Showing posts with label Spirituality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spirituality. Show all posts

Narad Bhakti Sutra (Book)

The Narad Bhakti Sutra is a Hindu scripture on the Path of Devotion to attain Self-Realization. It was written by the highly venerated, Divine Sage Narad. Narad is an immortal Divine Being who is a highly accomplished and pure devotee of Lord Vishnu. He has the power to travel across the entire Universe and all realms of Existence. His sole occupation is spreading devotion ( called as Bhakti in Sanskrit) towards Lord Narayan or Vishnu. He carries a musical instrument called as veena and plays it while singing the glory of Lord Narayan. He is very dear to Lord Narayan and out of supreme compassion and through the will of Lord Vishnu, He has written a book called as the Narad Bhakti Sutra which literally translates to " The Key to Devotion as by Narad".

Please don't get puzzled as to how this religious book will be helpful to you. Actually it is a very simple guide for people in all age brackets, profession, gender, religion, nationality caste or creed. It is the universal guide to connect with God while living in the world and facing all challenges of life. Sri Ramkrishna Paramhansa, a great Indian mystic has categorically stated that for current times, the Path of Devotion (Bhakti Yoga) is apt for attaining Self-Realization. This is so because, nowadays the human body and mind are riddled with weakness, disease and restlessness. It is quite a challenge to do meditation, yoga, knowledge studies etc. However, Bhakti Yoga is the most suitable as it is feasible for everyone irrespective of his capability. But then the question comes, how to do Bhakti Yoga ? Sri Ramkrishna Paramhansa recommends Narad Bhakti Sutra as very good guide for the same.

So what do we gain by reading Narad Bhakti Sutra ?  Firstly, you will be glad to know that even in your existing present condition, you can start practicing Bhakti Yoga right away ! Secondly, you will be able to apply the right principles and methods for following this path. Thirdly, you will feel immensely relieved to know that you can practice Bhakti Yoga throughout your life without disturbing anything whatsoever in your life. Aren't you excited and eager already to read this wonderful book ?

So let us briefly understand this book. Sage Narad has written this book in just 84 verses. These 84 verses can be grouped in 9 chapters as follows
  1. Definition of  Bhakti.
  2. Importance of renunciation and self-surrender.
  3. Exemplars of Divine Love.
  4. Bhakti as the highest goal of human life.
  5. Suggestions on how to practice Divine Love.
  6. Importance of seeking holy company.
  7. Difference between preparatory and Supreme Devotion.
  8. Forms of Divine Love.
  9. Practice of ethical virtues and worship of God.
An essence of the book can be briefed as below: 
Bhakti is intense love for God. Giving up all other refuge, the Bhakta or Devotee takes refuge in God. Bhakti is greater than Karma, greater than Gyana (Knowledge), greater than meditation, because Bhakti itself is its result, because Bhakti is both the means and the end (fruit). The principal cause of Bhakti is the mercy of a great (or free) soul.  Bhakti is the easiest way of worship. It is its own proof and does not require any other. Its nature is peace and perfect bliss.  Bhakti never seeks to injure anyone or anything not even the popular modes of worship. Merging the trinity of Love, Lover, and Beloved, worship God as His eternal servant, His eternal bride — thus love is to be made unto God. That love is highest which is concentrated upon God. When a man loves God so much, his forefathers rejoice, the gods dance, and the earth gets a Master! To such lovers there is no difference of caste, sex, knowledge, form, birth, or wealth. Giving up all other thoughts, the whole mind should day and night worship God. Thus being worshipped day and night, He reveals Himself and makes His worshippers feel Him.

There are many books that explain Narad Bhakti Sutra in details. But the highly recommended is " Narad Bhakti Sutras" by Swami Bhuteshananda, published by Adwaita Ashram, Kolkata, India. (ISBN:9788175051997).

Buy your copy and start your joyful journey to Divine Bliss and Love !  May the Lord Bless you with pure Devotion !


Ho-o-ponopono is an ancient Hawaiian practice of forgiveness and reconciliation. Ho-o-ponopono is a Hawaiian word that means 
  • Correction
  • Mental cleansing 
  • To put things in order or place 
Traditional Hawaiian healers have been practicing traditional Ho-o-ponopono  for members of the community.  However modern versions are performed within the family by a family elder, or by the individual alone. Hawaiians believe that the sins of the father will fall upon the children. If a child is sick, the parents are suspected of quarreling or misconduct. In addition to sickness, social disorder could cause sterility of land or other disasters. Harmony could be restored only by confession and apology.

In 1976 Morrnah Simeona, regarded as a healing priest adapted the traditional Ho-o-ponopono of family mutual forgiveness to the social realities of the modern day. So this practice can be followed to solve a general problem  outside the family and can also be done individually as a psycho-spiritual self-help rather than group process. 

Ho-o-ponopono is about looking within ourselves for debts, errors or blocks in our subconscious mind that replay as problems, judgments, putdowns and all kinds of other problems. It is believed that when we say sorry it is taking 100% responsibility for whatever is going on in our lives. Chanting mantras and asking for forgiveness is the way where we are accepting that the problem is within us. We pray to the Almighty to convert our  unpleasant memory, debt, block, problem to nothing. When the Divine converts the block or memory to nothing, we return back to our original state, which is Zero or clarity. Only in the clarity state we can get inspiration and whatever is perfect for us. When we will look inside of ourselves, only then we be able to solve the world's problem.

When we do  Ho-o-ponopono, we ask the Divine to remove the faults from our subconscious mind and soul. When we bring peace to us, only then we will be able to bring peace in the world. We need to work on the way we perceive people all around us on a daily basis.  Ho-o-ponopono corrects, restores and maintains good relationships among family members and with their gods or God by getting to the causes and sources of trouble. Usually the most senior member of the family conducts it. He or she gathers the family together. If the family is unable to work through a problem, they turn to a respected outsider.

The process begins with prayer. A statement of the problem is made, and the transgression discussed. Family members are expected to work problems through and cooperate, not "hold fast to the fault". One or more periods of silence may be taken for reflection on the entanglement of emotions and injuries. Everyone's feelings are acknowledged. Then confession, repentance and forgiveness take place. Everyone releases each other, letting go. They cut off the past , and together they close the event with a ceremonial feast which is  symbolic of the release.

Learn Ho-o-ponopono from a reliable source in your locality. You can also learn it online through courses offered by Ho-o-ponopono practitioners. It is simple and easy to learn. Do try Ho-o-ponopono and see positive changes in your and your family's life.

Benefits of Chanting The Gayatri Mantra

The Gayatri Mantra is an ancient mantra from the Vedas of India. Hindus consider this mantra as the essence of the Vedas. This mantra is a blessing to mankind. Though, you may have already known or heard about it, you may not be aware of the tremendous benefits of chanting the Gayatri Mantra. Even if you are not a Hindu, you can still chant the Gayatri Mantra and receive the benefits of the same. Such is the greatness of Hinduism or the Sanatan Dharma !  There is no restriction on anyone for chanting this mantra. So let us see what is Gayatri Mantra is all about.

The Gayatri Mantra is an invocation to the Divine Light of the Sun. Yes, the Sun or the Solar Deity is the one that is responsible for life on Earth. All life forms of Earth derive energy from the Sun. Plants are the primary point in the food cycle whereby they convert solar energy through photosynthesis and nourish themselves. Humans and animals eat these plants and thus derive energy which is primarily obtained by plants from the Sun. So what if humans directly take energy from Sun and sustain themselves ! It is indeed the case with highly accomplished Yogis who live directly on sunlight and air.

But can we ordinary people do likewise ? Absolutely not ! However, ancient Rishis and Seers in Hinduism have revealed mantras that can help mankind in various ways. The Gayatri mantra has 24 letters corresponding to the 24 vertebrae of the spine. The backbone is what provides support and stability to our body. Similarly, the Gayatri mantra brings stability in our intellect. The chanting of Gayatri mantra sharpens the intellect and brightens the memory. A new mirror reflects clearly, but over time, dust gathers and it needs cleaning. Similarly, our mind becomes tainted with time, the company that we keep, the knowledge we receive and our latent tendencies. When we chant the Gayatri mantra, it is like deep cleansing, so that the mirror (the mind) reflects in a better way. Through the mantra, the inner glow is kindled, the inner plane is kept alive. One gains brilliance in both the inner and outer worlds.

The Gayatri mantra in Devanagari:

ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वः तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात् ॥


Oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ tat savitur vareṇyaṃ bhargo devasya dhīmahi dhiyo yo naḥ prachodayāt

– Rigveda 3.62.10

Meaning of Gayatri Mantra:

"We meditate on the glory of that Being who has produced this universe; may She enlighten our minds"

The ideal time to chant is the transitory hours of dawn and dusk. The times when the sun has set but it is neither dark nor light and when the night has passed and the day is yet to begin. In these moments, the mind also enters an altered state of consciousness.  However, you can chant it anytime as per your wish. One must sit down in a peaceful place and keep his spine straight and chant at least 108 times daily to get benefits. This much amount of practice is minimum to notice the benefits. Always chant with faith, devotion and sincerity. 

Pictorially, the Gayatri Mantra is represented as a female Deity i.e. Goddess Gayatri. She is portrayed as the female form of the Light of the Sun. The Light itself denotes the wisdom that enlightens the soul.

Some well known benefits of Gayatri Mantra
  • Improves concentration and learning
  • Removes toxins from the body
  • Improves breathing and functioning of the nervous system
  • Keeps your heart healthy and removes the negativity
  • Calms the mind
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
If you are student, your intellect will get sharpened and also will your memory improve. Businessmen and professionals will make better and clearer decisions. If you are in the field of art, creativity, beauty, aesthetics, you will see that Gayatri Mantra chanting will give you new inspirations, novel insights and unique ideas in your field. Sportsmen will develop greater stamina and endurance capability. Researchers and scientists will see a marked difference in their accomplishments.

Here is a video to listen the Gayatri Mantra.

Click here to listen Gayatri Mantra

So what are you waiting for ! Start chanting the Gayatri Mantra right away and evolve yourself in your field of action and achieve success!

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Ma Jivdani - The Divine Mother

On the northern side of Mumbai city, lies a distant suburb called Virar. This little suburb is blessed with the presence of Ma Jivdani-The Divine Mother. Jivdani Mata is a Hindu Goddess. The main temple of the goddess is situated atop a hill, almost 1500 feet from the sea-level. The Goddess rests in a temple situated about 1465 steps above the ground on a hill  which offers a very picturesque view of Virar and its vicinity. During the nine days of the Navratri festival many followers visit the shrine.

The temple has an ancient history. The legendary heroes of the epic Mahabharata, the Pandavas had visited this place and worshipped Ma Jivdani in the cave housed by the present times temple. Slowly, with the passage of time and advent of Buddhism in that area, people soon forgot about the cave and eventually stopped going there. The Mother was totally ignored there. After many years, due to the blessings of the mighty and great Adi Shankaracharya, Hinduism again took roots in India. One day, a villager was miraculously guided to the lost and forgotten cave of Ma Jivdani. He was blessed with the vision of the Goddess who granted him many boons. The villager brought the good news to the whole village and soon the temple regained its prominence. Till this day, Ma Jivdani is visited by thousands of devotees everyday.

The Mother fulfils the wishes and prayers of Her devotees. Many childless couples have become parents with Her blessings, the sick have been healed and the poor have become wealthy. Restless souls have gained peace of mind while unhappy ones have been blessed with joy and prosperity. People from all faiths and religions visit Ma Jivdani and get Her blessings. The visit to the temple itself is a blessed experience. Anyone can easily feel the presence of Divine Power within the temple. The Mother's idol is made of white marble and devotees praying to Her feel She is actually present there and listening to them as their real life mother.

The temple is open on all days of the week. There is a cable car facility to go to the temple on the hill. So people who cannot climb the steps, can easily reach the Mother through the cable car. 

We strongly recommend you to visit the temple of Ma Jivdani and experience yourself the Divine atmosphere in the temple. You simply cannot miss the presence of the compassionate and powerful Mother over there.

Dr. Hansa Yogendra - Director of The Yoga Institute in Mumbai

Dr. Hansa Yogendra (born 1947) is an Indian yoga guru, author and researcher and TV personality. She is director of The Yoga Institute in Mumbai, founded by her father-in-law Shri Yogendra. She holds a degree in Law from the Government Law College, Mumbai. She received a PhD. from The Open International University for Complementary Medicines in February 2018.
She hosts a YouTube Channel called The Yoga Institute. The link is given below.

There are many wonderful videos on wellness and general life which are short and simple. Dr. Hansa herself presents the contents. One can watch these videos in leisure time and gain valuable information and tips to lead a happy and healthy life.

Below are certain topics covered in her channel.
  1. How to detox your intestine (colon) through natural home remedies? 
  2. Simple home remedies to prevent hair loss 
  3. Yoga to Cure Sinusitis Problems
  4. Yoga & You: How to stop negative thinking
  5. Mistakes to avoid while drinking water 
  6. Pranayamas to relieve acidity
  7. Simple home remedies to prevent hair loss
  8. 5 Best Mudra's for Total Wellness
  9. The Right Position to Sleep Peacefully at Night
  10. Best Tips to Get Rid of Piles Permanently 
There are many other topics on various problems that are covered beautifully by Dr.Hansa. Do visit the channel and enrich your life with right knowledge and its application.

Green Tara Mantra

Mantra Chanting brings immense spiritual and physical benefits. Mantra is basically a series of words which helps release certain powers within you on chanting the same as per the prescribed process. It can help you attain your spiritual goal and also can be used for physical, mental and emotional health purposes. Mantras originated in the Vedic tradition of India, becoming an essential part of the Hindu tradition and a customary practice within Buddhism, Sikhism, and Jainism. Its literal translation would be "instrument of thought". 

Here I specifically recommend chanting of Green Tara Mantra as practiced by Buddhists. During the Corona pandemic, His Holiness the Dalai Lama — when asked for spiritual advice on the pandemic — suggested that chanting the Green Tara mantra could be helpful.

Tara is a female Buddha. She is the Goddess of compassion and the Mother of liberation. She manifests Her various energies as per Her colors. Green is the universal color of healing, regeneration, and growth. It is also the color of vibrant energy and activity. Green Tara therefore manifests healing energy, vibrancy, playfulness and activity.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama mentioned this about Tara:

"There's a true feminist movement in Buddhism that relates to the Goddess Tara…She vowed, 'I've developed bodhicitta as a woman. For all my lifetimes along the path I vow to be born as a woman, and in my final lifetime when I attain Buddhahood, then, too, I will be a woman."

Heal and rejuvenate yourself by chanting the Green Tara Mantra. 

The Mantra is " Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha".  

It means “I prostrate to the Liberator, Mother of all the Victorious Ones.” 

By chanting the Green Tara Mantra, we invoke Tara's power and grace to  protect us from danger, fear and bring within us compassion and selflessness. 

Guidelines for chanting Green Tara Mantra:
  1. Have a bath and wear clean washed clothes
  2. Make an altar with a picture or statue of Green Tara
  3. Light an oil lamp and incense to the Mother. Offer Her some fresh flowers.
  4. Sit in front of the altar on a mat. Don't wear shoes.
  5. Silently say a small prayer to Green Tara for blessing you
  6. Start chanting the Green Tara Mantra. You can do soft chanting or do it mentally.
  7. Chant at least 108 times. You can choose to chant more if you wish. But do it in multiples of 108.
  8. Do the above process at least once a day. You can do it 3 times a day too ( morning, afternoon and evening).
  9. Ideally do the mantra chanting everyday at fixed time
  10. Chant with devotion in your heart. Mechanical chanting should be avoided
  11. Surrender yourself to Green Tara and seek refuge in Her
Eventually, after some days you will start seeing the benefits. You will become calmer, happier and stronger than before. Do not stop the practice after you get benefits. Keep following it to sustain the benefits and blessings of Green Tara.

Indigo Children

There is a lot of talk on the "Indigo Children".  We often see, hear and read in media about Indigo or Star children who are special and are doing something for the betterment of the world. To the rationalists, this is pure hoax. But there is big number of believers in the truth of Indigo Children. It is up to your choice and belief to accept or reject the concept of Indigo Children.

An indigo child is especially born in the world for awakening humans spiritually and aid the evolution of world. Indigo children are freethinkers and they can easily see the truth of human conditions. They find it very difficult to live as per norms of mainstream society. This causes them to be often misunderstood, rejected, or misdiagnosed and medicated. They are highly intuitive and have special gifts like ability to see and communicate with spiritual beings. They are primarily responsible for exposing truth and deception. It is easy for indigo children  to see through the illusions, half-truths, and falsehood rife in society.  Unfortunately their parents and teachers find them overly inquisitive, headstrong, and even obnoxious children. It is in the DNA of an indigo child to expose truth.

The world fails to understand them and they are often  misdiagnosed with behavioral issues  and other mood disorders. Their questioning mind and free thinking abilities become bothersome for their schools and society. Some are given medication by doctors which sadly numbs their active minds. This is entirely wrong. The indigo child is simply not understood by the mundane world. 

Parents who feel their child is different should consider assessing him to know if he is an indigo child. Parents of indigo children should help their child through below tips:
  • Help them stay grounded and encourage them to practice mindful breathing
  • Enroll them for yoga and meditation class
  • Teach them to practice emotional acceptance
  • Gradually help them understand the spiritual awakening process 
  • Encourage their creative talent and let them express their visionary ideas.
  • Make the child regularly spend time in nature to unwind and regain balance.
Remember that Indigo Children are special people who are highly developed souls. They will do their work and accomplish the mission they are born for. All you can do is give unconditional support to them and thus collaborate towards betterment of world.

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VYASA - The Magnificient Yoga Institution in India

There are many Yoga institutions all over the world. Often people get confused in selecting a good one to learn and practice Yoga. We bring to you information on VYASA which is a very credible and wonderful Yoga institution based at Bangalore, India. If you are interested in learning Yoga or want treatment of diseases or health problems through Yoga, then you must read the below details.

Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana or VYASA is a registered charitable institution (1986) working for making Yoga as a socially relevant Science. Based on the teachings of Swami Vivekananda the four streams of Yoga with unity in their diversity, the key essence of Indian culture, applications of Yoga to bring health, harmony, peace the world over are now spread across the globe in nearly 30 countries.

The mission of VYASA is to combine the best of the East (Yoga and Spiritual lore) with that of the West (modern scientific research). 

Taking into the performance of this Institution in conducting Short Term and Long Term Courses on Yoga S-VYASA is named as a Deemed to be University in India. S-VYASA, the acronym of Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana is a unique Yoga University translating the vision and teachings of Swami Vivekananda to action through academic higher education programs. It is also the First ISO 2001:2008 Certified Yoga University.

S-VYASA is dedicated towards Yoga Research and Yoga Therapy. It has successfully published 284 research papers which have all been indexed in PubMed/Medline. S-VYASA has carried itself as a Centre of Advanced Research (CAR) in Yoga and Neurophysiology accredited by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR).

S-VYASA is also supported by one-of-its-kind Yoga Therapy Research health Home with a 250-bed inpatient treatment facility called Arogyadhama run by VYASA. This is essentially envisioned to prevent and treat modern non curable diseases, long-term rehabilitation and to promote Positive Health.

S-VYASA now has 114 PhDs, 51 MScs and over 410 students in various branches. It has so far produced 25 PhDs and 21 MDs from our University. S-VYASA and VYASA have their campus 30 Kms away from the center of Bangalore. The campus is called Prashanti Kutiram, the Abode of Peace. Lying in the lap of nature amidst greenery, the campus lies sprawling over 100 acres. The campus is about 14 Kms from the bountiful Bannerughatta National Park.

S-VYASA has an exhaustive Yoga Library with a good collection of 15000 books, videos and books. the digital library has a few thousand on-line journals. S-VYASA has, over the years, standardized such Advanced Yoga techniques as CM (Cyclic Meditation), PET (Pranic Energisation Technique), MSRT (Mind Sound Resonance Technique), MEMT (Mastering the Emotions Technique), MIRT (Mind Imagery Technique), VISAK (Vijnana Sadhana Kausala) and ANAMS (Anandamrita Sincana).

VYASA is efficiently run by two Yoga luminaries namely Dr. H Nagendra who was a scientist at NASA, USA and Dr.(Mrs) Nagratna who has done M.D in Allopathy.  They are siblings and are totally devoted to the cause of serving humanity. 

All your Yoga related requirements will be fulfilled at VYASA.

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Are You a Fringe Dweller ?

Don't get startled with the term "Fringe Dweller" !!! It is not about people living like discarded lot from the main society.  The term Fringe Dweller was first coined by Stuart Wilde.

Stuart Wilde (24 September 1946 – 1 May 2013) was a British writer, lecturer, teacher, humorist, essayist, scriptwriter, lyricist, and music producer. He was well known for his works on New Age, self-empowerment, and spirituality. He wrote many books such as The Taos Quintet: Miracles, The Force, Affirmations, The Quickening, and The Trick to Money is Having Some. He has aptly described as to who are Fringe Dwellers. 

"Fringe Dwellers are people who don't fit the norm. I say they are not hippy revolutionaries living rough, or social weirdoes; the ones I speak of are ordinary people, you can't tell them apart from others. It's their minds that are different. They don't relate to the rules and regulations of the status quo, the rhythms of a tick-tock life leaves them uninspired and listless. "  ~Stuart Wilde

Fringe Dwellers are aligned to the energy of the universe, and their pulses beat in time with Mother Earth.  A Fringe Dweller feels that he is on the wrong planet ! He doesn't lead his life from his head. He leads his life from his heart.  He feels separate himself from the main society. Yet he feels strongly connected with all the entities in the world. For Fringe Dweller, possessing money or wealth is insignificant. For him,  only that much money is important that is required to live. It is very difficult for a Fringe Dweller to fit into any system. He will always challenge the norms of the system and strive to make sense out of it. In this endeavor, he helps upgrading the system.  For a Fringe Dweller, the entire Universe is a concoction of various types of energies.

If you wonder whether you are a Fringe Dweller or not then check for these signs. If you are having these characteristics, then in all likelihood, you are indeed a Fringe Dweller !
  1. Since childhood stage itself, you started feeling that you are different from others. 
  2. You strongly empathize with the pain of others.
  3. You always know within that there is something more to this world and life.
  4. You find the normal routine of life boring and questionable.
  5. You always think creatively and out of the box.
  6. You love spending time alone with your own self.
  7. You repeatedly find lot of coincidences happening in your life.
  8. You have a strong appetite towards learning and knowing various spiritual teachings.
  9. You find it extremely difficult to fit into a normal job routine.


Tarot cards are highly popular in making readings for future situations or events. In fact Tarot cards are used to assess current and past situations too. It is a very simple and inexpensive way to know the future. Tarot card reading is the practice of using tarot cards to gain insight into the past, present or future by formulating a question, then drawing and interpreting cards. There are many kinds of Tarot decks available. The best one is Rider-Waite tarot deck. It was originally published in 1909. While the images displayed in the cards  are simple, the details and backgrounds feature abundant symbolism.  There are total 78 cards out of which 22 are major arcana cards and remaining 56 are called minor arcana cards. The major arcana cards depict a principle whereas the minor arcana cards throw light on outcome or event. The minor arcana cards are of 4 types namely wands, swords, pentacles and cups. Each group represents an element. The power stands for fire, swords for air, cups for water and pentacles for earth. A querent has to shuffle the cards and then pull out cards with the intent to know the answer from cards. The cards pulled out from the deck give a fairly good indication of the answer. There are various types of card spreads depending upon the need. For short term predictions, there is a 3 card spread. For long term predictions there is Celtic Cross spread. One can also pull out just one card for knowing the day's prediction or for  a new project being undertaken. One interprets the cards as per generally understood meaning of the card as well as through his subjective intuitive ability.

There are various books and online courses to learn Tarot readings. Choose the same as per your inner voice. It takes at least 2 years of practicing Tarot to truly start understanding its power. It is like attuning yourself with the cards and then the cards will start talking with you. Always remember that the Tarot cards are not any magic. They are simply like words of a language. You just need to learn the language. Don't overtly depend on Tarot. These cards are meant to serve you and not vice-versa. Be practical in your approach to use. You cannot ask Tarot to tell you if you pass in your exams without studying or without appearing it for the same ! There has to be something being done by you and only then you should use Tarot to guide you. You should not do Tarot readings for another person without his permission. It is unethical and harmful for you. Tarot is a gift and should be used wisely and for right purpose only. You should not  gamble or buy lottery ticket and use Tarot readings to tell you the outcome. This is simply not right. Be industrious, moral and ethical in your life.

Buy your own Tarot cards deck and use it respectfully. Don't make Tarot readings a fun activity. It has to be used in the right spirit. Once you learn and start practicing Tarot readings, a whole new world will open to you.

A Beautiful Mind (2001 film)

How many of you have heard about Game theory ? I am sure very few know about it. Game theory has a wide range of applications, including psychology, evolutionary biology, war, politics, economics, and business. Despite its many advances, game theory is still a young and developing science. John Forbes Nash Jr. (June 13, 1928 – May 23, 2015) was an American mathematician who made fundamental contributions to game theory. John Nash is the only person to be awarded both the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences and the Abel Prize.

So most of you will wonder how is this relevant to you ? Well, you may not realize this but your life is influenced heavily by the concepts of Game Theory. John Nash, has therefore made a significant contribution to your daily life. If you want to know about John Nash, then simply watch the movie made in the year 2001, A Beautiful Mind. This movie grossed over $313 million worldwide and won four Academy Awards.

In 1947, John Nash arrives at Princeton University for studying mathematics. He meets fellow math and science graduate students. Determined to publish his own original idea, Nash is inspired when he and his classmates discuss how to approach a group of women at a bar. Nash argues that a cooperative approach would lead to better chances of success, and develops a new concept of governing dynamics. He publishes an article on his theory, earning him an appointment at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). 

In 1953, Nash is invited to the Pentagon to crack encrypted enemy telecommunications, which he manages to decipher mentally. Bored with his regular duties at MIT, including teaching, he is recruited by the mysterious William Parcher of the United States Department of Defense with a classified assignment: to look for hidden patterns in magazines and newspapers to thwart a Soviet plot. Nash becomes increasingly obsessive in his search for these patterns, delivering his results to a secret mailbox, and comes to believe he is being followed.

One of his students, Alicia Larde, asks him to dinner, and they fall in love. On a return visit to Princeton, Nash runs into Charles and his niece, Marcee. With Charles' encouragement, he proposes to Alicia and they marry. Nash fears for his life after surviving a shootout between Parcher and Soviet agents, and learns Alicia is pregnant, but Parcher forces him to continue his assignment. While delivering a guest lecture at Harvard University, Nash tries to flee from people he thinks are Soviet agents, led by psychiatrist Dr. Rosen, but is forcibly sedated and committed to a psychiatric facility.

Dr. Rosen tells Alicia that Nash has schizophrenia and that Charles, Marcee, and Parcher exist only in his imagination. Alicia backs up the doctor, telling Nash that no "William Parcher" is in the Defense Department and takes out the unopened documents he delivered to the secret mailbox. Nash is given a course of insulin shock therapy and eventually released. Frustrated with the side effects of his antipsychotic medication, he secretly stops taking it and starts seeing Parcher and Charles again.

In 1956, Alicia discovers Nash has resumed his "assignment" in a shed near their home. Realizing he has relapsed, Alicia rushes to the house to find Nash had left their infant son in the running bathtub, believing "Charles" was watching the baby. Alicia calls Dr. Rosen, but Nash accidentally knocks her and the baby to the ground, believing he's fighting Parcher. As Alicia flees with the baby, Nash stops her car and tells her he realizes that "Marcee" isn't real because she doesn't age, finally accepting that Parcher and other figures are hallucinations. Against Dr. Rosen's advice, Nash chooses not to restart his medication, believing he can deal with his symptoms himself, and Alicia decides to stay and support him.

Nash returns to Princeton, approaching his old rival Hansen, now head of the mathematics department, who allows him to work out of the library and audit classes. Over the next two decades, Nash learns to ignore his hallucinations and, by the late 1970s, is allowed to teach again. In 1994, Nash wins the Nobel Prize for his revolutionary work on game theory, and is honored by his fellow professors. At the ceremony, he dedicates the prize to his wife.

The movie is a marvel to watch as it depicts the life of a great mathematician struggling with his mental health and still managing to sustain his genius talent. There are moments where you feel that John Nash must simply wind up and retire permanently to live a peaceful life with his family. His problems due to schizophrenia are so immense that you feel sorry for him and his family. His wife stands by him determinedly and ultimately John Nash comes out of his mental illness. With some support from his colleague, he slowly crawls back to normal life and sees super success. He is awarded the Nobel Prize in the end. It is almost unbelievable to see him come out as winner in spite of the severe mental illness. The movie gives us hope and reassurance that nothing is impossible to achieve if one is determined for it.  The other dimension of the movie is that it shows you the world of research, academics in big universities and how professionals work in such areas. Focus and dedication is required to succeed in the field of research.

This movie is meant for family view and I encourage it to show it to your school and college going children.

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Who are the Theosophists ?

Theosophy is a spiritual concept that was formed in 1875 in New York, USA. It was founded by Helena Blavatsky who was a Russian and two Americans, Henry Olcott and William Quan Judge. It draws its teachings from Blavatsky's writings and incorporates concepts of Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism and Christianity. The term "theosophy" comes from the Greek  word "theosophia", which  which means Divine Wisdom. In Theosophy, there is a belief that there exists an ancient and secretive brotherhood of saints known as the Masters. These Masters have supernatural powers and they are behind the formation of the modern Theosophical movement. They are attempting to revive knowledge of an ancient religion once found across the world and which will again come to eclipse the existing world religions. The most prominent Masters to appear in Theosophical literature are Kuthumi and Morya, with whom Blavatsky claimed to be in contact. Theosophy preaches the existence of a single, divine Absolute. Theosophy teaches that the purpose of human life is spiritual emancipation. It claims that the human soul undergoes reincarnation after death as per Law of Karma. It promotes values of universal brotherhood and social improvement. Theosophy played a significant role in bringing knowledge of South Asian religions to Western countries, as well as in encouraging cultural pride in various South Asian nations.

The Theosophical Society was formed by Blavatsky and Olcott to give an organisational impetus to Theosophy. According to Blavatsky's teachings, many of the world's religions have their origins in a universal ancient religion, a "secret doctrine" that was known to Plato and early Hindu sages and which continues to underpin the center of every religion. Theosophy tended to emphasize the importance of ancient texts over the popular ritual and custom found within various religious traditions. Blavatsky taught that Lord Maitreya would come to Earth as a messianic figure. Her ideas on this were expanded upon by two famous Theosophists, Annie Besant and Leadbeater. They claimed that Maitreya had previously incarnated onto the Earth as Krishna, a figure from Hindu mythology. Besant and Leadbeater claimed that Maitreya would again come to Earth by manifesting through an Indian boy named Jiddu Krishnamurti. They did find this boy and trained him as per principles of Theosophy. But eventually, Jiddu Krishnamurti separated himself from The Theosophical Society and went on to become a famous spiritual philosopher.  

In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the Theosophical Society appealed above all to an elite, educated, middle and upper-middle-class people. In India, it played an important role in the Indian independence movement and in the Buddhist revival. The Indian independence leader Mahatma Gandhi developed much of his interest in Hindu culture after being given a copy of the Bhagavad Gita by two Theosophists. Annie Besant gave full  support for Indian home rule. She also supported home rule for Scotland, Wales, and Ireland.

Prominent scientists who had belonged to the Theosophical Society included the inventor Thomas Edison, the biologist Alfred Russel Wallace, and the chemist William Crookes. Also many writers, artists, painters were drawn towards Theosophy. A considerable amount of literature has been produced on the subject of Theosophy and the Theosophical Society. While many people look upon Theosophy and its works with doubt and credibility, we cannot deny the immense contribution Theosophy has given in influencing great people towards developing a better and humane world. Those interested in knowing more about Theosophy should read following books:

  1.  The Secret Doctrine by Helena Blavatsky

  2. The Key to Theosophy by Helena Blavatsky

  3. The Ocean of Theosophy by William Quan Judge

  4. To Light a Thousand Lamps by Grace F. Knoche

  5. Exploring Theosophy, Published by The Theosophical Society

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The Pillow Method

Joseph works as an accountant with a multinational company. He is always working overtime and hardly gets any personal time. But the job is important for him. He suffers silently. Deep within, he aspires  for work-life balance. He tried switching jobs. But every time he found himself in the same situation i.e. working for long hours on all days. Then Joseph tried "The Pillow Method".  Everyday, he would use this simple yet powerful method to achieve his goal of striking the right work-life balance. Within 3 months, he achieved it. Now, you might wonder, what did Joseph do ? What is this Pillow Method ?

If you see scientifically, Joseph had always believed that he will have to work overtime at his job. He also added a reason that this was due to the nature of his job. He had actually programmed his subconscious mind himself into this belief. Nobody had forced him to believe like this. It was his own thought pattern which was deep rooted in his subconscious that made him act accordingly. No wonder, he always found himself into jobs that required extra hours of work everyday.

Joseph used the Pillow Method and simply unprogrammed his mind from this erroneous thought. The Pillow Method is simply writing your right thought that you wish to plant within you, on a piece of paper and keeping it beneath your pillow when you go to sleep. Joseph would take a paper and write on it "I believe in the work-life balance and I have achieved it. My job is rewarding and fulfilling professionally and personally. " He would ponder on it with strong belief and then simply put it below his pillow and go to sleep. In morning he would wake up and read the paper and reaffirm his thought. That's it ! He did this everyday for 3 months and soon he found that his mind had changed in a way that he could delegate work to his peers, define scope of work mutually agreed by him and his boss and also hire junior accountant under him to assist him. This way, he was able to establish the right work-life balance and got to live the life he wanted to.

You can also follow the Pillow Method to manifest your goals. Before going to sleep everyday, simply write your desire in a positive way on a piece of paper. Dwell on it for some moments and then put it beneath your pillow and go to sleep. Immediately after walking up in morning, read the paper again and ponder on it. Do this EVERYDAY and you will eventually see the results. There is NO MAGIC in this process. It is just that you are able to change your subconscious conditioning by this method. You can choose to manifest many things such as a big house you wanted to own, or mending relations with your loved ones, creating wealth, or just wanting to be happy !

Remember that you use positive and affirmative words in a clear way on what you wish to manifest. Don't write vague and confused thoughts. Write exactly and precisely what you want in few words. That's all.

This simple, powerful method can bring unbelievable changes in your life. Try it for yourself and see the results !

The Mystical Gyanganj in Himalayas

India is a spiritual nation. It is the cradle of human civilisation. The mighty and mystical Himalayas are just not physical mountains. They are the holiest places in the entire world where sages, mystics, yogis, seers and saints dwell since thousands of years in a subtle form and hidden from the world. Many lucky people have been blessed with the visions of these holy souls and this fact has been beautifully mentioned in the yoga classic book "Autobiography of a Yogi "by Paramhansa Yogananda.  In this book, there is detailed account of of an exalted saint called as "Mahavatar Babaji". Over the years, existence of many such souls has come to the light. One of the most fascinating revelation of such secrets is that of the mystical region called Gyanganj in the Himalayas. It is believed by many that this is the same place referred in Buddhist literature as Shangri-La or Shambala.

So what is so special about Gyanganj ? It is very difficult to summarise the importance of this place in few words. Gyanganj is NOT a physical place. It exists only on a subtle plane. The plane exists somewhere deep within Himalayas far away from the hustle-bustle of material world. Gyanganj is a storehouse of Divine knowledge, wealth, riches, arts, music, science and spirituality. There is presiding deity of this place which is none other than Uma, the Divine Consort of Shiva. Highly evolved souls, saints and seers dwell here as per the Divine will of Goddess Uma. There are male as well as female saints.  Their main aim is to do spiritual practices and hasten the evolution of world as willed by Divine Mother. Scores of new entrants are trained under these saints in various fields of yoga, science, art, medicine, healing, arts, architecture, agriculture. They are all almost perfect beings who are divinely tuned with God.

The Theosophical Society under Madame Blavatsky traces its origin to Kuthumi who is an advanced soul from Gyanganj. Kuthumi is an ancient Indian seer who blessed and inspired Madame Blavatsky to start the Theosophical Society. This organisation has been doing great service to humanity through various ways. Dr.Annie Besant, Captain Olcott are some of the well known names this society has given to mankind. El Morya is also one of the seers from Gyanganj.

The first time that Gyanganj was mentioned in detail was by Shri Gopinath Kaviraj. He has said to have actually visited this place. He was a great Sanskrit and Tantra scholar and wrote a complete book making the place popular in modern culture. The book titled "Siddhabhoomi Gyanganj" was published in Bengali and later translated in many languages. Kaviraj’s original books supposedly created a new interest among the seekers of this place and increased the number of people who wandered into Tibet and several universities across the world sponsored scholars to research more about the place. Victoria Dmitrieva researched extensively about it and her research became popular in west. Her book titled "The Legend of Shambhala in Eastern and Western Interpretations" gives good insight about Gyanganj or Shambala from a westerner's perspective.

It is believed that Hitler in his struggle to world supremacy made desperate attempts to reach Gyanganj and sent out explorers to get the ancient technologies. His motive was to use this occult knowledge for his evil ambition of enslaving the world. The Chinese government conducted several satellite scans of the area to find this legendary place with the hope to uncover the fantastic technologies that the Yogis might have built. But they don't realize that Gyanganj is not a physical place. One can not enter the place by merely walking. One has to first walk the path of spirituality and attain very high level. At such high level of spirituality one’s desire to find Gyanganj goes down and the place eventually finds you.

Only those who are pure and spiritually developed sufficiently are allowed to visit this subtle place. This place is guarded by Divine beings such as Devas, Apsaras, Yakshas and Gandharvas who are bestowed with special powers to protect Gyanganj. It is simply impossible to detect their presence or actions through our modern science and technology. To this day, sincere aspirants are escorted by advanced seers to Gyanganj and they are trained and guided to fulfil the Divine mission as per will of God. If you aspire to visit Gyanganj and attempt to visit it, this will not happen until the Divine seers decide that. As of now, not much is known about Gyanganj and sceptics believe it is a hoax created by charlatans. However, its existence has been time and time gain verified by many reliable personalities.

Do not think Gyanganj  for amusing yourself with the mysticism associated with it. The sacred science has to be kept away from ineligible and undeserving people. Only serious and pure minded souls with noble intentions will understand the purpose and importance of Gyanganj and will be blessed with the visit to this heavenly place.


Sri Vishnu Sahasranaam (1000 names of Lord Vishnu)

The list of the thousand names of Lord Vishnu is referred to as Vishnu Sahasranaam (wherein 'Sahasra' means thousand and 'naam' means name). This list of names is a part of the great ancient Hindu epic - The Mahabharata.

According to Hinduism, the Universe is governed by a trinity of three Gods. Lord Vishnu is one of the trinity deities. Brahma is the Creator, Vishnu is the Preserver and Shiva is the Destroyer. Vishnu is an aspect of Supreme Love. He sustains the Universe through His Love and Compassion and nurtures it with His Grace. His blessings on His devotees can transform their lives to that of a Divine kind. The compassionate Lord Vishnu unconditionally loves His devotees and never fails to answer their calls for help and support. He knows what are the material and spiritual needs of His devotees and grants them what they deserve. His devotees worship Him in many ways.

One of the ways to worship and obtain the Grace of Lord Vishnu is by chanting Sri Vishnu Sahasranaam i.e the thousand names of Lord Vishnu. These thousand names are in Sanskrit which is a Divine language. Chanting the thousand names of Sri Vishnu attracts goodness, bliss and peace and above all, His blessings. When you start chanting, you immediately start generating subtle Divine energy that can be felt within. This energy stimulates the tiniest cells of the body and boosts our concentration power. Even if you chant the Vishnu Sahasranaam without knowing the meaning of all the names it can still be beneficial. Listening to the Vishnu Sahasranaam can help one attain all goals and missions. Meditation is also an important step in this process. Most people believe that chanting it daily can have innumerable benefits.

Many people are victims of occult attacks done on them by their enemies. Vishnu Sahasranaam can help overcome these dark, occult attacks and dispel curses and evil energies targeted on them. Often people suffer due to karmic consequences of their past births. The bad effects of this karma can be overcome and one can alter the poor positioning of the planets in one's birth chart. Regular chanting of the Vishnu Sahasranaam can bring good luck and fortune to the household. It helps overcome financial difficulties and poor economic conditions.

Daily chanting of Vishnu Sahasranaam works wonders for your mind. Your concentration increases and you get immense relief from stress. It also helps to focus on positive things as it fills the mind with positive things. Vishnu Sahasranaam gives you self-confidence to face the challenges of life and helps pursue goals in a focused manner. It not only removes your worries but also can help absolve you of your sins. It can help one move towards the path of righteousness.

Chanting the Vishnu Sahasranaam can help cure many diseases. It also prevents fear, tension, stress and low self-esteem.  It reduces quarrels among family members and brings a peaceful atmosphere inside the house. Some believe that it can also help cure infertility and bless families with children. It also protects the children of the family.

The ultimate benefit of chanting the Vishnu Sahasranaam is that it moves a devotee closer to the possibility of gaining salvation or Moksha in the after-life.  Vishnu Sahasranaam when chanted is believed to create a protective kavach (shield) around the chanter's soul, body and mind. This protects the chanter from the evil intentions of enemies or bad wishers.

How to chant Vishnu Sahasranaam

Place a picture of Lord Vishnu on the altar. Pray to Him and offer Him flowers, sweets/fruits and light a diya (oil-lamp) along with incense. After this, you can read the Vishnu Sahasranaam from a book or play the chant in the link provided below. The whole process should not take more than 40 minutes. After you are done with the chanting, eat the consecrated sweets/fruits and also give it to your near and dear ones. This is a very simple way to worship Lord Vishnu. May His Grace descend upon you and your family!

What are Akashic Records ?

As per certain schools of spirituality and occultism, whatever one does, think or experiences is stored in subtle ether of the Cosmos. This data remains in the ether forever. The Sanskrit word for ether is Akash. When a person dies, he reincarnates in a new body. He faces the results of his actions in his previous lives and his present life is governed by the Law of Karma. All the data of his thoughts, actions and experiences is stored in the ether by highly intelligent, evolved, enlightened beings in subtle world  who are entrusted with the custody of these records. These records are called Akashic Records i.e. data in the ether. Each and every human being has his Akashic Records with these beings.

So you may wonder, what if someone can access his Akashic Records ? Your query is valid. One can certainly access his Akashic Records and know why he is going through certain experiences in life and how to change the course of these experiences. For example, Peter who is facing a financial crisis in his life can access his own Akashic Records and get a better understanding and solution for his financial problem. Similarly if one is suffering due to bad health or a wrong relationship,  one can read his Akashic Records to deal with the same.

One of the earliest references to the Akashic Records in modern times was made by Helena Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical movement in the late 19th century. Blavatsky claimed she learned of the records from Tibetan monks. Nowadays, there are many experts who teach you how to read Akashic Records.  

So how easy or difficult it is to read your Akashic Records ? It is a very simple process. But it needs patience, right intentions and and certain receptivity within you. One has to basically connect himself to the plane of the location of Akashic Records. Just find a quiet, undisturbed place where there is peace and positive energy. Sit there quietly and relax. Feel peaceful within and after some moments, invoke access to Akashic Records through a prayer. Once you get access, you can start asking questions. You will receive the answers to your questions within your mind in the language you know. On certain occasions, you might also start feeling sensations which will convey the answer you are seeking. People have various kinds of experiences.

At first, it seems you are talking to yourself. However after practice, you will start understanding that the answers are coming from a different plane altogether. You may ask questions related to your finance, job, health, education, love life etc.  The questions could be of "how, why, what, when" types. Do not ask trivial questions such as will I find back my lost pencil ? Be specific and genuinely concerned in seeking answers. The process is simple and has to be learnt from an authorized expert. You will certainly get many answers which you are seeking. It is a very therapeutic experience too. You can also read the Akashic Records of other people only after seeking their permission. Do not start doing Akashic Records reading by learning through books. Search for a good teacher who is authorized to teach and then learn from him. This is because you are dealing with another plane of existence. You must know the right things to do which comes only after learning from an authorized expert.

Akashic Records reading can help you, your family and your loved ones in many ways you couldn't have imagined. Find a good teacher nearby and learn to read Akashic Records.

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Sri Sarada Ma - The Holy Mother

Sri Sarada Ma (22 December 1853 – 20 July 1920) is one of the notable woman saints and mystics of the nineteenth century. She was the wife and spiritual consort of Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa, a nineteenth-century Hindu mystic and saint. The followers of Sri Ramakrishna regard Her as their own mother, and worship Her as an incarnation of the Adi Parashakti or the Divine Mother.

Sarada Ma was born in the quiet village of Jayrambati in West Bengal, India. Her father earned his living as a farmer and through the performance of priestly duties. According to traditional accounts, Her parents had visions and supernatural events foretelling the birth of a divine being as their daughter.

Sarada Ma  lived the simple life of an Indian village girl. As a child Sarada Ma was fascinated by traditional Hindu folklore and narratives. As in the case of most girls of rural upbringing, She did not receive any formal education but learned to serve others as She helped Her mother run a large household and looked after Her younger brothers. During the terrible famine of 1864, Sarada Ma  worked ceaselessly as Her family served food to hungry people. She was interested in the clay models of goddesses Kali and Lakshmi, which She worshiped regularly. She is said to have started meditating from Her childhood and traditional accounts recount Her mystic visions and experiences. 

Sri Ramakrishna imparted to Sarada instructions on meditation and spiritual life. Ramakrishna had embraced the monastic life of a sannyasin and hence their marriage was never consummated. As a priest, Ramakrishna performed the ritual ceremony—the Shodashi Puja where Sarada Devi was worshiped as the Divine Mother Tripurasundari. According to Swami Saradananda a direct disciple of Ramakrishna, Ramakrishna married to show the world an ideal of a sexless marriage. Ramakrishna regarded Sarada as an incarnation of the Divine Mother, addressing her as Sri Ma (Holy Mother) and it was by this name that She was known to Ramakrishna's disciples.

During Sri Ramakrishna's last days, during which He suffered from throat cancer, Sarada Ma played an important role in nursing Him and preparing suitable food for Him and His disciples. It is reported that after Ramakrishna's death in August 1886, when Sarada Devi tried to remove Her bracelets as the customs dictated for a widow, She had a vision of Ramakrishna in which he said, "I have not passed away, I have gone from one room to another. "According to Her, whenever She thought of dressing like a widow, She had a vision of Ramakrishna asking Her not to do so. After Ramakrishna's death, Sarada Ma continued to play an important role in the nascent religious movement. She remained the spiritual guide of the movement for the next 34 years.

Sarada Ma did not write any books; her utterances and reminiscences have been recorded by her disciples including Swami Nikhilananda, Swami Tapasyananda. Though uneducated Sarada Ma's spiritual insight and utterances are highly regarded by scholars. Some of Her teachings are as below:

  • Practise meditation, and by and by your mind will be so calm and fixed that you will find it hard to keep away from meditation.

  • The mind is everything. It is in the mind alone that one feels pure and impure. A man, first of all, must make his own mind guilty and then alone can he see another man's guilt.

  • "I tell you one thing. If you want peace of mind, do not find fault with others. Rather see your own faults. Learn to make the whole world your own. No one is a stranger, my child; the whole world is your own."

  • One must have devotion towards one's own guru. Whatever may be the nature of the guru, the disciple gets salvation by dint of his unflinching devotion towards his guru.

Sarada Ma played an important role as the advisory head of a nascent organisation that became a monastic order devoted to social work—the Ramakrishna Mission. She performed Her role with tact and wisdom, always remaining in the background. She also initiated several prominent monks into the Ramakrishna Order. Swami Nikhilananda, who was a freedom fighter and a follower of Mahatma Gandhi, accepted Sarada Ma as his guru and joined the Ramakrishna Order. He eventually founded the Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center in New York. Though uneducated Herself, Sarada Ma advocated education for women. In 1954, Sri Sarada Math and Ramakrishna Sarada Mission, a monastic order for women was founded in the honour of Sarada Ma.

Swami Vivekananda wrote a letter to her to get Her opinion about his intention to attend the Parliament of Religions in Chicago. Only after receiving the blessing from Her did he decide to go to America.

She was mother to all. The rice, poor, beggar, pure, impure, educated, uneducated, Hindu, non-Hindu- be it anyone. Her love flowed ceaselessly on everyone equally. She took many countless disciples under Her Divine fold and gave them Divine Bliss. Her disciples never suffered from any material or spiritual wants for She would instantly provide them whatever they needed. Meditating on Her form instantly gives peace and bliss to the meditator. Many miraculous experiences of devotees have been narrated wherein Sarada Ma blessed and bestowed Her Grace on them. However, She Herself never talked about any miracles and quietly kept showering Her Grace on Her children. Many books on Her life and teachings have been published.  They provide the readers a glimpse of Her Divine life and demonstrate how one can live a spiritual life in the midst of active, restless world.

Pray to Sarada Ma for spiritual bliss and material benefits. The merciful, loving, benevolent mother will rush to you at your slightest call. Glory to Sarada Ma !

Avoid Spiritual Bypass

Roger works hard at his office job. But he hasn't got the promotion he deserves and feels anxious about it. Instead of conveying this to his manager, he goes to the church on Sunday morning and prays quietly. Years have passed and Roger is still in the same situation. Most of you will feel sorry for Roger and think that he is a God-loving, nice human being and he should get a promotion as he prays to God regularly. But you fail to see the reality. Roger is using a "Spiritual Bypass" to escape from the real challenges of his life. Roger's boss clearly knows the strengths and weaknesses of Roger. He knows Roger will fail in the role of a senior manager as he lacks certain qualities required for the senior role. His lack of certain qualities and areas of improvement have been clearly discussed between him and his boss. Yet, instead of addressing his weak areas, Roger chooses to just pray. While nothing is wrong in praying, Roger is actually using it as a "Spiritual Bypass" and that is the problem of Roger's praying to God.

Many of you are doing that unknowingly. A spiritual bypass is a "tendency to use spiritual ideas and practices to sidestep or avoid facing unresolved emotional issues, psychological wounds, and unfinished developmental tasks". The term was introduced by John Welwood, a Buddhist teacher and psychotherapist. Spiritual bypass can be addressed with various forms of psychotherapy, including focusing and motivational interviewing.

Spiritual bypassing causes us to withdraw from ourselves and others, hiding behind a kind of spiritual veil of metaphysical beliefs and practices. It not only distances us from our pain and difficult personal issues, but also from our own authentic spirituality, stranding us in a metaphysical limbo, a zone of exaggerated gentleness, niceness, and superficiality.

People resort to spirituality to avoid difficult or painful emotions or challenges. They tend to suppress aspects of their identity and needs and stall their emotional development. Spiritual bypass is a defense mechanism. Although the defense looks a lot prettier than other defenses, it serves the same purpose. Spiritual bypass shields us from the truth, it disconnects us from our feelings, and helps us avoid the big picture. It is so subtle that we usually don't even know we are doing it. Can you be a spiritual person and have a bad day? I think the answer is, yes.

Several ways that this spiritual bypass may show up can include:

  • Anger avoidance

  • Devaluation of feelings versus lauding of spiritual principles

  • Emotional numbing and repression

  • Over-emphasizing the positive

  • Judgment of others for feeling those “negative feelings”

The solution to spiritual bypass is acceptance of our own thoughts and feelings. Ask yourself what feels hard about acknowledging that there’s anger, rage or jealousy inside of you? Where and when did you learn that these feelings, behaviors, or ways of being are “not okay”? What do you imagine might happen if you let yourself feel this or do this yourself? Safely and appropriately, work on allowing yourself to feel more of what you’ve denied, live out more of what you hate in others, or own the parts that you’ve tried to tuck away.

Remember that there is no such thing as perfect life. As long as you are alive, you will face struggles in your life of various types. You are suppose to face these struggles and transcend them instead of escaping them. Never use spirituality to run away from your responsibilities.