Portfolio Living

A lot of people in the age group between 40 and 70 years, start finding their jobs monotonous and boring. They start feeling stagnant and at the same time don't want to quit their jobs to start something new of their own. They feel confused and uncertain about their happiness, job security and job. This situation has given rise to a solution called "Portfolio Living".

There comes a point where every professional in his job starts feeling extremely lost and frustrated. He wants happiness and pleasure along with the job. He wants to explore certain areas of his personal life which is not possible while doing his job. Moreover, today's economy doesn't guarantee you a permanent and secured job either ! After toiling day and night for 15 years for your company, what if suddenly you are fired ! It could be due to new management, company's tight financial situation or global recession. It could be anything. The bottom line is, you will be left nowhere. So DON'T ever rely on your job no matter how permanent it may seem !

So what should you do ? Simply get out of the job scene and become an entrepreneur, self-employed or a freelancer. Today is the world of Gig economy i.e. companies want to hire temporary workers and don't want permanent employees. You are not confined to one skill. You can play multiple roles and live a fulfilling life. Let's take an example. Peter works as a Project Manager in a IT company. He finds his creative talent such as music and writing is never utilized in his job. Peter is multi talented like most of us. Peter chose to quit his job and took Project Management assignments as a freelancer only for 6 months of a year. The remaining six months, Peter spends his time working as a script writer for a movie production house. He also works as musician as a part of band in a pub on weekend evenings. Peter has never felt living such a fulfilling life before ! Nowadays he is also learning Yoga and helping students from poor families by teaching them. Peter has found new joy in singing and dancing in devotional sessions at Hare Krishna (ISKCON) temple near his home. Peter feels his music has found the best usage possible in these devotional sessions. In other words, Peter has started "Portfolio Living". Perhaps next year, he will also dabble into photography too.

We all humans have so many interests and talents. Just confining ourselves to one job is doing injustice to ourselves. We can't let our jobs go foolishly and pursue our interests. But today's times, will force you to find a balanced path where you work for a living and at the same time enjoy doing things that you like. Remember, it is not about just pursuing happiness. It is about discovering a dimension bout our own self and manifesting the potential talent and possibility lying unexpressed within us.

Human beings cannot work like machines and robots. Their intellectual, emotional and spiritual parts also have to be expressed freely and completely. Portfolio Living is the only way that they can do this. 

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