Showing posts with label Sci-Tech. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sci-Tech. Show all posts

What is Jailbreaking

If you are using a mobile phone, you must know what is jailbreaking. Jailbreaking is a process of installing unauthorized software on your mobile such that it allows the user to gain full access to the root of the operating system and access all the features. Generally the term jailbreaking is used with reference to iPhone, iPad or iTouch as these are considered the safest devices which cannot be hacked. 

Jailbreaking can also refer to  installing custom software on mobiles or removing Digital Rights Management (DRM) restrictions on movies. One cannot change the core features of device with jailbreaking. But a jailbroken device can download apps which are rejected by Apple's App store. 

There are various codes and hacks made by online communities who share them in forums. This makes jailbreaking skills available to people associated with jailbreaking. One can do jailbreaking when mobile is connected with computer. This is called tethered jailbreak. On the other hand, untethered jail break does not involve computer and one can directly jailbreak through the mobile. 

Jailbreaking isn't a legal activity entirely. The law of the land decides what components or parts of jailbreaking is legal. Even if it is legal, jailbreaking isn't safe for your device as it enables cyber criminals to hack your phone. Once you jailbreak your phone, you stop receiving iOS updates. This also includes the security updates released by Apple, thereby exposing your phone to security threat.

Apple warns against jailbreaking your iPhone or any other iOS device. If a device is jailbroken and if something goes wrong with the phone, it is up to you to fix it, because the act of jailbreaking voids your warranty.

So the takeaway from this article is that if you wish to ever have to jailbreak your device, be prepared to lose automatic updates, security features provided by company and a shortened battery life. You will gain in terms of installing your desired app which is not permitted by Apple Store. But you will make your device vulnerable to cyber security threat.

A Beautiful Mind (2001 film)

How many of you have heard about Game theory ? I am sure very few know about it. Game theory has a wide range of applications, including psychology, evolutionary biology, war, politics, economics, and business. Despite its many advances, game theory is still a young and developing science. John Forbes Nash Jr. (June 13, 1928 – May 23, 2015) was an American mathematician who made fundamental contributions to game theory. John Nash is the only person to be awarded both the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences and the Abel Prize.

So most of you will wonder how is this relevant to you ? Well, you may not realize this but your life is influenced heavily by the concepts of Game Theory. John Nash, has therefore made a significant contribution to your daily life. If you want to know about John Nash, then simply watch the movie made in the year 2001, A Beautiful Mind. This movie grossed over $313 million worldwide and won four Academy Awards.

In 1947, John Nash arrives at Princeton University for studying mathematics. He meets fellow math and science graduate students. Determined to publish his own original idea, Nash is inspired when he and his classmates discuss how to approach a group of women at a bar. Nash argues that a cooperative approach would lead to better chances of success, and develops a new concept of governing dynamics. He publishes an article on his theory, earning him an appointment at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). 

In 1953, Nash is invited to the Pentagon to crack encrypted enemy telecommunications, which he manages to decipher mentally. Bored with his regular duties at MIT, including teaching, he is recruited by the mysterious William Parcher of the United States Department of Defense with a classified assignment: to look for hidden patterns in magazines and newspapers to thwart a Soviet plot. Nash becomes increasingly obsessive in his search for these patterns, delivering his results to a secret mailbox, and comes to believe he is being followed.

One of his students, Alicia Larde, asks him to dinner, and they fall in love. On a return visit to Princeton, Nash runs into Charles and his niece, Marcee. With Charles' encouragement, he proposes to Alicia and they marry. Nash fears for his life after surviving a shootout between Parcher and Soviet agents, and learns Alicia is pregnant, but Parcher forces him to continue his assignment. While delivering a guest lecture at Harvard University, Nash tries to flee from people he thinks are Soviet agents, led by psychiatrist Dr. Rosen, but is forcibly sedated and committed to a psychiatric facility.

Dr. Rosen tells Alicia that Nash has schizophrenia and that Charles, Marcee, and Parcher exist only in his imagination. Alicia backs up the doctor, telling Nash that no "William Parcher" is in the Defense Department and takes out the unopened documents he delivered to the secret mailbox. Nash is given a course of insulin shock therapy and eventually released. Frustrated with the side effects of his antipsychotic medication, he secretly stops taking it and starts seeing Parcher and Charles again.

In 1956, Alicia discovers Nash has resumed his "assignment" in a shed near their home. Realizing he has relapsed, Alicia rushes to the house to find Nash had left their infant son in the running bathtub, believing "Charles" was watching the baby. Alicia calls Dr. Rosen, but Nash accidentally knocks her and the baby to the ground, believing he's fighting Parcher. As Alicia flees with the baby, Nash stops her car and tells her he realizes that "Marcee" isn't real because she doesn't age, finally accepting that Parcher and other figures are hallucinations. Against Dr. Rosen's advice, Nash chooses not to restart his medication, believing he can deal with his symptoms himself, and Alicia decides to stay and support him.

Nash returns to Princeton, approaching his old rival Hansen, now head of the mathematics department, who allows him to work out of the library and audit classes. Over the next two decades, Nash learns to ignore his hallucinations and, by the late 1970s, is allowed to teach again. In 1994, Nash wins the Nobel Prize for his revolutionary work on game theory, and is honored by his fellow professors. At the ceremony, he dedicates the prize to his wife.

The movie is a marvel to watch as it depicts the life of a great mathematician struggling with his mental health and still managing to sustain his genius talent. There are moments where you feel that John Nash must simply wind up and retire permanently to live a peaceful life with his family. His problems due to schizophrenia are so immense that you feel sorry for him and his family. His wife stands by him determinedly and ultimately John Nash comes out of his mental illness. With some support from his colleague, he slowly crawls back to normal life and sees super success. He is awarded the Nobel Prize in the end. It is almost unbelievable to see him come out as winner in spite of the severe mental illness. The movie gives us hope and reassurance that nothing is impossible to achieve if one is determined for it.  The other dimension of the movie is that it shows you the world of research, academics in big universities and how professionals work in such areas. Focus and dedication is required to succeed in the field of research.

This movie is meant for family view and I encourage it to show it to your school and college going children.

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What is Quantum Computer ?

Ordinary computers use technology that has information in bits i.e. 0 and 1. In layman terms, all information is in terms of "Yes" or "No". There is no third information.  Various combinations of 0 and 1 form numbers and characters. But Quantum Computers encodes data into bits that can represent 0 and 1 and another quantum entity. ( In physics, a quantum is the minimum amount of any physical entity in terms of physical property involved in an interaction ).Such a combination is known as qubits. So what advantage it gives ? In simple words, quantum computer performs operations with computational speed and possibilities not available to classical computers. A quantum computer harnesses some of the almost-mystical phenomena of quantum mechanics to deliver huge leaps forward in processing power.

Quantum machines promise to outstrip even supercomputers. There is an increasing amount of investment in quantum computing by governments, established companies, and start-ups. Current research focuses on building and using a powerful and error-free quantum computer. It is not that classical computers will be wiped out. Using a classical machine will still be the easiest and most economical solution for tackling most problems. But quantum computers promise to power exciting advances in various fields, from materials science to pharmaceuticals research. Companies are already experimenting with them to develop things like lighter and more powerful batteries for electric cars, and to help create novel drugs.  Quantum computers can be used to simulate the behavior of matter down to the molecular level. Car manufacturing companies are using quantum computers to simulate the chemical composition of electrical-vehicle batteries to help find new ways to improve their performance. And pharmaceutical companies are leveraging them to analyze and compare compounds that could lead to the creation of new drugs. Quantum machines can crunch through vast numbers of potential solutions extremely fast. Aircraft companies use them to help calculate the most fuel-efficient ascent and descent paths for aircraft. Some researchers also think the machines could be used to accelerate artificial intelligence.

It could take quite a few years for quantum computers to achieve their full potential. Universities and businesses working on them are facing a shortage of skilled researchers in the field—and a lack of suppliers of some key components. But if these exotic new computing machines live up to their promise, they could transform entire industries and turbocharge global innovation.

Ransomware Protection Tools for Business

Malware (malicious software) is any software intentionally designed to cause damage to a computer, server, client, or computer network. Malware does the damage after it is implanted or introduced in some way into a target's computer. Some kinds of malware are largely referred to in the media as computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses, ransomware, spyware, adware, and scareware, among other terms. Malware has a malicious intent, acting against the interest of the computer user. (Source: Wiki).

There is a type of malware called ransomware which is specifically dangerous for small and medium businesses today. Ransomware threatens to publish the victim's data or perpetually block access to it unless a ransom is paid. While some simple ransomware may lock the system in a way which is not difficult for a knowledgeable person to reverse, more advanced malware encrypts the victim's files, making them inaccessible, and demands a ransom payment to decrypt them. Ransomware attacks are typically carried out using a Trojan that is disguised as a legitimate file that the user is tricked into downloading or opening when it arrives as an email attachment. Starting from around 2012 the use of ransomware scams has grown internationally.(Source: Wiki).

Small and medium enterprises are especially vulnerable to ransomware attacks as they seldom have expertise and budget to deploy tools to check such attacks. Here are some excellent protection packages to deal with ransomware menace:

  1. Symantec Endpoint Protection Cloud:  Symantec Endpoint Protection Cloud (SEP Cloud) is an easy to use security-as-a-service that protects and manages PC, Mac, mobile devices and servers from a single console, making it the ideal solution for organizations with limited IT security resources. SEP Cloud effectively stops today’s ransomware, zero-day threats and other sophisticated attacks using advanced multi-layered technologies including advanced machine learning and behavior analysis. Utilizing SEP Cloud’s, default security settings and user self-enrollment capabilities, this solution quickly protects your endpoints.

  2. Bitdefender GravityZone Elite: Bitdefender GravityZone Elite suite is designed to protect enterprises against the full spectrum of sophisticated cyber threats with speed and accuracy. Elite provides high-level performance and protection for all endpoints across the enterprise environment: desktops, laptops, mobiles, physical and virtual servers. It ensures a consistent level of security for the entire IT environment, limiting poorly protected endpoints that could serve as starting points for malicious actions against the organization. It relies on a simple, integrated architecture with centralized management for both endpoints and data center. Cloud and on-premise console options fit both cloud-ready and strictly regulated environments.

  3. Panda Security Adaptive Defense 360:  Panda Security Adaptive Defense 360 is the company's flagship entry into the business-grade hosted endpoint protection space. While it delivers a great selection of capabilities, you'll need to be careful when purchasing as the company's website isn't all that clear about which features are included in which tiers. Still, once setup, this platform offers solid protection capabilities across multiple operating system platforms with full management available over the cloud. On the downside, some weaknesses in the user experience and overall threat protection keep it behind our current business security Editors' Choice winners, Bitdefender GravityZone Elite and ESET Endpoint Protection Standard.

  4. Avast Business Antivirus Pro Plus: Avast Business Antivirus Pro Plus 2019 is all-in-one powerful endpoint, email, server and network protection package for small and medium size businesses (best for 1-500 employees). It works on PCs, Macs and Windows servers. It is enhanced with cutting - edge features to keep your company's life fully secure. It includes powerful antivirus, server, email and network security, CyberCapture, firewall and much more. It can be used either with cloud console or without. A very easy to install protection against virus and malware, Avast Business Antivirus Pro Plus is a Must-Have software for not only businesses but also every computer user. Avast is compatible with most Operating Systems, making it for every person. The software is cheap to purchase and very easy to maintain. The user can install the software without the help of an expert, making installation cost zero. Using the software is as easy as clicking on the "Run-Check" button, leaving the software to check any problems in the system, and clicking "Fix" button once the checking is done. Further, the software is very reliable in detecting issues not only in the PC storage space but also threats that can be picked up from the internet, as it has a powerful firewall feature. With the firewall, the user can connect and browse files via a network connection without any worry. When using external storage facilities and devices, the software is able to run an auto-check on these devices to ensure they do not infect the computer. If any threats are found, the software auto-corrects them. It is a very reliable, convenient and efficient antivirus for both online and offline files.

  5. McAfee Endpoint Protection Essential for SMB: McAfee Endpoint Protection Essential is a multi-featured security suite, designed for small and midsize businesses (SMBs).The solution offers businesses with a wide array of functionality. A firewall helps keep hackers out of company networks, while anti-malware protection, device control and Web security all defend against multiple security threats. Mcafee Endpoint Protection Essential also features an access protection tool that, in the event of a cyber attack, restricts access to folders designated as “confidential." It comes with a central control panel, available on-premise or in the cloud, which enables a single administrator to manage and monitor the company network, making sure company security is up-to-date. McAfee, a subsidiary of Intel, has clients ranging from government agencies to at-home users. Support is available via phone.

  6. ESET Endpoint Protection Standard: ESET Endpoint Antivirus is an on-premise antivirus solution that provides businesses protection against malware and a remote management tool. Antivirus and antispyware protections utilize ESET’s Threat Sense technology to defend against both known and emerging threats. Scanning and detection occur can be scheduled and carried out when the system is idle. ESET Endpoint Antivirus also features device control, which scans USB sticks, CDs, DVDs and other removable media for hidden threats. Administrators can configure the system to block unauthorized media from accessing the network, thus protecting against data loss. ESET Endpoint Antivirus also comes with a remote administration tool which enables an administrator to manage the security of thousands of workstations from a single console. Accessible from any computer connected to the network, the remote administrator enables the individual managing company security to schedule or initiate scans, enforce policies and rules and manage configuration. Support is offered via phone, email and through other online resources.

Email Security Tips for Companies

Email facility is an integral part of every business. It is impossible to run your business without using emails. Your company's internal and external communication and data exchange is done largely by email. Sensitive, confidential information is exchanged through billions of emails every day across the world. It is highly imperative, therefore to protect and secure your email system. Otherwise it could lead to business catastrophe. Here are few tips for companies to ensure security of their emails.

  1. Have a multiple security system: Most of the companies use only one security scanning system for their emails. Always have a strategy to have more than one security system. Relying on only one system could be unsafe as not always any single system is immune to all kinds of attacks. Just one vulnerability in the security system will cause your email system to crash or exposed to data theft. Additional layer of a security will prevent this kind of attack.

  2. Configure your email server: Your company should correctly configure email by setting up DMARC ( Domain Based Message Authentication). This protocol checks incoming mails for ensuring messages are legitimate. If senders impersonate as a company person, this will be warded off by DMARC.

  3. Encrypt Emails: Encryption of mails will protect your company in case someone manages to steal your email data. An encrypted mail cannot be deciphered by unauthorized person. For example, you can use TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol to encrypt emails. It sets up a secure channel to communicate so that only sender and receiver can access the email contents.

  4. Guard against spoofing attacks: Hackers often assume a false identity and send you email to steal data or money or spread malware. Beware ! This has to be warded off through wisdom. For example, if the boss is out of town, and a spoof attacker sends email to his colleagues  as the boss being in a dire situation and needs money. The attacker's mail will persuade the colleague to immediately transfer money to the boss. This panic creating situation easily tricks innocent employees in sending money or sensitive information to the attacker.

  5. Filter Email: Use spam filters, firewalls and detection engines to protect spurious emails, By routing email through a gateway, you can enable deep inspection of email. A cloud platform keeps security patches up to date. When an email gateway identifies an attachment as potentially harmful, the platform can place the attachment in a sandbox environment to test how it behaves.

  6. Avoid phishing attacks: Phishing is a cyber-crime in which a target is contacted by email, telephone or text message by someone posing as a legitimate institution to lure individuals into providing sensitive data such as personally identifiable information, banking and credit card details, and passwords. Train your employees periodically to be cautious about such emails. An essential part of the training is learning not to open attachments unless you are expecting one. If you didn't expect an attachment, confirm with the senders that they intended to send it.

The above tips are generic. Information Security is a vast area and therefore regularly update yourself with latest technologies and knowledge so that you have an up to date security system for your organization in all areas.

Don't post your pictures on Social Media

Almost all of us are active on social media nowadays. Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Linkedin etc, there are so many social media sites. Most of you are not aware of a big danger about using these. One of the dangers is misuse of your pictures posted on social media by you. Yes, it can be very dangerous for you if you post your pictures on social media. Here's why......

  1. Criminals can use your pictures to gain access to sites and locations protected by facial recognition systems. Big companies use data such as pictures on social media to do research for their software development or other systems. They do this WITHOUT taking your consent for using your pictures.

  2. There have been cases where pictures confidentially shared on social media for private use, have been stolen and made public to humiliate or blackmail the person or misused for fraud and identity theft.

  3. Your pictures from social media can be used to unlock smartphones. This will mean disaster for you as you not only will lose your smartphone but also lot of personal information will get accessible to someone else.

  4. When you post your picture on social media, there is a metadata automatically created of the picture. The meta data is the information about the picture i.e GPS coordinates of the place of picture, date and time. Hackers can easily uncover this metadata and come to know where exactly you are. This information can be used to plan out certain things against you.

  5. Photos of children on social media have been used for cyber bullying, stalking and kidnapping. It is very easy to know from the school uniform about the school details of your kid. Kidnappers can use this information to their advantage.

  6. Your pictures can be used for identity theft. Information about your lifestyle, habits are unintentionally given out. If you look rich and wealthy, you might probably come on the radar of a criminal looking for right targets.

  7. You simply CANNOT trust ANY social media tool, no matter how reputed they are. When you post your pictures on social medial believing that the media is renowned and safe, then you are mistaken. Any social media can be hacked. Mistakes too can occur and the social media tool can reveal your pictures publicly due to some technical error or oversight.

  8. An employee was fired from his job as he had posted his picture on social media partying with his friends while he had reported sick and taken leave from office. His employer saw this picture and immediately fired him.

  9. Editing software can easily put your face picture on someone else's body. This can be used to make embarrassing pictures or videos of yours which can cause severe distress and humiliation.

  10. When you post your family pictures, you are revealing a lot of information about your family details which can be used by fraudsters to take advantage of you. For example, a criminal comes to know through your picture on social media that you are mother of a new born baby.  Probably you will be at home attending to your baby while your husband is at office and he can exploit your vulnerability to rob your house.

  11. A lady posted her picture with her house in background. A criminal studied the house from the pic on how to gain access inside. He also collected lot of information about the lady through the picture. He successfully used this information to rob the house.

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Beware of Robotexts and Spam Messages

A Robotext is the act of making autodialed calls/texts to cell phones. This includes text messages from text messaging apps and Internet-to-phone text messaging. If you receive such calls or texts on your mobile phone,  then please exercise caution. Do not ever respond to them. These calls or texts will ask you to send some details in response which could be your confidential data. This personal data of yours will be used by them to hack into your bank and credit card accounts to make purchases and defraud you. Though there are various laws existing to curb Robotext companies, they are too powerless to check your vulnerable reaction to the Robotext.  So it is your responsibility to be alert and prevent any kind of fraud with you. Same applies to spam messages in your email folder. These emails will seek response to unsubscribe if you are not interested. When you press "unsubscribe" link, it will only make them understand you are an active user. They will send you more such messages through different email. There are many ways to counter the nuisance of Robotext and Spam mails. In an Android based mobile phone, you can simply block that number. The caller from that number will never be able to connect with you. You should also report these spammers to your network provider.  There are various mobile apps such as Nomorobo, Robokiller to check Robotext.  These apps can analyse and identify if the text message is genuine or not. Also avoid downloading unnecessary apps on your mobile. They may be secretly sending your entire data on mobile such as SMS, pictures, stored files, passwords, your internet activity to the fraudsters. These fraudsters can play havoc with your privacy and easily make monetary transfers through your bank accounts. Moreover, your private pictures can be used by them to their advantage. Often you may get lured by Robotext and Spam Emails to submit some data to claim free coupons or discounts on purchases of clothes, food etc. DO NOT ever respond to them and never submit any kind of data, no matter how attractive their offer is. Also they may promise you some commission if you help them in some rescue situation or victimisation problem. These are always baits to exploit your emotions so that they can steal your data and defraud you later. No helpless person will send emails and texts to strangers like this in clear, crisp language. So exercise your common sense and do not fall in the trap. Same applies for dating sites, facebook requests. Attractive appearance of the friend requesting person combined with sweet language is an alluring trap for people seeking companionship. Thoroughly check and proceed. The unknown stranger making sweet talks with you on facebook could be just interested in your money. He/she will seek some money transfer after building up some rapport with you. Immediately stop and block the user. Most importantly, never share any confidential information with such people. The world of mobile and internet is huge and intimidating at times. Always remember, your common sense and alertness will help you overcome the above challenges effectively.

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Work Smarter with 7 Cloud Tools

In today's times, you have to work with teams, multiple projects simultaneously.  There are innumerable emails, chats sent and received. Also video calls and data exchange are always going on. Communication consumes precious time. At times, you might simply miss out the most important message. It is therefore necessary to find a way to exchange mails,  provide feedback, share information in a way that it is seamless, smooth, glitch free and user friendly too. Here are 7 Cloud Tools that provide such solution:
  1. Workplace by Facebook: Workplace combines next-generation technology and easy-to-use features to transform communications, culture and workflows inside organisations of all shapes, sizes and industries.  It enables seamless top-down communication and knowledge sharing. It gets real-time feedback via likes, comments and reactions.You can use live video for more immediate, direct and authentic sharing. Also it is a  global communicator with auto-translate. Workplace promotes openness, feedback and diversity to engage employees and drive cultural change. You can run polls in Groups to get a quick pulse on company issues. an use Workplace Chat bots to make payroll, benefits or onboarding processes quicker and easier. It is easy to deploy  with one-click provisioning and single sign on.

  2. Microsoft Teams:  It is a unified communications platform that combines persistent workplace chat, video meetings, file storage (including collaboration on files), and application integration. The service integrates with the company's Office 365 subscription office productivity suite and features extensions that can integrate with non-Microsoft products. Microsoft Teams is a competitor to services such as Slack.

  3. Trello: It has a variety of work and personal uses including real estate management, software project management, school bulletin boards, lesson planning, accounting, web design, gaming and law office case management. A rich API as well as email-in capability enables integration with enterprise systems, or with cloud-based integration services like IFTTT and Zapier.

  4. Wrike: The Wrike project management software is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) product that enables its users to manage and track projects, deadlines, schedules, and other workflow processes. It also allows users to collaborate with one another. The application is available in English, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Italian, Japanese and Russian. The primary goal of the software is to help streamline workflow and allow companies to focus on core tasks. As of 2016, it was used by over 12,000 companies.

  5. Slack: Slack is an American cloud-based set of proprietary team collaboration tools and services. It offers many IRC-like features, including persistent chat rooms (channels) organized by topic, private groups and direct messaging.All content inside Slack is searchable, including files, conversations, and people. On the free plan, only the 10,000 most recent messages can be viewed and searched. Users can add emoji buttons to their messages, which other users can then click on to express their reactions to messages.

  6. PBWorks: A number of businesses and corporations use PBworks to create private wikis for employees. PBworks is hosted on an all-Linux cluster and uses its own proprietary software. It has WYSIWYG editing and  limited HTML source editing. Users can create free basic wiki workspaces or upgrade to a premium plan to access additional features, such as enhanced security features, customization through CSS, and more storage space. Workspaces can be configured as either public or private (only viewable by those who have been invited to join the workspace).

  7. Airtable:  Airtable is a cloud collaboration service. It is a spreadsheet-database hybrid, with the features of a database but applied to a spreadsheet. The fields in an Airtable table are similar to cells in a spreadsheet, but have types such as 'checkbox', 'phone number', and 'drop-down list', and can reference file attachments like images. Users can create a database, set up column types, add records, link tables to one another, collaborate, sort records and publish views to external websites.

Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of things (IoT) is the network of devices such as vehicles, home appliances that contain electronics, software, connectors which allows these things to connect, interact and exchange data. IoT extends Internet connectivity beyond standard devices, such as desktops, laptops, smartphones and tablets, to any range of traditionally dumb or non-internet-enabled physical devices and everyday objects. Embedded with technology, these devices can communicate and interact over the Internet, and they can be remotely monitored and controlled.

When a device becomes a part of IoT, it becomes greater than itself as it gets connected to surrounding objects and data. IoT has three important parts : machine learning, cloud and chip miniaturization technology. 

Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence. Cloud is the vast internet cloud available globally. Control chips are the size of pinheads these days. So it is extremely easy to embed these chips in any device. IoT is one huge cloud. The tiny chip in your device becomes like a supercomputer because its computing power increases simply because it is connected to highly intelligent devices on IoT. It is like you are able to borrow Stephen Hawking’s brain for a few seconds.

IoT promises to transform a wide range of fields. In medical field, connected devices can help doctors monitor patients inside or outside of the hospital. Data from IoT helps doctors to adjust treatments accordingly.

IoT helps in urban planning. Devices placed under a busy street can alert drivers about upcoming delays or accidents. "Intelligent Dust Bins"  can automatically notify authorities when they become full.

In business areas, IoT enabled devices can track inventory, energy consumption and optimize consumption. Consumer behaviour and patterns can be tracked in real time, accurately and in specific details. IoT makes machines talk to each other directly rather than through humans. Now some factories basically run themselves, with machines telling each other what they need and when. Robots will impact the labour market  strongly  and will be part of IoT technology. Once a product is in a consumer's home, that product can be used to alert the owner of upcoming service schedules and even prompt the owner to book the appointment. 

Since lot of personal data flows in IoT, privacy concerns need to be addressed. Being wired up all the time an IoT device is at risk of experiencing a serious informational overload. By letting an IoT device in your home, you’re basically installing a bug, one that can gather data from other digital devices, maybe even hear and see you. IoT has advanced much faster than the regulatory environment. Hence there are potential regulatory risks facing companies that are continuing to expand the range of internet-connected devices. Since cyber criminals can mess with technology on the open net, consumers should be cautious of blindly embracing IoT without knowing about all the risks. 

The Witch Doctors of Digital Transformation

Author : Suhas is co-founder, Partner at 3nayan, a niche consulting firm which uses Process Engineering, Robotic Process Automation and Digital Transformation for Strategy Re-Energization, Growth Enablement and Organizational Effectiveness of organizations.


Maybe this article points the muzzle towards my foot somewhat, and towards some of my professional ilk. Will let you be the judge of that. But, the point really is that 84% of Digital Transformation (DX) programs fail.

As we speak with various client business folk, CDOs, CIOs, potential clients and others, it is becoming clear that people who really understand DX are few and far between. People who have planned or done some … even fewer. There are plenty who have done bits of automation, done a cloud migration here, designed an application architecture there, are following someone else’s plan or have executed a piece of the puzzle. People who understand this type of transformation from a business view (enabled by technology), or from an enterprise architecture (business and technology) impact point of view do seem like a rare breed.

There are product companies (and pretend cloud providers) who are happy to divert a client organization’s path by just scaring them and providing them a rather expedient solution. Organizations who get enthused because a competitor has a glitzy solution (however irrelevant to the former’s context). IT services companies which get gullible traditional organizations excited with a one-page customer journey slide. In addition, there are consulting companies and even research companies which have jumped on to the bus and end up dropping their price by 50% during a proposal process for DX implementation. People who can spell “d-i-g-i-t-a-l”, of course I am exaggerating to make the point, are getting CDO jobs. Sad part is that organizations often do not know what a CDO should be like.

The situation reminds me of this book from the late 90s, The Witchdoctors written by two (the) Economist staff writers (Mickelthwait, and Wooldridge). The book traces the journey of management gurus, management theories and consulting companies and talks about how they have spun the business world in the past; not always with integrity.

The current situation, doesn’t seem much different to us. Very often, while trying to sell or convince a client about a certain concept or a solution, we are posed with “Who else in the industry has done this?”. The Fear oMissing Out is what sells most for Digital, DX, Automation, RPA etc. rather than the actual need of the business to find new ways of reaching out to the customer.

In essence, till the time that DX (and related areas) proliferate enough, stabilize and become the normal, the above type of behavior will continue. Meanwhile, the organizations which get their act together are the ones who will succeed in this type of transformation. Getting their act together implies the following:

  1.  Up-skilling themselves, and a number of their core team members who will work the transformation.

  2. Paying peanuts will get you a monkey. So, spending as an investment to get a real CDO.

  3. Leadership needs to stand up, be counted and be responsible for removing hindrances (yes, even the human ones).

  4. Trusting their people and help build a culture of innovation. Supporting constructive criticism is a good place to start.

  5. Understanding that Digital Transformation is really about business, and a mindset of Customer Centricity and not about technology.

But right now, the gold rush is on. There are people panning, people selling the shovels, and there are folk getting waylaid. The question, to some extent is, how many large failures will it take for organizations to make coherent plans and comprehend Digital Transformation somewhat differently.

Currently, Forbes says, (I repeat) only about 16% such transformation efforts succeed. Just sayin’!


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Free, Useful Software Applications

Information Technology is indispensable for today's world. With a plethora of software applications available, one feels lost with the cost associated with buying licensed software applications for business and personal use. However, few people are aware of wonderful software applications are available absolutely FREE ! Yes, you heard it right. Here is a list of the same;

  1. GIMP

    • Photo & Image Editor


  2. Inkscape

    • Image Editor (Vector Graphics)


  3. Scribus

    • Desktop Publishing


  4. LibreOffice

    • Office Suite


  5. Wordweb

    • English Dictionary


  6. Blender

    • 3D Creation Suite, animation, game creation


  7. Simplenote

    • Keep notes across all your devices


  8. R

    • Statistical Computing


  9. QGIS

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Potential Blockchain in Indian Health Insurance

In an industry attempted to be governed by a somewhat confused regulator, completely fragmented provider side, health insurance companies in India struggle to make real straight through claims processing a reality. A small number of claims passing through limited expanse rules-engines don’t count.

Complete lack of trust among payer and provider, as many data formats as entities, half completed ICD codes, data being transported through emails in PDF files and images, multiple insurance company portals are just a few among the problems which prevent quick processing or detection of fraud. The payer side is an industry plagued with almost non-existent underwriting profit, but high investment profit from float money finally aided with low cost labour. The insured ends up paying for the inefficiencies.

This is not an unsolvable problem. Sounds like a Blockchain based solution, doesn’t it? But, there is no blockchain instance (in this industry) around.

The problem isn’t really a technology one, it is of people, of organizations. .....Click here to read full article

About the Author: Suhas is co-founder, Partner at 3nayan, a niche consulting firm which uses Process Engineering, Robotic Process Automation and Digital Transformation for Strategy Re-Energization, Growth Enablement and Organizational Effectiveness of organizations.

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Blockchain Technology- "The New Internet"

Blockchain technology is seen as "The New Internet" by businessmen and entrepreneurs.  It is a secure way for transaction. Also for career aspirants, it is an important career option too. Many job roles for blockchain professionals will open such as developers, designers and project managers. These jobs will be in high demand in future.

Blockchain allows digital information to be distributed but not copied. Information exists as a shared and a continuously reconciled database.  This type of network gives various benefits. The blockchain database is not stored in any single location. The records it keeps are truly public and easily verifiable. Since there is no centralized version of this information , a hacker simply cannot corrupt it. The data is hosted by millions of computers simultaneously and anyone can access it on internet.

Blockchain stores blocks of information that are identical across its network. So it cannot be controlled by any single entity and therefore has no single point of failure. It is a type of self-auditing ecosystem of a digital value. Its network reconciles every transaction that happens in ten-minute intervals. Each group of these transactions is referred to as a “block”. This imparts it 2 properties

  1. Embedding of transparent data in the public network.

  2. Incorruptibility of data as alteration of  information on the blockchain is not possible

Blockchain technology imparts a new layer of functionality to the web. 

Uses of Blockchain Technology

  • Management of database that records Bitcoin transactions

  • International remittances

  • Direct transactions of users with one another.

  • Secured blockchain boosts new internet business to unbundle the traditional institutions of finance.

  • Blockchain technology holds great potential to optimize clearing and settlements, and could represent global savings of up to $6bn per year.

  • Smart contracts can be executed using distributed ledgers

  • By enabling peer-to-peer payments, the blockchain opens the door to direct interaction between parties — a truly decentralized sharing economy results. e.g Uber, Ola, Airbnb

  • Blockchains take funding to the next level, potentially creating crowd-sourced venture capital funds.

  • Transparency of election and polls can be effectively maintained by making the results fully transparent and publicly accessible

  • Distributed ledgers provide an easy way to certify that the backstories of the things we buy are genuine.

  • Decentralizing file storage on protects files from getting hacked or lost

  • Smart contracts can protect copyright and automate the sale of creative works online, eliminating the risk of file copying and redistribution

  • Distributed ledgers offer enhanced methods for proving who you are, along with the possibility to digitize personal documents.

  • Anti-money laundering (AML) and know your customer (KYC) practices have a strong potential for being adapted to the blockchain

  • Future users will have the ability to manage and sell the data their online activity generates.

  • Property titles tend to be susceptible to fraud. Also it costly and labour intensive to administer. As Publicly-accessible ledgers, blockchains can make all kinds of record-keeping more efficient.

  • Share settlement process will become much more efficient on using blockchains in stock trading

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Lucy (2014 film)

Lucy is a 2014 English movie written and directed by Luc Besson. It stars Scarlett Johansson in the lead role. The film was released on July 25, 2014, and became a box office success.  Lucy is an  attempt to show "what if our brain achieved 100% efficiency?" The movie is about a woman, Lucy playing the protagonist. Due to an accident, Lucy  acquires the ability to activate the dormant, unused portions of her brain resulting in superhuman powers. Lucy acquires enhanced physical/mental abilities such as telepathy, telekinesis, mental time travel, and can choose not to feel pain or fear. She develops the ability to see the living cells of trees. Moving beyond the need of body, Lucy transforms into energy and becomes part of the universe. At the end of the movie her body gets disintegrated  and she disappears as she is everywhere - analogous to being God. The movie gives the viewer an ample food for thought.

If we humans actually reach 100% of our brain capacity, we no longer need our bodies as we will be able to transmute beyond them with a new understanding of  all existence through our new found powers. 

It is generally believed that we use only 10 % of capability of our brain. If humans could achieve 100% efficiency then they may develop certain abilities as below. 
  • Ability to suppress pain

  • Acquire telekinetic powers

  • Feel even littlest vibrations

  • Understand supersonic frequencies.

  • See light at broader spectrum

  • Can hear radio frequencies with ears

  • Can manipulate speed and flow of time
The core idea of this movie is based on Idealism and Occultism. Just as different combinations of the same genetic information create different results; different ranges of consciousness and different social perceptions allow us to see things in a renewed way. If someone uses 100% of his brain capacity, he will be able to do God-like things and certainly become a God.

If you have not watched this movie, then go watch it !

TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving)

TRIZ is the Russian acronym for the "Theory of Inventive Problem Solving," an international system of creativity developed in Russia.

One can think of TRIZ as another way of Lateral ThinkingTRIZ is either jumping to solutions OR starting from scratch. According to TRIZ, universal principles of creativity form the basis of innovation. TRIZ identifies and codifies these principles, and uses them to make the creative process more predictable. TRIZ is most useful in roles such as product development, design engineering, and process management. 

TRIZ is based on two basic principles

  1. Somebody, sometime, somewhere has already solved your problem or one similar to it. Creativity means finding that solution and adapting it to the current problem.

  2. Don’t accept contradictions. Resolve them

TRIZ provides a range of strategies and tools for finding inventive solutions.  It provides a structured way of doing innovations and changes the way a engineer would approach a problem. TRIZ is developed by analyzing patents . Thus when TRIZ is applied to solve a problem it brings the vast knowledge available in patents database.

TRIZ is a set of systematic thinking tools and uses a distillation of all recorded solutions in 4 simple lists:

  1. 40 inventive principles

  2. 8 trends of technical evolution

  3. 76 standard solutions

  4.  2500+ engineering & scientific concepts arranged as questions and answers

TRIZ offers 4 ways to resolve physical contradictions by separating contradictory requirement

  1. Time (Try to schedule the process so that conflicting requirements, functions, or operations take
    effect at different times.)e.g. Reviews in a team can be conducted at a separate fixed time

  2. Space (Separate contradictory requirements, functions or conditions by assigning each one to a different location.) e.g. There can be a separate space to perform a specialized functions

  3.  Condition (Look for a parameter or condition that can change so the system can meet one
    requirement under one condition and the opposite requirement under another condition.)

  4. Alternative Ways/Structure (Try to separate contradictory requirements, functions or conditions between different structural elements of the system.)

These are the 40 inventive principles that have been used in hundreds of thousands of patents. You can use them via TRIZ Contradiction Analysis or standalone, as stimuli to prod your thinking forward.

  1. Segmentation

  2. Extraction

  3. Local Quality

  4. Asymmetry

  5. Combination

  6. Universality

  7. Nesting

  8. Counterweight

  9. Prior Counteraction

  10. Prior Action

  11. Cushion in Advance

  12. Equipotentiality

  13. Inversion

  14. Spheroidality

  15. Dynamicity

  16. Partial, overdone or excessive action

  17. Moving to a new dimension

  18. Mechanical vibration

  19. Periodic action

  20. Continuity of useful action

  21. Rushing through

  22. Convert harm into benefit

  23. Feedback

  24. Mediator

  25. Self-service

  26. Copying

  27. Inexpensive short life

  28. Replacement of a mechanical system

  29. Use pneumatic or hydraulic systems

  30. Flexible film or thin membranes

  31. Use of porous materials

  32. Changing the colour

  33. Homogeneity

  34. Rejecting and regenerating parts

  35. Transforming physical or chemical states

  36. Phase transition

  37. Thermal expansion

  38. Use strong oxidisers

  39. Inert environment

  40. Composite materials

Although TRIZ was developed from the analysis of technical systems, it has been used widely as a method for understanding and solving complex management problems. 

  • Samsung uses TRIZ heavily. In 2003 TRIZ led to 50 new patents for Samsung .

  • Rolls-Royce, BAE Systems and GE are all documented users of TRIZ.

  • Mars has documented how applying TRIZ led to a new patent for chocolate packaging.

  • TRIZ has also been used successfully by Leafield Engineering, Smart Stabilizer Systems and Buro Happold to solve problems and generate new patents. 

  • Rolls-Royce, Ford, and Daimler-Chrysler, Johnson & Johnson,  Boeing, NASA, Hewlett Packard, Motorola, General Electric, Xerox, IBM, LG, Samsung, Intel, Procter and Gamble, Expedia and Kodak have used TRIZ methods in some projects. 

  • The application of TRIZ tools in numerous German industrial companies in the recent decade has followed the principles of the Advanced Innovation Design Approach, which recommends application of the selected TRIZ tools in the early stage of the innovation process for the identification of customer needs, comprehensive problem definition and ideation, new concept development and optimization.

Note: Condensed from Wiki Link

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Alvin Toffler - (Writer, Futurist, Businessman)

Alvin Toffler (October 4, 1928 – June 27, 2016) was an American writer, futurist, and businessman. He is called futurist because he quite accurately predicted what kind of technologies will emerge over the years and how society will change because of that.  
Toffler predicted a number of geopolitical events, such as the collapse of the Soviet Union, the fall of the Berlin Wall and the future economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region.

We strongly recommend to read all his books as it will give you a certain direction, insight and guidance on how to plan your personal and professional goals in the fast changing world.

In 1970 his first  book about the future, Future Shock, became a  best-seller and has sold over 6 million copies. It mentions about " too much change in too short a period of time" that society has to start handling.

His second book, The Third Wave in 1980 was a bestseller too. In this book he made predictions on technological advances as cloning, personal computers, the Internet, cable television and mobile communication. Due to technological advances there are three types of societies, based on the concept of "waves" — each wave pushes the older societies and cultures aside.

  • First Wave: Society after agriculture revolution replaced the first hunter-gatherer cultures.

  • Second Wave: Society during the Industrial Revolution , saw the increase of urban industrial populations which had started destroying the traditional nuclear family, and initiated a factory-like education system, and the growth of the corporation.

  • Third Wave:  Post-industrial society in Information Age, Space Age, Electronic Era, Global Village with a scientific-technological revolution where society moves towards individualism instead of being family oriented. 

His third book , Powershift, (1990), was on the increasing power of 21st-century military hardware and the proliferation of new technologies.

He founded Toffler Associates, a management consulting company, and was a visiting scholar at many prestigious universities.  Toffler's ideas and writings were a significant influence on the thinking of business and government leaders worldwide. Among a few of his opinions, he said that "Society needs people who take care of the elderly and who know how to be compassionate and honest. Society needs people who work in hospitals. Society needs all kinds of skills that are not just cognitive; they're emotional, they're affectional. You can't run the society on data and computers alone."

Toffler often visited with dignitaries in Asia such as Zhao Ziyang (China), Lee Kuan Yew (Singapore) and  Kim Dae Jung (South Korea). All of these leaders were influenced by his views as Asia's emerging markets increased in global significance during the 1980s and 1990s.

Recognition of Toffler by Academia and Industry:

  1. Accenture, the management consultancy firm, identified Toffler in 2002 as being among the most influential voices in business leaders, along with Bill Gates and Peter Drucker.

  2. Financial Times described him as the "world's most famous futurologist".

  3. People's Daily classed him among the 50 foreigners who shaped modern China.

  4. Prime Minister Zhao Ziyang of China convened conferences to discuss The Third Wave in the early 1980s.

  5. Author Mark Satin characterizes Toffler as an important early influence on radical centrist political thought.

  6. Won prestigious prizes awards, such as the McKinsey Foundation Book Award for Contributions to Management Literature, Officier de L'Ordre des Arts et Lettres, and appointments, including Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the International Institute for Strategic Studies,Brown University's Independent Award.

Note: Article condensed from Wiki Link

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How To Make a Three Bottle Heron's Fountain

Heron's fountain is a hydraulic machine invented by the 1st century AD inventor, mathematician, and physicist Heron of Alexandria. Various versions of Heron's fountain are used today in physics classes as a demonstration of principles of hydraulics and pneumatics. Here is a video to make Heron's fountain at home using 3 plastic bottles, straws and basic tools. This is a non-stop fountain that runs on its own without any pump or support. A very educative and enjoyable activity for all ! Strongly recommended for students !

Note: Article condensed from Wikipedia. Link

Click here for video to make Heron's Fountain

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Forest Bath (Shinrin-Yoku)

Japanese practice a wonderful healing technique called "Forest Bath". In Japanese it is called "Shirin-Yoku" which literally means "Forest Bath".

It is a very simple methodology. You just have to go in a forest and be with the trees ! Yes, that's it. There is no walking, jogging or special exercise or breathing technique required. Just be with the trees. Feel the atmosphere and connect with the trees around you through your senses of sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch. This will connect you internally with Mother Nature. People living in urban areas live in an artificial environment surrounded by glass/ concrete walls, air conditioners, electronic gadgets and they consume unhealthy food. This creates a strong disconnect between man and Mother Nature. The average American spends 93% of his or her time indoors. But spending time with Nature can greatly improve your physical and mental health. 

How to do Forest Bathing:

  1. Leave behind all your gadgets like mobile, camera, etc.

  2. Wear loose comfortable clothing made of natural fibre like cotton.

  3. Go to a nearby densely green area covered with lot of trees.

  4. Relax and walk amongst the trees. Walk slowly or stand if you wish.

  5. Feel the forest through your five senses.

  6. Experience nature through your ears, eyes, nose, mouth, hands and feet.

  7. Listen to the birds singing and the breeze rustling in the leaves of the trees.

  8. Enjoy the variety of trees and their green color.

  9. Feel the sunlight on your skin.

  10. Trees emit various odours. Inhale and smell these odors.

  11. Feel the air against your skin.

  12. Place your hands on the trunk of a tree and tell the tree to fill you up with positive energy.

  13. Talk to the tree and feel connected with it.

  14. Lie down on your back on the ground and stare at the blue sky, green trees, birds and butterflies.

  15. Listen to the chirping of birds

  16. Connect with the forest and feel a sense of joy and calm.

  17. When you are doing all of the above and enjoying it, suddenly a connection will be built with the "spirit of forest" and you will feel deep inner joy, happiness and relaxation. You will feel energised and healed.

  18. Savour this feeling as much as you can

You can use a guide to explore a dense forest if you wish. While in the forest, you can do many things like meditation, yoga, walking, mantra chanting, breathing exercises, aromatherapy etc. But simply avoid electronic gadgets and external aids. Look for a place where there are trees, and go for Forest Bath periodically.

Click here to watch video on Forest Bath

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Sense of Sex

Every organism is equipped with an important and unavoidable capability to reproduce, leaving a few intra-organism exceptions. Mankind is no exception to this natural capability of REPRODUCTION. Mankind is an exception in the execution of the process of PROCREATION, which is not limited to reproduction!

Procreation is a continuum!
It is an unending process which starts in the minds of the parents with just the thoughts of reproduction and goes on from the preparation of the body for right reproduction to the right and responsible act of sex to the process of pregnancy to the birth of the offspring to the nurturing of the baby to the upbringing of the child to the settlement of the grown-up child to the thoughts and concerns of the overall well-being of the child and so on! It never ends till the death and beyond. The Act of sex is merely a natural point of attraction in this whole continuum! The Sense of sex is the whole of it.
Water is an exceptional substance which in the solid state has a slightly lesser relative density than its liquid state. The solid form of water, the Ice, floats in water keep most of its portion sunk in Water. To be exact, 91.7% of the volume of the ice stays below the water when it floats in the water. The ICEBERG (Please refer the image) is a right representation of our whole existence. The conscious vs beyond-conscious existences of us are depicted by the portion above and below the water level of the iceberg, respectively. Only approx. 10% of the iceberg stays above the salty seawater level.
Beyond-conscious means the aspects which do not happen within our conscious knowledge! The aspects which are autonomous in nature and involuntary in execution. All the beyond conscious aspects are programmatically executed by us under the governance of Nature. These aspects are done in a perfect order under the given circumstances and the individual capacities.
Conscious means the aspects which happen under our conscious decision. The aspects which are non-autonomous and voluntary in nature. All the conscious aspects are intentionally sketched by us. The quantum of the conscious aspects is very little in comparison to the beyond conscious aspects. But the conscious aspects do have the potentials to hinder the orders and processes of the beyond conscious programs of Nature. These conscious hindrances often bring ill-health to us. This happens due to the ignorance and negligence towards the beyond conscious processes that are programmed within us.
Let’s dive little deeper and try to understand the conscious and beyond conscious aspects in terms of the current topic.
The SENSE OF SEX is the cumulation of the conscious and the beyond-conscious aspects of sex, while the ACT OF SEX is the conscious aspect of sex, which is a small portion of the whole process. Programmatically, the whole SENSE OF SEX is connected to the natural capability of the reproduction and procreation. Every time we prepare ourselves for the ACT OF SEX, consciously, the beyond-conscious portion of our existence gets prepared for the reproduction to start with and the expectations of procreation to diverge too. To elaborate, every time we think or initiate an ACT OF SEX, the body prepares the reproductive fluids with utmost care and involvement of our VITALITY. This preparation, every time, is very precise and perfect in order, with a lot of VITALITY involved in it. This is a very important understanding in terms of our health and happiness. If our conscious act is not in line with our beyond conscious preparations, then there is a lack of integrity which creates a contradiction within us. This contradiction has the potential to enervate us and create health hazards in terms of inviting toxaemia and more stages of the disease. Obviously, the number of ACTS OF SEX and the number of REPRODUCTION can never match, in reality! There comes the conception of PROCREATION to rescue. The procreative-association in the act of sex is always healthy and Non-enervating in nature. The meaning of procreative-association is, there must be an INTENTIONAL association of procreation between the partners who indulge in the ACT OF SEX. It means either they are planning for procreation in the future or they are already parts of the continuum of an existing procreation.
This brings a harmony between the conscious and the beyond conscious aspects of sex. This brings the better SENSE OF SEX. How does it serve towards the EXISTING CONTINUUM OF PROCREATION?

The definition of sex is: It is a private expression of RESPONSIBLE love! Procreation is a RESPONSIBLE act of life where both the partners are Involved in life. It is a conscious decision and rejoices in the beyond-conscious level too.
When two partners, who have reproduced in the past and already have become parts of an existing procreative-continuum, involve themselves in the ACT OF SEX (which may not be a necessary-coital-instance but merely a physical-cuddling), they privately express immense love to each other.This love contributes a lot, towards the procreative association, holistically. A child always relishes the relation between the loving parents, consciously and beyond consciously, both. A child always feels rejected when s/he experiences non-existence of love between the parentsParents with deeper SENSE OF SEX, play an exceptional role in the development of the child and the EXISTING CONTINUUM OF PROCREATION.


All of these are the products of limited sex education. The sex education which focuses more on the ACTS OF SEX than the SENSE OF SEX creates confusion amongst the generations. Irrational focus on the ACT OF SEX triggers further irrationality in terms of non-procreative association of sex. Which creates disharmony between conscious and beyond conscious levels. PORNOGRAPHY is basically capturing of the ACT OF SEX in a non-electronic or an electronic form. Pornography can be of two types. It can be either acted by the actors or it can be irrationally captured by manipulating the real ACT OF SEX. If we perceive analytically and think deeper, we would find that the cheating is involved in both the modes. In the acted pornography, it is never a private act. It is acted in the presence of the whole set of crews, the director, the camerapersons, the mic guys, the clappers, the spot boys etc. The captured act is merely a faked action mostly under the influence of chemicals. This deeper and analytical understanding can never trigger sexual feelings in a healthy person who is watching this captured act. The other type of pornography, of manipulation, is an outright involvement by the watchers in a criminal act of cheating the innocents. After the deeper analysis of this aspect, the triggering of sexual feeling is not possible in a healthy personFANTASY is a personal form of pornography. It is mostly irrational and severely enervating act. The characters of the fantasy, if are not really connected to the individual in a procreative-association, then it creates contradiction and confusion between the conscious and the beyond-conscious levels for the individual. This eventually enervates the individual to invite ill-health.

MASTURBATION is the self-stimulating sexual act. In heterotrophs, the act of sex is naturally programmed to perform in a pair. Sex, performed singly, is another contradiction between the conscious and beyond conscious levels. In beyond conscious level, the self-stimulating act of sex also initiates the precious pro-active production of reproduction fluid which is highly potent to initiate a life! The act of masturbation might help one to reduce the momentary sexual frustration but it grossly fails to address the cause. The cause is the falsified understanding of the holistic nature of The SENSE OF SEX. In most of the cases, this irrational act does not only fail to address the cause but also contributes towards the enhancement of the cause by adding more irrational components in the thought process.
Thoughts on same-sex-orientation
Organisms are programmed to REPAIR, REPRODUCE and REACT/RESPOND. The state of non-executing an existing capability is an unfortunate state. Our whole existence is not merely a conscious existence! If we choose consciously not to execute some of the capabilities which we are programmed within us to execute, we do injustice to our beyond conscious capability, which is a toll on our health. If we are programmed to do something, we should do it to maintain the state of health and neutrality. It is applied to the capability of REPRODUCTION too! If we are biologically incapable of executing some specific capability, it is an unfortunate but real state. Which needs to be accepted and accommodated for a healthy existence. Same-sex-orientation is the state where an individual is sexually attracted towards the same gender and incapable of reproduction, biologically or psychologically. Definitely, this is not a criminal offence but a deprivation from one of the natural capabilities.
The importance of sex education in terms of holistic SENSE OF SEX is undeniable! Unless the cause is removed or worked upon, the symptomatic evolution of irrational sexual acts and crimes can never be handled. It can be suppressed in tiny little spaces and acts but remain untreated at large. More we connect SENSE OF SEX with the PROCREATION and the PLEASURE OF PROCREATION, more we achieve healthy understanding and executions of ACT OF SEX.
Thank you...

  • Author: Kalyan Sarkar

  • About the Author: Kalyan, the founder of PSYsolution is a veteran (1997-2012) from Indian Air Force (IAF), having a background in Mechanical Engineering. He holds a Postgraduate degree in Mathematics. He is also an MSc in Applied Psychology (Clinical) followed by an intense research in Meditation and Stress coping skills at MPhil level. Kalyan has worked with, a leading online education platform, for almost 5 years (2012-2016). At WizIQ, he led the Solution team as Director, Solutions. With his keen interest in the use of technology in education, Kalyan headed a number of projects* successfully. Kalyan holds his deepest interests in the field of pure Nature Cure, Health and Holistic Education. Click here for details

  • All rights reserved

  • © PSYsolution, 2018


  • The opinions expressed in this material are based on Nature Cure science of health and do not coincide with medicinal theories. PSYsolution does not claim that any advice given, represents a "cure" for diseases. If anyone has doubts regarding his or her health, it is the responsibility of the individual to consult a competent health practitioner. These materials are not aimed at hurting anybody’s belief or philosophy. PSYsolution believes that the true health does not need treatment, it needs education. It is an endeavour to educate that “The cure is from within”!