Connect your Children with Mother Nature

Humanity is going through existential crisis. Rapid industrialization and fast paced lifestyle is leading mankind to various perils associated with physical, mental and emotional health. The fundamental reason for this is disconnection of man with Mother Nature. Have you ever thought that Mother Nature needs no connection with you. Actually, you are part of Mother Nature Herself !

You forget the simple fact that you are not machines but living, thinking and feeling entities of the great wonderful power whom you call Mother Nature. So when do you start losing connection with Her ? It begins right from your childhood when you start going to school. You start schooling to gain education. Unfortunately, modern education system simply cuts you off from Nature from your very first day of school. Nature Herself is powerful teacher. Once a child starts to understand the language of Nature, it will automatically begin to love Nature and develop into a wonderful and complete human being.

Do not repeat this mistake with your children. Spare some time with your children everyday and take them outdoors in the open under the sky. Let children directly perceive Nature. Show and explain various aspects of the five aspects of Nature as follows:

  1. Sky: Show various colours of sky at various times of days and seasons.
  2. Water: Show them snow, rain, rivers, streams, wells, ponds, sea
  3. Earth: Show them various types of sand, colors of sand, varieties of sand 
  4. Air: Make them experience humid, chill, warm, hot air
  5. Fire: Show sunrise, sunset and noon time sun. Show them horizon and various colors of sun.
Flowers: Who cannot love flowers ! Children too are instantly attracted to flowers. Flowers are the most beautiful essence of plants. Introduce various types of flowers to children. Take them to flower nurseries and bouquet shops. Discuss various flowers with them in terms of colour, fragrance, season and occasions to use them. This way children will understand how to handle flowers with love and appreciation. Tell them about Bach Flower Remedies which is about healing therapy with the help of flowers. Whenever you receive a bouquet of flowers, involve your child to put the flowers in vase with water and other suitable ingredients to make them last for many days. This hands on activity will encourage the child to respect flowers. Also show how flowers can be dried and preserved and used to make various items like potpourri, decorative items, art pieces.

Trees: Most of us take trees for granted without acknowledging their contribution in our life. Trees provide us with wood, fruits, flowers and most importantly oxygen. Show children various types of trees and find opportunities to take part in tree plantation drives.

Fruits/Vegetables: Fruits and vegetables are integral part of our diet. Children should be not only introduced to various types of fruits and vegetables but also be taught to grow them in their backyard. This way, they will understand how much efforts go towards growing them and bringing them to the dining table. They will never disrespect food and will always thank Mother Nature during their meal times. This attitude will go a long way in solving the hunger problem globally.

Animals/ Birds/Insects/Butterflies: We often entertain children with stories and animation movies that have animals, birds and butterflies. While that is okay for children to enjoy, it is more important to show them the real world of animals and birds. Teach children to love and respect the plant and animal kingdom. When you interact with a pet such as a cat or a dog, the emotional connect with animal makes you aware of the individuality and existence of animals at your level of life itself. The child will surely become more empathetic towards animals and birds. Take them to the woods and forest and show them beehives and various butterflies. Explain how they are important in pollination of flowers which finally end up as fruits and vegetables. The bees and butterflies are the ones who play an important role in providing us food. Various birds help us in many ways. Crows function as natural scavengers while eagles eat away rodents and snakes.

Remember, all children are unique. They have their own mindsets and perception ability. You are not providing information to them. You are just introducing various aspect of Nature to these little thinking wizards ! Once they see all the different aspects of Nature, it is enough to arouse their curiosity and interest. It is impossible to keep away a child from Nature once he feels connected with Her.

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