Top Science Careers of Today

Science being a boundless field, concerns almost everything in the universe. Science offers multiple career options making it the most sought-after stream for parents and students alike. The study of the three majors of science, namely physics, chemistry and biology, opens up a whole new world of opportunities ranging from the study of space and nuclear particles to the study of sand and soil. Gone are the days when pursuing the conventional professions or becoming a doctor or an engineer used to be the only career options for science students and the new age professions were often shadowed or considered economically unreliable. Still a large number of students have yet to get out of this rut of the mad rat race. To make this task easier for them we have prepared a list of the top science career options of today. 

Cloud Computing is a real buzzword nowadays and the most ubiquitous one also. Everyone browsing the Internet or its applications is using cloud computing. Cloud computing is an IT-based model that allows access to a shared collection of configurable system resources and higher-level services that can be readily supplied over the internet with fewer management efforts. 

Being a significant tool of Information Technology (IT), It has made people’s lives easier and simpler. 

Every business finds cloud computing beneficial in several ways. Cloud Computing simplifies accessibility, provides virtual storage space, and addresses backup issues. It also provides security against unauthorized access and loss of data. It helps organizations to save huge investments on services and infrastructure for data storage, software licenses, servers and hardware. Cloud computing services allow them to expand their customer base without having to invest in costly servers and maintenance costs 

To become a cloud computing professional, one need not to have specific educational eligibility. However, candidates with IT or computer related background are preferred due to having basic knowledge of computers and programming. Knowledge of cloud computing basics or any relevant experience could be a great add on. 

Artificial intelligence is a technology using which we can create intelligent systems that can simulate human intelligence. Such systems do not require to be pre-programmed, instead of that, they use such algorithms which can work with their own intelligence. Machine learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence, which enables a computer system to learn from past data or experiences without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning uses a massive amount of structured and semi-structured data so that a machine learning model can generate accurate result or give predictions based on that data. 

With rapid digitization creeping into almost every function of modern living, professionals who can understand these are going to be priceless.  Moreover, large corporations are also investing huge amounts of money in people who have expertise in these processes. Thus, making it an extremely commercially viable profession as well. A lot of universities in India are offering these courses as a degree program. To pursue practical AI and machine learning as a career, a degree in computer science with additional courses in AI and ML can suffice. One can also pursue a Masters in AI/ ML post one’s undergraduate degree. 

Data Science is nothing but knowing the science about the data. It is the study of different kinds of data by the application of scientific methods, processes, and algorithms. As the data is growing very fast in the seconds of time, we will be in need of more data scientists to analyse the data. Data is considered the most important thing in an organization. Companies are relying on mining and decoding of high-quality data to plan their future operations. It has become a benchmark for driving growth for investors and corporates alike. 

A mixture of computer science, math, and analytics, data science helps a professional to forecast future business numbers and other technical data. 

Some industries where data science has key significance are risk management, farming, and forensics, and fraud management.  

One can become a data science professional by simply pursuing a degree in computer science at the undergraduate level and then pursuing a short term course or post-graduation in data science for additional expertise. 

Blockchain is simply an offshoot of Data Science, where the data is organized in blocks and made interconnectible using cryptography. It is a system of recording information in a way that makes it difficult or impossible to change, hack, or cheat the system. Thus Blockchain developers enable secure digital transactions by creating systems to record and store blockchain data in a way that prevents changes or hacks. They design secure blockchain technologies, develop application features and interfaces, and maintain client and server-side applications. This is a very complex and new-age technology, famous for creating crypto-currencies and other important statistical documents. With the increasing awareness in cryptocurrencies and its trading, the demand for blockchain developers has grown exponentially. An interesting field, blockchain development requires a high level of understanding of complex computer software, mathematics, statistics, and algorithms. 

A degree in computer science and software with an advanced specialization in blockchain is a prerequisite to enter this field. 

The software designer uses their knowledge of computer programs and language to design useful and innovative program, software and apps, answer questions such as how they will work, how they will fit alongside other software used by target users, how easy users will find them and how effective they will be at achieving the vision originally imagined by the designer. 

To become a software designer, a programming background is preferred. A bachelor's degree in computer science or a related field is usually required for this. A practical experience in software development is a good add-on. Finally, the ability to effectively communicate and express ideas is key to being a good software designer. 

Software designing is very easy to study and practice. One can pursue it even while he is studying for his undergraduate degree.   

While being a doctor, engineer, biologist, pharmacist, are some undisputed career options for science students, the interest in the sciences of space like cosmology, stellar science, astrophysics, planetary science, astronomy  is also gradually rising in the youngsters interested in decoding the mysteries of outer space. Space tech basically is the application of technology to study about what is beyond the earth and to create devices to be used in researching outer space better. 

Space Technology being a highly specialized field, ideally requires a degree like B.Tech in Space Technology or other relevant degree to practice it. National Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA), ISRO, DRDO are some of the most coveted recruiters for the Space Engineers. 

Geology is a specialized type of Science to study the history of the earth regarding solid and liquid matter that it is composed of as well as factors leading to earthquakes, landslides, floods, and volcanic eruptions. This study is very useful in forecasting any potential threats associated with them. The data so collected by the geologist is extensively utilised to draw up plans for builders and construction companies for erecting structures.
To become a geologist, a four-year bachelor’s degree in geology can be pursued alongside a master or doctorate for advance specialization.  

Forensic pathologists with their specialized knowledge to determine the cause of death of a person, help the lawmakers in finding criminals. They work with the government agencies to conduct the post mortem of a dead body to identify the causes of death and any other clues. They can work in Hospitals, Medical Labs, Clinics, Healthcare Centers, and Research Centers. 

A simple MBBS with a specialization in forensics can ensure one’s entry into this field.  

With content slowly becoming the king for consumers, technical writing has grown more than ever. Technical writers are authors who have specialized knowledge in a field and create content and opinion pieces around that field. Technical writing has tremendous scope in India. Although no formal qualification is needed to enter this field yet a degree or a certification in technical communication can give one an edge over others. Continuous grooming of writing skills and creating portfolio of writing samples can land a job a lot easily. As regards salary, technical writers are paid for their knowledge on a per word basis. This amount can be anything from INR 5 to 10 per word. For more experienced and proficient writers, this can be even more.  

Astrophysics is a branch of space science that applies the laws of physics and chemistry to study matters in outer space. It is a field that one can excel in only if one has an in-depth interest in space, celestial bodies, stars, and so on as it involves the study and research on the birth, life, and death of stars, planets, galaxies, nebulae, and other objects in the universe. Astrophysicists with experience in sophisticated astronomical instrumentation and  possessing higher qualification in this discipline (doctorate/PG degree) are paid handsomely by the leading industries and research institutes in India. 

Discussed above are some of the best options for the aspirants of career in science. These options are not exhaustive. One’s interest should be at the center stage to prioritize them and to make the final choice. Science offers a wonderful and fulfilling career. So get set go, focus on your target, seek out knowledge, embrace experiences and excel in the revolutionary and specialized course of the future.

Choose your career wisely for success and happiness.

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