Goga - The Warrior Saint of North India

Goga (also known as Gogaji, Jahar Veer Gogga, Gugga, Gugga Pir) is a folk deity who is worshiped in the northern states of India. He is a warrior-hero of the region, venerated as a saint and a 'snake-god'. He lived during 12th century  A.D. Scholars and historians have considered his life a symbol of valor, religion, valor and high life ideals. 

According to legend, Goga was born with the blessings of Guru Gorakhnath,  a highly venerated saint in India. A story related to Guru Gorakhnath is very popular in Rajasthan. Goga's mother Bachhal Devi was childless. Bachhal Devi went to Guru Gorakhnath  who gave her the boon of son and a fruit named Gugala as a Prasad. Bachhal Devi became pregnant after eating fruit and Goga was born thereafter. His name Goga, was after the name of Googal fruit. Goga had a kingdom in Haryana-Punjab region of India. Goga rode on his favorite horse. His horse was blue in color and of Divine origin.

Goga's followers include people from all faiths. Goga protects his followers from snakes and other evils. He is particularly popular among those engaged in agrarian pursuits, for whom the fear of snakebite is common. He was  Hindu. But he has many Muslim devotees. Although he was a disciple of  Guru Gorakhnath, a Hindu saint, he learnt the way of entering and leaving solid earth by invoking blessings of a Muslim saint.  According to legend, Goga had to fight a battle for justice and was chased by attackers. He could have easily killed his attackers, but chose to spare them and went away from the battlefield. He was chased by his enemies who were after his life. Goga invoked the blessings of Divine Power and asked his Guru to open the earth for him so that he takes refuge inside earth. The Guru answered his prayer and the earth cracked open. Goga sprang inside the core of earth along with his horse .  As soon as he disappeared within earth, the cracked earth rejoined and only the flag that Goga was carrying with him, remained outside. The place where he submerged in earth came to be called as "Goga Medi". Gogamedi is  in Rajasthan state of India   It is a holy place, blessed with power of Goga. Till this date, devotees throng here and seek blessings. Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims visit the shrine in huge numbers, especially on Goga's birth anniversary and other important days. Goga's shrine is a unique symbol of communal harmony, where a Hindu and a Muslim priest together worship the saint.

The sacred land of India continues to be blessed by saints since ancient times. Goga is one such revered saint. Till date, he continues to bless and protect his devotees. Glory to Gogaji !

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