Become What You Are (Book) by Allan Watts

Here are 10 profound lessons from Alan Watts' "Become What You Are":

1. Embrace your true nature: Watts suggests that authenticity lies in embracing who you truly are at your core, rather than adopting masks or personas to fit societal expectations. This involves acknowledging and accepting your strengths, weaknesses, desires, and values without judgment or pretense.

2. Live in the present moment: Living in the present moment involves fully immersing yourself in the here and now, rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. By focusing your attention on the present, you can experience life more fully and deeply, finding joy and meaning in each moment.

3. Accept impermanence: Watts teaches that everything in life is impermanent, including our thoughts, emotions, relationships, and physical existence. Instead of resisting change or clinging to the illusion of permanence, he encourages acceptance of life's transience as a fundamental aspect of existence.

4. Let go of ego: The ego, according to Watts, is the false sense of self that arises from identification with thoughts, emotions, and external roles. By letting go of ego attachment, you can experience a deeper connection with your true nature and the interconnected web of existence, free from the constraints of self-imposed limitations.

5. Understand interconnectedness: Watts emphasizes the interconnectedness of all things, highlighting that we are not isolated individuals but integral parts of the universe. Recognizing this interconnectedness fosters a sense of unity and compassion, as we realize that the well-being of one is intricately linked to the well-being of all.

6. Cultivate mindfulness: Mindfulness involves non-judgmentally observing the present moment with awareness and acceptance. By cultivating mindfulness through practices such as meditation and self-reflection, you can develop greater clarity, insight, and inner peace.

7. Follow your bliss: Following your bliss entails pursuing activities and endeavors that align with your passions, interests, and values. By doing what brings you joy and fulfillment, rather than chasing external markers of success or approval, you can lead a more authentic and meaningful life.

8. Question cultural conditioning: Watts encourages critical inquiry into cultural and societal norms, urging individuals to examine their beliefs, values, and assumptions. By questioning cultural conditioning, you can gain greater autonomy and discernment, choosing paths that resonate with your authentic self rather than blindly conforming to external expectations.

9. Embrace paradox: Watts often explores paradoxical truths, such as the coexistence of opposites or the interconnectedness of all dualities. Embracing paradox involves recognizing the inherent complexity and ambiguity of life, and finding wisdom and insight in the tension between apparent contradictions.


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