicted chronic illness. High conscientiousness increases life span by 5 years. High levels of conscientiousness, extroversion, and openness were related to lower risk of mortality. Higher conscientiousness is associated with lower obesity risk.