Indigo Children

There is a lot of talk on the "Indigo Children".  We often see, hear and read in media about Indigo or Star children who are special and are doing something for the betterment of the world. To the rationalists, this is pure hoax. But there is big number of believers in the truth of Indigo Children. It is up to your choice and belief to accept or reject the concept of Indigo Children.

An indigo child is especially born in the world for awakening humans spiritually and aid the evolution of world. Indigo children are freethinkers and they can easily see the truth of human conditions. They find it very difficult to live as per norms of mainstream society. This causes them to be often misunderstood, rejected, or misdiagnosed and medicated. They are highly intuitive and have special gifts like ability to see and communicate with spiritual beings. They are primarily responsible for exposing truth and deception. It is easy for indigo children  to see through the illusions, half-truths, and falsehood rife in society.  Unfortunately their parents and teachers find them overly inquisitive, headstrong, and even obnoxious children. It is in the DNA of an indigo child to expose truth.

The world fails to understand them and they are often  misdiagnosed with behavioral issues  and other mood disorders. Their questioning mind and free thinking abilities become bothersome for their schools and society. Some are given medication by doctors which sadly numbs their active minds. This is entirely wrong. The indigo child is simply not understood by the mundane world. 

Parents who feel their child is different should consider assessing him to know if he is an indigo child. Parents of indigo children should help their child through below tips:
  • Help them stay grounded and encourage them to practice mindful breathing
  • Enroll them for yoga and meditation class
  • Teach them to practice emotional acceptance
  • Gradually help them understand the spiritual awakening process 
  • Encourage their creative talent and let them express their visionary ideas.
  • Make the child regularly spend time in nature to unwind and regain balance.
Remember that Indigo Children are special people who are highly developed souls. They will do their work and accomplish the mission they are born for. All you can do is give unconditional support to them and thus collaborate towards betterment of world.

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