
Ho-o-ponopono is an ancient Hawaiian practice of forgiveness and reconciliation. Ho-o-ponopono is a Hawaiian word that means 
  • Correction
  • Mental cleansing 
  • To put things in order or place 
Traditional Hawaiian healers have been practicing traditional Ho-o-ponopono  for members of the community.  However modern versions are performed within the family by a family elder, or by the individual alone. Hawaiians believe that the sins of the father will fall upon the children. If a child is sick, the parents are suspected of quarreling or misconduct. In addition to sickness, social disorder could cause sterility of land or other disasters. Harmony could be restored only by confession and apology.

In 1976 Morrnah Simeona, regarded as a healing priest adapted the traditional Ho-o-ponopono of family mutual forgiveness to the social realities of the modern day. So this practice can be followed to solve a general problem  outside the family and can also be done individually as a psycho-spiritual self-help rather than group process. 

Ho-o-ponopono is about looking within ourselves for debts, errors or blocks in our subconscious mind that replay as problems, judgments, putdowns and all kinds of other problems. It is believed that when we say sorry it is taking 100% responsibility for whatever is going on in our lives. Chanting mantras and asking for forgiveness is the way where we are accepting that the problem is within us. We pray to the Almighty to convert our  unpleasant memory, debt, block, problem to nothing. When the Divine converts the block or memory to nothing, we return back to our original state, which is Zero or clarity. Only in the clarity state we can get inspiration and whatever is perfect for us. When we will look inside of ourselves, only then we be able to solve the world's problem.

When we do  Ho-o-ponopono, we ask the Divine to remove the faults from our subconscious mind and soul. When we bring peace to us, only then we will be able to bring peace in the world. We need to work on the way we perceive people all around us on a daily basis.  Ho-o-ponopono corrects, restores and maintains good relationships among family members and with their gods or God by getting to the causes and sources of trouble. Usually the most senior member of the family conducts it. He or she gathers the family together. If the family is unable to work through a problem, they turn to a respected outsider.

The process begins with prayer. A statement of the problem is made, and the transgression discussed. Family members are expected to work problems through and cooperate, not "hold fast to the fault". One or more periods of silence may be taken for reflection on the entanglement of emotions and injuries. Everyone's feelings are acknowledged. Then confession, repentance and forgiveness take place. Everyone releases each other, letting go. They cut off the past , and together they close the event with a ceremonial feast which is  symbolic of the release.

Learn Ho-o-ponopono from a reliable source in your locality. You can also learn it online through courses offered by Ho-o-ponopono practitioners. It is simple and easy to learn. Do try Ho-o-ponopono and see positive changes in your and your family's life.

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